from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals from datetime import timedelta from logging import getLogger from importlib import import_module from warnings import warn import string import django.conf from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.core import signing from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied from django.db.models import (BooleanField, CharField, DateTimeField, IntegerField, ForeignKey, Manager, ManyToManyField, permalink, SET_NULL, TextField) from django.dispatch import Signal from django.utils import timezone from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from celery.exceptions import TimeLimitExceeded from model_utils import Choices from model_utils.models import TimeStampedModel, StatusModel from taggit.managers import TaggableManager from acl.models import AclBase from storage.models import Disk from ..tasks import local_tasks, vm_tasks, agent_tasks from .activity import (ActivityInProgressError, instance_activity, InstanceActivity) from .common import BaseResourceConfigModel, Lease from .network import Interface from .node import Node, Trait logger = getLogger(__name__) pre_state_changed = Signal(providing_args=["new_state"]) post_state_changed = Signal(providing_args=["new_state"]) pwgen = User.objects.make_random_password scheduler = import_module(name=django.conf.settings.VM_SCHEDULER) ACCESS_PROTOCOLS = django.conf.settings.VM_ACCESS_PROTOCOLS ACCESS_METHODS = [(key, name) for key, (name, port, transport) in ACCESS_PROTOCOLS.iteritems()] VNC_PORT_RANGE = (2000, 65536) # inclusive start, exclusive end def find_unused_port(port_range, used_ports=[]): """Find an unused port in the specified range. The list of used ports can be specified optionally. :param port_range: a tuple representing a port range (w/ exclusive end) e.g. (6000, 7000) represents ports 6000 through 6999 """ ports = xrange(*port_range) used = set(used_ports) unused = (port for port in ports if port not in used) return next(unused, None) # first or None def find_unused_vnc_port(): port = find_unused_port( port_range=VNC_PORT_RANGE, used_ports=Instance.objects.values_list('vnc_port', flat=True)) if port is None: raise Exception("No unused port could be found for VNC.") else: return port class InstanceActiveManager(Manager): def get_query_set(self): return super(InstanceActiveManager, self).get_query_set().filter(destroyed_at=None) class VirtualMachineDescModel(BaseResourceConfigModel): """Abstract base for virtual machine describing models. """ access_method = CharField(max_length=10, choices=ACCESS_METHODS, verbose_name=_('access method'), help_text=_('Primary remote access method.')) boot_menu = BooleanField(verbose_name=_('boot menu'), default=False, help_text=_( 'Show boot device selection menu on boot.')) lease = ForeignKey(Lease, help_text=_("Preferred expiration periods.")) raw_data = TextField(verbose_name=_('raw_data'), blank=True, help_text=_( 'Additional libvirt domain parameters in XML format.')) req_traits = ManyToManyField(Trait, blank=True, help_text=_("A set of traits required for a " "node to declare to be suitable " "for hosting the VM."), verbose_name=_("required traits")) system = TextField(verbose_name=_('operating system'), blank=True, help_text=(_('Name of operating system in ' 'format like "%s".') % 'Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Desktop amd64')) tags = TaggableManager(blank=True, verbose_name=_("tags")) class Meta: abstract = True class InstanceTemplate(AclBase, VirtualMachineDescModel, TimeStampedModel): """Virtual machine template. """ ACL_LEVELS = ( ('user', _('user')), # see all details ('operator', _('operator')), ('owner', _('owner')), # superuser, can delete, delegate perms ) name = CharField(max_length=100, unique=True, verbose_name=_('name'), help_text=_('Human readable name of template.')) description = TextField(verbose_name=_('description'), blank=True) parent = ForeignKey('self', null=True, blank=True, verbose_name=_('parent template'), help_text=_('Template which this one is derived of.')) disks = ManyToManyField(Disk, verbose_name=_('disks'), related_name='template_set', help_text=_('Disks which are to be mounted.')) owner = ForeignKey(User) class Meta: app_label = 'vm' db_table = 'vm_instancetemplate' ordering = ('name', ) permissions = ( ('create_template', _('Can create an instance template.')), ) verbose_name = _('template') verbose_name_plural = _('templates') def __unicode__(self): return @property def running_instances(self): """The number of running instances of the template. """ return sum(1 for i in self.instance_set.all() if i.is_running) @property def os_type(self): """The type of the template's operating system. """ if self.access_method == 'rdp': return 'windows' else: return 'linux' def save(self, *args, **kwargs): is_new = getattr(self, "pk", None) is None super(InstanceTemplate, self).save(*args, **kwargs) if is_new: self.set_level(self.owner, 'owner') @permalink def get_absolute_url(self): return ('dashboard.views.template-detail', None, {'pk':}) class Instance(AclBase, VirtualMachineDescModel, StatusModel, TimeStampedModel): """Virtual machine instance. """ ACL_LEVELS = ( ('user', _('user')), # see all details ('operator', _('operator')), # console, networking, change state ('owner', _('owner')), # superuser, can delete, delegate perms ) STATUS = Choices( ('NOSTATE', _('no state')), ('RUNNING', _('running')), ('STOPPED', _('stopped')), ('SUSPENDED', _('suspended')), ('ERROR', _('error')), ('PENDING', _('pending')), ('DESTROYED', _('destroyed')), ) name = CharField(blank=True, max_length=100, verbose_name=_('name'), help_text=_("Human readable name of instance.")) description = TextField(blank=True, verbose_name=_('description')) template = ForeignKey(InstanceTemplate, blank=True, null=True, related_name='instance_set', on_delete=SET_NULL, help_text=_("Template the instance derives from."), verbose_name=_('template')) pw = CharField(help_text=_("Original password of the instance."), max_length=20, verbose_name=_('password')) time_of_suspend = DateTimeField(blank=True, default=None, null=True, verbose_name=_('time of suspend'), help_text=_("Proposed time of automatic " "suspension.")) time_of_delete = DateTimeField(blank=True, default=None, null=True, verbose_name=_('time of delete'), help_text=_("Proposed time of automatic " "deletion.")) active_since = DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True, help_text=_("Time stamp of successful " "boot report."), verbose_name=_('active since')) node = ForeignKey(Node, blank=True, null=True, related_name='instance_set', help_text=_("Current hypervisor of this instance."), verbose_name=_('host node')) disks = ManyToManyField(Disk, related_name='instance_set', help_text=_("Set of mounted disks."), verbose_name=_('disks')) vnc_port = IntegerField(blank=True, default=None, null=True, help_text=_("TCP port where VNC console listens."), unique=True, verbose_name=_('vnc_port')) owner = ForeignKey(User) destroyed_at = DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True, help_text=_("The virtual machine's time of " "destruction.")) objects = Manager() active = InstanceActiveManager() class Meta: app_label = 'vm' db_table = 'vm_instance' ordering = ('pk', ) permissions = ( ('access_console', _('Can access the graphical console of a VM.')), ('change_resources', _('Can change resources of a running VM.')), ('set_resources', _('Can change resources of a new VM.')), ('config_ports', _('Can configure port forwards.')), ) verbose_name = _('instance') verbose_name_plural = _('instances') class InstanceDestroyedError(Exception): def __init__(self, instance, message=None): if message is None: message = ("The instance (%s) has already been destroyed." % instance) Exception.__init__(self, message) self.instance = instance class WrongStateError(Exception): def __init__(self, instance, message=None): if message is None: message = ("The instance's current state (%s) is " "inappropriate for the invoked operation." % instance.state) Exception.__init__(self, message) self.instance = instance def __unicode__(self): parts = (, "(" + str( + ")") return " ".join(s for s in parts if s != "") @property def is_console_available(self): return self.is_running @property def is_running(self): return self.state == 'RUNNING' @property def state(self): warn('Use Instance.status (or get_status_display) instead.', DeprecationWarning) return self.status def _update_status(self): """Set the proper status of the instance to Instance.status. """ old = self.status self.status = self._compute_status() if old != self.status:'Status of Instance#%d changed to %s',, self.status) def _compute_status(self): """Return the proper status of the instance based on activities. """ # check special cases if self.activity_log.filter(activity_code__endswith='migrate', finished__isnull=True).exists(): return 'MIGRATING' # <<< add checks for special cases before this # default case acts = self.activity_log.filter(finished__isnull=False, resultant_state__isnull=False ).order_by('-finished')[:1] try: act = acts[0] except IndexError: return 'NOSTATE' else: return act.resultant_state @classmethod def create(cls, params, disks, networks, req_traits, tags): # create instance and do additional setup inst = cls(**params) # save instance inst.full_clean() inst.set_level(inst.owner, 'owner') def __on_commit(activity): activity.resultant_state = 'PENDING' with instance_activity(code_suffix='create', instance=inst, on_commit=__on_commit, user=inst.owner) as act: # create related entities inst.disks.add(*[disk.get_exclusive() for disk in disks]) for net in networks: Interface.create(instance=inst, vlan=net.vlan, owner=inst.owner, managed=net.managed, base_activity=act) inst.req_traits.add(*req_traits) inst.tags.add(*tags) return inst @classmethod def create_from_template(cls, template, owner, disks=None, networks=None, req_traits=None, tags=None, **kwargs): """Create a new instance based on an InstanceTemplate. Can also specify parameters as keyword arguments which should override template settings. """ insts = cls.mass_create_from_template(template, owner, disks=disks, networks=networks, tags=tags, req_traits=req_traits, **kwargs) return insts[0] @classmethod def mass_create_from_template(cls, template, owner, amount=1, disks=None, networks=None, req_traits=None, tags=None, **kwargs): """Mass-create new instances based on an InstanceTemplate. Can also specify parameters as keyword arguments which should override template settings. """ disks = template.disks.all() if disks is None else disks for disk in disks: if not disk.has_level(owner, 'user'): raise PermissionDenied() elif (disk.type == 'qcow2-snap' and not disk.has_level(owner, 'owner')): raise PermissionDenied() networks = (template.interface_set.all() if networks is None else networks) for network in networks: if not network.vlan.has_level(owner, 'user'): raise PermissionDenied() req_traits = (template.req_traits.all() if req_traits is None else req_traits) tags = template.tags.all() if tags is None else tags # prepare parameters common_fields = ['name', 'description', 'num_cores', 'ram_size', 'max_ram_size', 'arch', 'priority', 'boot_menu', 'raw_data', 'lease', 'access_method'] params = dict(template=template, owner=owner, pw=pwgen()) params.update([(f, getattr(template, f)) for f in common_fields]) params.update(kwargs) # override defaults w/ user supplied values if amount > 1 and '%d' not in params['name']: params['name'] += ' %d' customized_params = (dict(params, name=params['name'].replace('%d', str(i))) for i in xrange(amount)) return [cls.create(cps, disks, networks, req_traits, tags) for cps in customized_params] def clean(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.time_of_delete is None: self._do_renew(which='delete') super(Instance, self).clean(*args, **kwargs) def manual_state_change(self, new_state, reason=None, user=None): # TODO cancel concurrent activity (if exists) act = InstanceActivity.create(code_suffix='manual_state_change', instance=self, user=user) act.finished = act.started act.result = reason act.resultant_state = new_state act.succeeded = True def vm_state_changed(self, new_state): # log state change try: act = InstanceActivity.create(code_suffix='vm_state_changed', instance=self) except ActivityInProgressError: pass # discard state change if another activity is in progress. else: if new_state == 'STOPPED': self.vnc_port = None self.node = None act.finished = act.started act.resultant_state = new_state act.succeeded = True @permalink def get_absolute_url(self): return ('dashboard.views.detail', None, {'pk':}) @property def vm_name(self): """Name of the VM instance. This is a unique identifier as opposed to the 'name' attribute, which is just for display. """ return 'cloud-' + str( @property def mem_dump(self): """Return the path and datastore for the memory dump. It is always on the first hard drive storage named cloud-<id>.dump """ try: datastore = self.disks.all()[0].datastore except: return None else: path = datastore.path + '/' + self.vm_name + '.dump' return {'datastore': datastore, 'path': path} @property def primary_host(self): interfaces = self.interface_set.select_related('host') hosts = [ for i in interfaces if] if not hosts: return None hs = [h for h in hosts if h.ipv6] if hs: return hs[0] hs = [h for h in hosts if not h.shared_ip] if hs: return hs[0] return hosts[0] @property def ipv4(self): """Primary IPv4 address of the instance. """ return self.primary_host.ipv4 if self.primary_host else None @property def ipv6(self): """Primary IPv6 address of the instance. """ return self.primary_host.ipv6 if self.primary_host else None @property def mac(self): """Primary MAC address of the instance. """ return self.primary_host.mac if self.primary_host else None @property def uptime(self): """Uptime of the instance. """ if self.active_since: return - self.active_since else: return timedelta() # zero @property def os_type(self): """Get the type of the instance's operating system. """ if self.template is None: return "unknown" else: return self.template.os_type def get_age(self): """Deprecated. Use uptime instead. Get age of VM in seconds. """ return self.uptime.seconds @property def waiting(self): """Indicates whether the instance's waiting for an operation to finish. """ return self.activity_log.filter(finished__isnull=True).exists() def get_connect_port(self, use_ipv6=False): """Get public port number for default access method. """ port, proto = ACCESS_PROTOCOLS[self.access_method][1:3] if self.primary_host: endpoints = self.primary_host.get_public_endpoints(port, proto) endpoint = endpoints['ipv6'] if use_ipv6 else endpoints['ipv4'] return endpoint[1] if endpoint else None else: return None def get_connect_host(self, use_ipv6=False): """Get public hostname. """ if not self.interface_set.exclude(host=None): return _('None') proto = 'ipv6' if use_ipv6 else 'ipv4' return self.interface_set.exclude(host=None)[0].host.get_hostname( proto=proto) def get_connect_command(self, use_ipv6=False): try: port = self.get_connect_port(use_ipv6=use_ipv6) host = self.get_connect_host(use_ipv6=use_ipv6) proto = self.access_method if proto == 'rdp': return 'rdesktop %(host)s:%(port)d -u cloud -p %(pw)s' % { 'port': port, 'proto': proto, 'pw':, 'host': host} elif proto == 'ssh': return ('sshpass -p %(pw)s ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ' 'cloud@%(host)s -p %(port)d') % { 'port': port, 'proto': proto, 'pw':, 'host': host} except: return def get_connect_uri(self, use_ipv6=False): """Get access parameters in URI format. """ try: port = self.get_connect_port(use_ipv6=use_ipv6) host = self.get_connect_host(use_ipv6=use_ipv6) proto = self.access_method if proto == 'ssh': proto = 'sshterm' return ('%(proto)s:cloud:%(pw)s:%(host)s:%(port)d' % {'port': port, 'proto': proto, 'pw':, 'host': host}) except: return def get_vm_desc(self): return { 'name': self.vm_name, 'vcpu': self.num_cores, 'memory': int(self.ram_size) * 1024, # convert from MiB to KiB 'memory_max': int(self.max_ram_size) * 1024, # convert MiB to KiB 'cpu_share': self.priority, 'arch': self.arch, 'boot_menu': self.boot_menu, 'network_list': [n.get_vmnetwork_desc() for n in self.interface_set.all()], 'disk_list': [d.get_vmdisk_desc() for d in self.disks.all()], 'graphics': { 'type': 'vnc', 'listen': '', 'passwd': '', 'port': self.vnc_port }, 'boot_token': signing.dumps(, salt='activate'), 'raw_data': "" if not self.raw_data else self.raw_data } def get_remote_queue_name(self, queue_id): """Get the remote worker queue name of this instance with the specified queue ID. """ if self.node: return self.node.get_remote_queue_name(queue_id) else: raise Node.DoesNotExist() def _is_notified_about_expiration(self): renews = self.activity_log.filter(activity_code__endswith='renew') cond = {'activity_code__endswith': 'notification_about_expiration'} if len(renews) > 0: cond['finished__gt'] = renews[0].started return self.activity_log.filter(**cond).exists() def notify_owners_about_expiration(self, again=False): """Notify owners about vm expiring soon if they aren't already. :param again: Notify already notified owners. """ if not again and self._is_notified_about_expiration(): return False success, failed = [], [] def on_commit(act): act.result = {'failed': failed, 'success': success} with instance_activity('notification_about_expiration', instance=self, on_commit=on_commit): from dashboard.views import VmRenewView level = self.get_level_object("owner") for u, ulevel in self.get_users_with_level( try: token = VmRenewView.get_token_url(self, u) u.profile.notify( _('%s expiring soon') % unicode(self), 'dashboard/notifications/vm-expiring.html', {'instance': self, 'token': token}, valid_until=min( self.time_of_delete, self.time_of_suspend)) except Exception as e: failed.append((u, e)) else: success.append(u) return True def is_expiring(self, threshold=0.1): """Returns if an instance will expire soon. Soon means that the time of suspend or delete comes in 10% of the interval what the Lease allows. This rate is configurable with the only parameter, threshold (0.1 = 10% by default). """ return (self._is_suspend_expiring(threshold) or self._is_delete_expiring(threshold)) def _is_suspend_expiring(self, threshold=0.1): interval = if self.time_of_suspend is not None and interval is not None: limit = + timedelta(seconds=( threshold * return limit > self.time_of_suspend else: return False def _is_delete_expiring(self, threshold=0.1): interval = if self.time_of_delete is not None and interval is not None: limit = + timedelta(seconds=( threshold * return limit > self.time_of_delete else: return False def get_renew_times(self): """Returns new suspend and delete times if renew would be called. """ return ( +, + def _do_renew(self, which='both'): """Set expiration times to renewed values. """ time_of_suspend, time_of_delete = self.get_renew_times() if which in ('suspend', 'both'): self.time_of_suspend = time_of_suspend if which in ('delete', 'both'): self.time_of_delete = time_of_delete def renew(self, which='both', base_activity=None, user=None): """Renew virtual machine instance leases. """ if base_activity is None: act_ctx = instance_activity(code_suffix='renew', instance=self, user=user) else: act_ctx = base_activity.sub_activity('renew') with act_ctx: if which not in ('suspend', 'delete', 'both'): raise ValueError('No such expiration type.') self._do_renew(which) def change_password(self, user=None): """Generate new password for the vm :param self: The virtual machine. :param user: The user who's issuing the command. """ = pwgen() with instance_activity(code_suffix='change_password', instance=self, user=user): queue = self.get_remote_queue_name("agent") agent_tasks.change_password.apply_async(queue=queue, args=(self.vm_name, def select_node(self): """Returns the node the VM should be deployed or migrated to. """ return scheduler.select_node(self, Node.objects.all()) def __schedule_vm(self, act): """Schedule the virtual machine as part of a higher level activity. :param act: Parent activity. """ # Find unused port for VNC if self.vnc_port is None: self.vnc_port = find_unused_vnc_port() # Schedule if self.node is None: self.node = self.select_node() def __deploy_vm(self, act, timeout=15): """Deploy the virtual machine. :param self: The virtual machine. :param act: Parent activity. """ queue_name = self.get_remote_queue_name('vm') # Deploy VM on remote machine with act.sub_activity('deploying_vm') as deploy_act: deploy_act.result = vm_tasks.deploy.apply_async( args=[self.get_vm_desc()], queue=queue_name).get(timeout=timeout) # Estabilish network connection (vmdriver) with act.sub_activity('deploying_net'): for net in self.interface_set.all(): net.deploy() # Resume vm with act.sub_activity('booting'): vm_tasks.resume.apply_async(args=[self.vm_name], queue=queue_name).get(timeout=timeout) self.renew(which='both', base_activity=act) def deploy(self, user=None, task_uuid=None): """Deploy new virtual machine with network :param self: The virtual machine to deploy. :type self: vm.models.Instance :param user: The user who's issuing the command. :type user: django.contrib.auth.models.User :param task_uuid: The task's UUID, if the command is being executed asynchronously. :type task_uuid: str """ if self.destroyed_at: raise self.InstanceDestroyedError(self) def __on_commit(activity): activity.resultant_state = 'RUNNING' with instance_activity(code_suffix='deploy', instance=self, on_commit=__on_commit, task_uuid=task_uuid, user=user) as act: self.__schedule_vm(act) # Deploy virtual images with act.sub_activity('deploying_disks'): devnums = list(string.ascii_lowercase) # a-z for disk in self.disks.all(): # assign device numbers if disk.dev_num in devnums: devnums.remove(disk.dev_num) else: disk.dev_num = devnums.pop(0) # deploy disk disk.deploy() self.__deploy_vm(act) def deploy_async(self, user=None): """Execute deploy asynchronously. """ logger.debug('Calling async local_tasks.deploy(%s, %s)', unicode(self), unicode(user)) return local_tasks.deploy.apply_async(args=[self, user], queue="") def __destroy_vm(self, act, timeout=15): """Destroy the virtual machine and its associated networks. :param self: The virtual machine. :param act: Parent activity. """ # Destroy networks with act.sub_activity('destroying_net'): for net in self.interface_set.all(): net.destroy() # Destroy virtual machine with act.sub_activity('destroying_vm'): queue_name = self.get_remote_queue_name('vm') try: vm_tasks.destroy.apply_async(args=[self.vm_name], queue=queue_name ).get(timeout=timeout) except Exception as e: if e.libvirtError and "Domain not found" in str(e): logger.debug("Domain %s was not found at %s" % (self.vm_name, queue_name)) else: raise def __cleanup_after_destroy_vm(self, act, timeout=15): """Clean up the virtual machine's data after destroy. :param self: The virtual machine. :param act: Parent activity. """ # Delete mem. dump if exists try: queue_name = self.mem_dump['datastore'].get_remote_queue_name( 'storage') from storage.tasks.remote_tasks import delete_dump delete_dump.apply_async(args=[self.mem_dump['path']], queue=queue_name).get(timeout=timeout) except: pass # Clear node and VNC port association self.node = None self.vnc_port = None def redeploy(self, user=None, task_uuid=None): """Redeploy virtual machine with network :param self: The virtual machine to redeploy. :param user: The user who's issuing the command. :type user: django.contrib.auth.models.User :param task_uuid: The task's UUID, if the command is being executed asynchronously. :type task_uuid: str """ with instance_activity(code_suffix='redeploy', instance=self, task_uuid=task_uuid, user=user) as act: # Destroy VM if self.node: self.__destroy_vm(act) self.__cleanup_after_destroy_vm(act) # Deploy VM self.__schedule_vm(act) self.__deploy_vm(act) def redeploy_async(self, user=None): """Execute redeploy asynchronously. """ return local_tasks.redeploy.apply_async(args=[self, user], queue="") def shut_off(self, user=None, task_uuid=None): """Shut off VM. (plug-out) """ def __on_commit(activity): activity.resultant_state = 'STOPPED' with instance_activity(code_suffix='shut_off', instance=self, task_uuid=task_uuid, user=user, on_commit=__on_commit) as act: # Destroy VM if self.node: self.__destroy_vm(act) self.__cleanup_after_destroy_vm(act) def shut_off_async(self, user=None): """Shut off VM. (plug-out) """ return local_tasks.shut_off.apply_async(args=[self, user], queue="") def destroy(self, user=None, task_uuid=None): """Remove virtual machine and its networks. :param self: The virtual machine to destroy. :type self: vm.models.Instance :param user: The user who's issuing the command. :type user: django.contrib.auth.models.User :param task_uuid: The task's UUID, if the command is being executed asynchronously. :type task_uuid: str """ if self.destroyed_at: return # already destroyed, nothing to do here def __on_commit(activity): activity.resultant_state = 'DESTROYED' with instance_activity(code_suffix='destroy', instance=self, on_commit=__on_commit, task_uuid=task_uuid, user=user) as act: if self.node: self.__destroy_vm(act) # Destroy disks with act.sub_activity('destroying_disks'): for disk in self.disks.all(): disk.destroy() self.__cleanup_after_destroy_vm(act) self.destroyed_at = def destroy_async(self, user=None): """Execute destroy asynchronously. """ return local_tasks.destroy.apply_async(args=[self, user], queue="") def sleep(self, user=None, task_uuid=None, timeout=60): """Suspend virtual machine with memory dump. """ if self.state not in ['RUNNING']: raise self.WrongStateError(self) def __on_abort(activity, error): if isinstance(error, TimeLimitExceeded): activity.resultant_state = None else: activity.resultant_state = 'ERROR' def __on_commit(activity): activity.resultant_state = 'SUSPENDED' with instance_activity(code_suffix='sleep', instance=self, on_abort=__on_abort, on_commit=__on_commit, task_uuid=task_uuid, user=user) as act: # Destroy networks with act.sub_activity('destroying_net'): for net in self.interface_set.all(): net.shutdown() # Suspend vm with act.sub_activity('suspending'): queue_name = self.get_remote_queue_name('vm') vm_tasks.sleep.apply_async(args=[self.vm_name, self.mem_dump['path']], queue=queue_name ).get(timeout=timeout) self.node = None def sleep_async(self, user=None): """Execute sleep asynchronously. """ return local_tasks.sleep.apply_async(args=[self, user], queue="") def wake_up(self, user=None, task_uuid=None, timeout=60): if self.state not in ['SUSPENDED']: raise self.WrongStateError(self) def __on_abort(activity, error): activity.resultant_state = 'ERROR' def __on_commit(activity): activity.resultant_state = 'RUNNING' with instance_activity(code_suffix='wake_up', instance=self, on_abort=__on_abort, on_commit=__on_commit, task_uuid=task_uuid, user=user) as act: # Schedule vm self.__schedule_vm(act) queue_name = self.get_remote_queue_name('vm') # Resume vm with act.sub_activity('resuming'): vm_tasks.wake_up.apply_async(args=[self.vm_name, self.mem_dump['path']], queue=queue_name ).get(timeout=timeout) # Estabilish network connection (vmdriver) with act.sub_activity('deploying_net'): for net in self.interface_set.all(): net.deploy() # Renew vm self.renew(which='both', base_activity=act) def wake_up_async(self, user=None): """Execute wake_up asynchronously. """ return local_tasks.wake_up.apply_async(args=[self, user], queue="") def shutdown(self, user=None, task_uuid=None, timeout=120): """Shutdown virtual machine with ACPI signal. """ def __on_abort(activity, error): if isinstance(error, TimeLimitExceeded): activity.resultant_state = None else: activity.resultant_state = 'ERROR' def __on_commit(activity): activity.resultant_state = 'STOPPED' with instance_activity(code_suffix='shutdown', instance=self, on_abort=__on_abort, on_commit=__on_commit, task_uuid=task_uuid, user=user): queue_name = self.get_remote_queue_name('vm') logger.debug("RPC Shutdown at queue: %s, for vm: %s.", self.vm_name, queue_name) vm_tasks.shutdown.apply_async(kwargs={'name': self.vm_name}, queue=queue_name ).get(timeout=timeout) self.node = None self.vnc_port = None def shutdown_async(self, user=None): """Execute shutdown asynchronously. """ return local_tasks.shutdown.apply_async(args=[self, user], queue="") def reset(self, user=None, task_uuid=None, timeout=5): """Reset virtual machine (reset button) """ with instance_activity(code_suffix='reset', instance=self, task_uuid=task_uuid, user=user): queue_name = self.get_remote_queue_name('vm') vm_tasks.reset.apply_async(args=[self.vm_name], queue=queue_name ).get(timeout=timeout) def reset_async(self, user=None): """Execute reset asynchronously. """ return local_tasks.reset.apply_async(args=[self, user], queue="") def reboot(self, user=None, task_uuid=None, timeout=5): """Reboot virtual machine with Ctrl+Alt+Del signal. """ with instance_activity(code_suffix='reboot', instance=self, task_uuid=task_uuid, user=user): queue_name = self.get_remote_queue_name('vm') vm_tasks.reboot.apply_async(args=[self.vm_name], queue=queue_name ).get(timeout=timeout) def reboot_async(self, user=None): """Execute reboot asynchronously. """ return local_tasks.reboot.apply_async(args=[self, user], queue="") def migrate_async(self, to_node, user=None): """Execute migrate asynchronously. """ return local_tasks.migrate.apply_async(args=[self, to_node, user], queue="") def migrate(self, to_node, user=None, task_uuid=None, timeout=120): """Live migrate running vm to another node. """ with instance_activity(code_suffix='migrate', instance=self, task_uuid=task_uuid, user=user) as act: # Destroy networks with act.sub_activity('destroying_net'): for net in self.interface_set.all(): net.shutdown() with act.sub_activity('migrate_vm'): queue_name = self.get_remote_queue_name('vm') vm_tasks.migrate.apply_async(args=[self.vm_name,], queue=queue_name ).get(timeout=timeout) # Refresh node information self.node = to_node # Estabilish network connection (vmdriver) with act.sub_activity('deploying_net'): for net in self.interface_set.all(): net.deploy() def save_as_template_async(self, name, user=None, **kwargs): return local_tasks.save_as_template.apply_async( args=[self, name, user, kwargs], queue="") def save_as_template(self, name, task_uuid=None, user=None, timeout=300, **kwargs): with instance_activity(code_suffix="save_as_template", instance=self, task_uuid=task_uuid, user=user) as act: # prepare parameters kwargs.setdefault('name', name) kwargs.setdefault('description', self.description) kwargs.setdefault('parent', self.template) kwargs.setdefault('num_cores', self.num_cores) kwargs.setdefault('ram_size', self.ram_size) kwargs.setdefault('max_ram_size', self.max_ram_size) kwargs.setdefault('arch', self.arch) kwargs.setdefault('priority', self.priority) kwargs.setdefault('boot_menu', self.boot_menu) kwargs.setdefault('raw_data', self.raw_data) kwargs.setdefault('lease', kwargs.setdefault('access_method', self.access_method) kwargs.setdefault('system', self.template.system if self.template else None) def __try_save_disk(disk): try: return disk.save_as() # can do in parallel except Disk.WrongDiskTypeError: return disk # create template and do additional setup tmpl = InstanceTemplate(**kwargs) tmpl.full_clean() # Avoiding database errors. with act.sub_activity('saving_disks'): tmpl.disks.add(*[__try_save_disk(disk) for disk in self.disks.all()]) # save template try: # create interface templates for i in self.interface_set.all(): i.save_as_template(tmpl) except: tmpl.delete() raise else: return tmpl def shutdown_and_save_as_template(self, name, user=None, task_uuid=None, **kwargs): self.shutdown(user, task_uuid) self.save_as_template(name, **kwargs)