diff --git a/circle/common/models.py b/circle/common/models.py
index 0a2153f..64f3fd5 100644
--- a/circle/common/models.py
+++ b/circle/common/models.py
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ from warnings import warn
 from django.contrib import messages
 from django.contrib.auth.models import User
 from django.core.cache import cache
+from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied
 from django.core.serializers.json import DjangoJSONEncoder
 from django.db.models import (
     CharField, DateTimeField, ForeignKey, NullBooleanField
@@ -413,6 +414,10 @@ class HumanReadableObject(object):
         self._set_values(user_text_template, admin_text_template, params)
     def _set_values(self, user_text_template, admin_text_template, params):
+        if isinstance(user_text_template, Promise):
+            user_text_template = user_text_template._proxy____args[0]
+        if isinstance(admin_text_template, Promise):
+            admin_text_template = admin_text_template._proxy____args[0]
         self.user_text_template = user_text_template
         self.admin_text_template = admin_text_template
         self.params = params
@@ -451,6 +456,12 @@ class HumanReadableObject(object):
                              self.user_text_template, unicode(self.params))
             return self.user_text_template
+    def get_text(self, user):
+        if user and user.is_superuser:
+            return self.get_admin_text()
+        else:
+            return self.get_user_text()
     def to_dict(self):
         return {"user_text_template": self.user_text_template,
                 "admin_text_template": self.admin_text_template,
@@ -481,13 +492,34 @@ class HumanReadableException(HumanReadableObject, Exception):
             self.level = "error"
     def send_message(self, request, level=None):
-        if request.user and request.user.is_superuser:
-            msg = self.get_admin_text()
-        else:
-            msg = self.get_user_text()
+        msg = self.get_text(request.user)
         getattr(messages, level or self.level)(request, msg)
+def fetch_human_exception(exception, user=None):
+    """Fetch user readable message from exception.
+    >>> r = humanize_exception("foo", Exception())
+    >>> fetch_human_exception(r, User())
+    u'foo'
+    >>> fetch_human_exception(r).get_text(User())
+    u'foo'
+    >>> fetch_human_exception(Exception(), User())
+    u'Unknown error'
+    >>> fetch_human_exception(PermissionDenied(), User())
+    u'Permission Denied'
+    """
+    if not isinstance(exception, HumanReadableException):
+        if isinstance(exception, PermissionDenied):
+            exception = create_readable(ugettext_noop("Permission Denied"))
+        else:
+            exception = create_readable(ugettext_noop("Unknown error"),
+                                        ugettext_noop("Unknown error: %(ex)s"),
+                                        ex=unicode(exception))
+    return exception.get_text(user) if user else exception
 def humanize_exception(message, exception=None, level=None, **params):
     """Return new dynamic-class exception which is based on
     HumanReadableException and the original class with the dict of exception.
diff --git a/circle/common/operations.py b/circle/common/operations.py
index da985ac..4c5413d 100644
--- a/circle/common/operations.py
+++ b/circle/common/operations.py
@@ -18,10 +18,10 @@
 from inspect import getargspec
 from logging import getLogger
-from .models import activity_context, has_suffix
 from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied, ImproperlyConfigured
+from django.utils.translation import ugettext_noop
+from .models import activity_context, has_suffix, humanize_exception
 logger = getLogger(__name__)
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ class Operation(object):
     async_queue = 'localhost.man'
     required_perms = None
+    superuser_required = False
     do_not_call_in_templates = True
     abortable = False
     has_percentage = False
@@ -143,13 +144,26 @@ class Operation(object):
     def check_precond(self):
-    def check_auth(self, user):
-        if self.required_perms is None:
+    @classmethod
+    def check_perms(cls, user):
+        """Check if user is permitted to run this operation on any instance
+        """
+        if cls.required_perms is None:
             raise ImproperlyConfigured(
                 "Set required_perms to () if none needed.")
-        if not user.has_perms(self.required_perms):
+        if not user.has_perms(cls.required_perms):
             raise PermissionDenied("%s doesn't have the required permissions."
                                    % user)
+        if cls.superuser_required and not user.is_superuser:
+            raise humanize_exception(ugettext_noop(
+                "Superuser privileges are required."), PermissionDenied())
+    def check_auth(self, user):
+        """Check if user is permitted to run this operation on this instance
+        """
+        self.check_perms(user)
     def create_activity(self, parent, user, kwargs):
         raise NotImplementedError
@@ -185,14 +199,17 @@ class OperatedMixin(object):
     def __getattr__(self, name):
         # NOTE: __getattr__ is only called if the attribute doesn't already
         # exist in your __dict__
-        cls = self.__class__
+        return self.get_operation_class(name)(self)
+    @classmethod
+    def get_operation_class(cls, name):
         ops = getattr(cls, operation_registry_name, {})
         op = ops.get(name)
         if op:
-            return op(self)
+            return op
             raise AttributeError("%r object has no attribute %r" %
-                                 (self.__class__.__name__, name))
+                                 (cls.__name__, name))
     def get_available_operations(self, user):
         """Yield Operations that match permissions of user and preconditions.
diff --git a/circle/dashboard/static/dashboard/dashboard.css b/circle/dashboard/static/dashboard/dashboard.css
index 197b77c..f5eb508 100644
--- a/circle/dashboard/static/dashboard/dashboard.css
+++ b/circle/dashboard/static/dashboard/dashboard.css
@@ -867,3 +867,76 @@ textarea[name="list-new-namelist"] {
   border-bottom: 1px dotted #aaa;
   padding: 5px 0px;
+#vm-list-table .migrating-icon {
+  -webkit-animation: passing 2s linear infinite;
+  animation: passing 2s linear infinite;
+@-webkit-keyframes passing {
+  0% {
+    -webkit-transform: translateX(50%);
+    transform: translateX(50%);
+    opacity: 0;
+  }
+  50% {
+    -webkit-transform: translateX(0%);
+    transform: translateX(0%);
+    opacity: 1;
+  }
+  100% {
+    -webkit-transform: translateX(-50%);
+    transform: translateX(-50%);
+    opacity: 0;
+  }
+@keyframes passing {
+  0% {
+    -webkit-transform: translateX(50%);
+    -ms-transform: translateX(50%);
+    transform: translateX(50%);
+    opacity: 0;
+  }
+  50% {
+    -webkit-transform: translateX(0%);
+    -ms-transform: translateX(0%);
+    transform: translateX(0%);
+    opacity: 1;
+  }
+  100% {
+    -webkit-transform: translateX(-50%);
+    -ms-transform: translateX(-50%);
+    transform: translateX(-50%);
+    opacity: 0;
+  }
+.mass-migrate-node {
+  cursor: pointer;
+.mass-op-panel {
+  padding: 6px 10px;
+.mass-op-panel .check {
+  color: #449d44;
+.mass-op-panel .minus {
+  color: #d9534f;
+.mass-op-panel .status-icon {
+  font-size: .8em;
+#vm-list-search, #vm-mass-ops {
+  margin-top: 8px;
diff --git a/circle/dashboard/static/dashboard/dashboard.js b/circle/dashboard/static/dashboard/dashboard.js
index 9f66211..f7e5448 100644
--- a/circle/dashboard/static/dashboard/dashboard.js
+++ b/circle/dashboard/static/dashboard/dashboard.js
@@ -488,14 +488,19 @@ function addSliderMiscs() {
     ram_fire = true;
     $(".ram-slider").simpleSlider("setValue", parseInt(val));
-  $(".cpu-priority-input").trigger("change");
-  $(".cpu-count-input, .ram-input").trigger("input");
+  setDefaultSliderValues();
   $(".cpu-priority-slider").simpleSlider("setDisabled", $(".cpu-priority-input").prop("disabled"));
   $(".cpu-count-slider").simpleSlider("setDisabled", $(".cpu-count-input").prop("disabled"));
   $(".ram-slider").simpleSlider("setDisabled", $(".ram-input").prop("disabled"));
+function setDefaultSliderValues() {
+  $(".cpu-priority-input").trigger("change");
+  $(".ram-input, .cpu-count-input").trigger("input");
 /* deletes the VM with the pk
  * if dir is true, then redirect to the dashboard landing page
diff --git a/circle/dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-create.js b/circle/dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-create.js
index 8806993..bf082e4 100644
--- a/circle/dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-create.js
+++ b/circle/dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-create.js
@@ -28,6 +28,9 @@ function vmCreateLoaded() {
         $('#create-modal').on('hidden.bs.modal', function() {
+        $("#create-modal").on("shown.bs.modal", function() {
+          setDefaultSliderValues();
+        });
     return false;
@@ -217,6 +220,8 @@ function vmCustomizeLoaded() {
     if(error) return true;
+    $(this).find("i").prop("class", "fa fa-spinner fa-spin");
       url: '/dashboard/vm/create/',
       headers: {"X-CSRFToken": getCookie('csrftoken')},
diff --git a/circle/dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-list.js b/circle/dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-list.js
index cd19fcd..1967817 100644
--- a/circle/dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-list.js
+++ b/circle/dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-list.js
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ $(function() {
   $('.vm-list-table tbody').find('tr').mousedown(function() {
     var retval = true;
+    if(!$(this).data("vm-pk")) return;
     if (ctrlDown) {
       if(!$(this).hasClass('vm-list-selected')) {
@@ -46,86 +47,20 @@ $(function() {
       selected = [{'index': $(this).index(), 'vm': $(this).data("vm-pk")}];
-    // reset btn disables
-    $('.vm-list-table tbody tr .btn').attr('disabled', false);
     // show/hide group controls
     if(selected.length > 0) {
-      $('.vm-list-group-control a').attr('disabled', false);
-      for(var i = 0; i < selected.length; i++) {
-        $('.vm-list-table tbody tr').eq(selected[i]).find('.btn').attr('disabled', true);
-      }
+      $('#vm-mass-ops .mass-operation').attr('disabled', false);
     } else {
-      $('.vm-list-group-control a').attr('disabled', true);
+      $('#vm-mass-ops .mass-operation').attr('disabled', true);
     return retval;
-  $('#vm-list-group-migrate').click(function() {
-    // pass?
-  });
-  $('.vm-list-details').popover({
-    'placement': 'auto',
-    'html': true,
-    'trigger': 'hover'
-  });
-  $('.vm-list-connect').popover({
-    'placement': 'left',
-    'html': true,
-    'trigger': 'click'
-  });
   $('tbody a').mousedown(function(e) {
     // parent tr doesn't get selected when clicked
-  $('tbody a').click(function(e) {
-    // browser doesn't jump to top when clicked the buttons
-    if(!$(this).hasClass('real-link')) {
-      return false;
-    }
-  });
-  /* rename */
-  $("#vm-list-rename-button, .vm-details-rename-button").click(function() {
-    $("#vm-list-column-name", $(this).closest("tr")).hide();
-    $("#vm-list-rename", $(this).closest("tr")).css('display', 'inline');
-    $("#vm-list-rename-name", $(this).closest("tr")).focus();
-  });
-  /* rename ajax */
-  $('.vm-list-rename-submit').click(function() {
-    var row = $(this).closest("tr")
-    var name = $('#vm-list-rename-name', row).val();
-    var url = '/dashboard/vm/' + row.children("td:first-child").text().replace(" ", "") + '/';
-    $.ajax({
-      method: 'POST',
-      url: url,
-      data: {'new_name': name},
-      headers: {"X-CSRFToken": getCookie('csrftoken')},
-      success: function(data, textStatus, xhr) {
-        $("#vm-list-column-name", row).html(
-          $("<a/>", {
-            'class': "real-link",
-            href: "/dashboard/vm/" + data['vm_pk'] + "/",
-            text: data['new_name']
-          })
-        ).show();
-        $('#vm-list-rename', row).hide();
-        // addMessage(data['message'], "success");
-      },
-      error: function(xhr, textStatus, error) {
-        addMessage("Error during renaming!", "danger");
-      }
-    });
-    return false;
-  });
   /* group actions */
   /* select all */
@@ -133,27 +68,69 @@ $(function() {
     $('.vm-list-table tbody tr').each(function() {
       var index = $(this).index();
       var vm = $(this).data("vm-pk");
-      if(!isAlreadySelected(vm)) {
+      if(vm && !isAlreadySelected(vm)) {
         selected.push({'index': index, 'vm': vm});
     if(selected.length > 0)
-      $('.vm-list-group-control a').attr('disabled', false);
+      $('#vm-mass-ops .mass-operation').attr('disabled', false);
     return false;
-  /* mass vm delete */
-  $('#vm-list-group-delete').click(function() {
-    addModalConfirmation(massDeleteVm,
-      {
-        'url': '/dashboard/vm/mass-delete/',
-        'data': {
-          'selected': selected,
-          'v': collectIds(selected)
+  /* mass operations */
+  $("#vm-mass-ops").on('click', '.mass-operation', function(e) {
+    var icon = $(this).children("i").addClass('fa-spinner fa-spin');
+    params = "?" + selected.map(function(a){return "vm=" + a.vm}).join("&");
+    $.ajax({
+      type: 'GET',
+      url: $(this).attr('href') + params,
+      success: function(data) {
+        icon.removeClass("fa-spinner fa-spin");
+        $('body').append(data);
+        $('#confirmation-modal').modal('show');
+        $('#confirmation-modal').on('hidden.bs.modal', function() {
+          $('#confirmation-modal').remove();
+        });
+        $("[title]").tooltip({'placement': "left"});
+      }
+    });
+    return false;
+  });
+  $("body").on("click", "#op-form-send", function() {
+    var url = $(this).closest("form").prop("action");
+    $(this).find("i").prop("class", "fa fa-fw fa-spinner fa-spin");
+    $.ajax({
+      url: url,
+      headers: {"X-CSRFToken": getCookie('csrftoken')},
+      type: 'POST',
+      data: $(this).closest('form').serialize(),
+      success: function(data, textStatus, xhr) {
+        /* hide the modal we just submitted */
+        $('#confirmation-modal').modal("hide");
+        updateStatuses(1);
+        /* if there are messages display them */
+        if(data.messages && data.messages.length > 0) {
+          addMessage(data.messages.join("<br />"), "danger");
+        }
+      },
+      error: function(xhr, textStatus, error) {
+        $('#confirmation-modal').modal("hide");
+        if (xhr.status == 500) {
+          addMessage("500 Internal Server Error", "danger");
+        } else {
+          addMessage(xhr.status + " " + xhr.statusText, "danger");
-    );
+    });
     return false;
@@ -181,8 +158,65 @@ $(function() {
   $(".vm-list-table th a").on("click", function(event) {
+  $(document).on("click", ".mass-migrate-node", function() {
+    $(this).find('input[type="radio"]').prop("checked", true); 
+  });
+  if(checkStatusUpdate()) {
+    updateStatuses(1);
+  }
+function checkStatusUpdate() {
+  icons = $("#vm-list-table tbody td.state i");
+  if(icons.hasClass("fa-spin") || icons.hasClass("migrating-icon")) {
+    return true;
+  }
+function updateStatuses(runs) {
+  $.get("/dashboard/vm/list/?compact", function(result) {
+    $("#vm-list-table tbody tr").each(function() {
+      vm = $(this).data("vm-pk");
+      status_td = $(this).find("td.state");
+      status_icon = status_td.find("i");
+      status_text = status_td.find("span");
+      if(vm in result) {
+        if(result[vm].in_status_change) {
+          if(!status_icon.hasClass("fa-spin")) {
+            status_icon.prop("class", "fa fa-fw fa-spinner fa-spin");
+          }
+        }
+        else if(result[vm].status == "MIGRATING") {
+          if(!status_icon.hasClass("migrating-icon")) {
+            status_icon.prop("class", "fa fa-fw " + result[vm].icon + " migrating-icon");
+          }
+        } else {
+          status_icon.prop("class", "fa fa-fw " + result[vm].icon);
+        }
+        status_text.text(result[vm].status);
+        if("node" in result[vm]) {
+          $(this).find(".node").text(result[vm].node);
+        }
+      } else {
+        $(this).remove();
+      }
+    });
+    if(checkStatusUpdate()) {
+      setTimeout(
+          function() {updateStatuses(runs + 1)}, 
+          1000 + Math.exp(runs * 0.05)
+      );
+    }
+  });
 function isAlreadySelected(vm) {
   for(var i=0; i<selected.length; i++)
     if(selected[i].vm == vm)
diff --git a/circle/dashboard/templates/dashboard/_notifications-timeline.html b/circle/dashboard/templates/dashboard/_notifications-timeline.html
index 3192f75..31cd4b2 100644
--- a/circle/dashboard/templates/dashboard/_notifications-timeline.html
+++ b/circle/dashboard/templates/dashboard/_notifications-timeline.html
@@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
 {% load i18n %}
+{% load hro %}
 {% for n in notifications %}
   <li class="notification-message" id="msg-{{n.id}}">
     <span class="notification-message-subject">
       {% if n.status == "new" %}<i class="fa fa-envelope-o"></i> {% endif %}
-      {{ n.subject.get_user_text }}
+      {{ n.subject|get_text:user }}
     <span class="notification-message-date pull-right" title="{{n.created}}">
       {{ n.created|timesince }}
     <div style="clear: both;"></div>
     <div class="notification-message-text">
-      {{ n.message.get_user_text|safe }}
+      {{ n.message|get_text:user|safe }}
 {% empty %}
diff --git a/circle/dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-mass-migrate.html b/circle/dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-mass-migrate.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6038785
--- /dev/null
+++ b/circle/dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-mass-migrate.html
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+{% extends "dashboard/mass-operate.html" %}
+{% load i18n %}
+{% load sizefieldtags %}
+{% block formfields %}
+  <hr />
+  <ul id="vm-migrate-node-list" class="list-unstyled">
+    <li class="panel panel-default panel-primary mass-migrate-node">
+      <div class="panel-body">
+        <label for="migrate-to-none">
+          <strong>{% trans "Reschedule" %}</strong>
+        </label>
+        <input id="migrate-to-none" type="radio" name="node" value="" style="float: right;" checked="checked">
+        <span class="vm-migrate-node-property">
+          {% trans "This option will reschedule each virtual machine to the optimal node." %}
+        </span>
+        <div style="clear: both;"></div>
+      </div>
+    </li>
+    {% for n in nodes %}
+    <li class="panel panel-default mass-migrate-node">
+      <div class="panel-body">
+        <label for="migrate-to-{{n.pk}}">
+          <strong>{{ n }}</strong>
+        </label>
+        <input id="migrate-to-{{n.pk}}" type="radio" name="node" value="{{ n.pk }}" style="float: right;"/>
+        <span class="vm-migrate-node-property">{% trans "CPU load" %}: {{ n.cpu_usage }}</span>
+        <span class="vm-migrate-node-property">{% trans "RAM usage" %}: {{ n.byte_ram_usage|filesize }}/{{ n.ram_size|filesize }}</span>
+        <div style="clear: both;"></div>
+      </div>
+    </li>
+    {% endfor %}
+  </ul>
+  <hr />
+{% endblock %}
diff --git a/circle/dashboard/templates/dashboard/instanceactivity_detail.html b/circle/dashboard/templates/dashboard/instanceactivity_detail.html
index a8acbbb..c16cfae 100644
--- a/circle/dashboard/templates/dashboard/instanceactivity_detail.html
+++ b/circle/dashboard/templates/dashboard/instanceactivity_detail.html
@@ -1,16 +1,12 @@
 {% extends "dashboard/base.html" %}
 {% load i18n %}
+{% load hro %}
 {% block content %}
 <div class="body-content">
   <div class="page-header">
     <h1><i class="fa fa-{{icon}}"></i>
-        {{ object.instance.name }}:
-            {% if user.is_superuser %}
-            {{object.readable_name.get_admin_text}}
-            {% else %}
-            {{object.readable_name.get_user_text}}
-            {% endif %}
+        {{ object.instance.name }}: {{object.readable_name|get_text:user}}
   <div class="row">
@@ -58,7 +54,7 @@
             <dt>{% trans "result" %}</dt>
-            <dd><textarea class="form-control">{% if user.is_superuser %}{{object.result.get_admin_text}}{% else %}{{object.result.get_user_text}}{% endif %}</textarea></dd>
+            <dd><textarea class="form-control">{{object.result|get_text:user}}</textarea></dd>
             <dt>{% trans "resultant state" %}</dt>
diff --git a/circle/dashboard/templates/dashboard/mass-operate.html b/circle/dashboard/templates/dashboard/mass-operate.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33d6e83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/circle/dashboard/templates/dashboard/mass-operate.html
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+{% load i18n %}
+{% load crispy_forms_tags %}
+{% block question %}
+{% blocktrans with op=op.name count count=vm_count %}
+Do you want to perform the <strong>{{op}}</strong> operation on the following instance?
+{% plural %}
+Do you want to perform the <strong>{{op}}</strong> operation on the following {{ count }} instances?
+{% endblocktrans %}
+<p class="text-info">{{op.description}}</p>
+{% endblock %}
+<form method="POST" action="{{url}}">{% csrf_token %}
+  {% block formfields %}{% endblock %}
+  {% for i in instances %}
+  <div class="panel panel-default mass-op-panel">
+    <i class="fa {{ i.get_status_icon }} fa-fw"></i>
+    {{ i.name }} ({{ i.pk }})
+    <div style="float: right;" title="{{ i.disabled }}" class="status-icon">
+      <span class="fa-stack">
+        <i class="fa fa-stack-2x fa-square {{ i.disabled|yesno:"minus,check" }}"></i>
+        <i class="fa fa-stack-1x fa-inverse fa-{% if i.disabled %}{{i.disabled_icon|default:"minus"}}{% else %}check{% endif %}"></i>
+      </span>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+  <input type="checkbox" name="vm" value="{{ i.pk }}" {% if not i.disabled %}checked{% endif %}
+    style="display: none;"/>
+  {% endfor %}
+  <div class="pull-right">
+    <a class="btn btn-default" href="{% url "dashboard.views.vm-list" %}"
+     data-dismiss="modal">{% trans "Cancel" %}</a>
+    <button class="btn btn-{{ opview.effect }}" type="submit" id="op-form-send">
+      {% if opview.icon %}<i class="fa fa-fw fa-{{opview.icon}}"></i> {% endif %}{{ opview.name|capfirst }}
+    </button>
+  </div>
diff --git a/circle/dashboard/templates/dashboard/node-detail/_activity-timeline.html b/circle/dashboard/templates/dashboard/node-detail/_activity-timeline.html
index 1aead0a..58a5c1b 100644
--- a/circle/dashboard/templates/dashboard/node-detail/_activity-timeline.html
+++ b/circle/dashboard/templates/dashboard/node-detail/_activity-timeline.html
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 {% load i18n %}
+{% load hro %}
 <div id="activity-timeline" class="timeline">
 {% for a in activities %}
 <div class="activity" data-activity-id="{{ a.pk }}">
@@ -16,10 +17,7 @@
       <div data-activity-id="{{ s.pk }}" 
         class="sub-activity{% if s.has_failed %} sub-activity-failed{% endif %}"
-    {% if user.is_superuser %}
-    {{ s.readable_name.get_admin_text }}
-    {% else %}
-    {{ s.readable_name.get_user_text }}{% endif %}
+    {{ s.readable_name|get_text:user }}
         {% if s.finished %}
           {{ s.finished|time:"H:i:s" }}
diff --git a/circle/dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/_activity-timeline.html b/circle/dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/_activity-timeline.html
index 609b8a6..0d0c96e 100644
--- a/circle/dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/_activity-timeline.html
+++ b/circle/dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/_activity-timeline.html
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 {% load i18n %}
+{% load hro %}
 <div id="activity-timeline" class="timeline">
 {% for a in activities %}
@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@
   <span class="timeline-icon{% if a.has_failed %} timeline-icon-failed{% endif %}">
   <i class="fa {% if not a.finished %}fa-refresh fa-spin {% else %}fa-{{a.icon}}{% endif %}"></i>
-<strong{% if a.result %} title="{{ a.result.get_user_text }}"{% endif %}>
+<strong{% if a.result %} title="{{ a.result|get_text:user }}"{% endif %}>
   <a href="{{ a.get_absolute_url }}">
     {% if a.times > 1 %}({{ a.times }}x){% endif %}
-    {{ a.readable_name.get_user_text|capfirst }}</a>
+    {{ a.readable_name|get_text:user|capfirst }}</a>
 {% if a.has_percent %}
   - {{ a.percentage }}%
@@ -33,9 +33,9 @@
     <div class="sub-timeline">
       {% for s in a.children.all %}
       <div data-activity-id="{{ s.pk }}" class="sub-activity{% if s.has_failed %} sub-activity-failed{% endif %}{% if s.pk == active.pk %} sub-activity-active{% endif %}">
-        <span{% if s.result %} title="{{ s.result.get_user_text }}"{% endif %}>
+        <span{% if s.result %} title="{{ s.result|get_text:user }}"{% endif %}>
           <a href="{{ s.get_absolute_url }}">
-              {{ s.readable_name.get_user_text|capfirst }}</a></span> &ndash;
+              {{ s.readable_name|get_text:user|capfirst }}</a></span> &ndash;
         {% if s.finished %}
           {{ s.finished|time:"H:i:s" }}
         {% else %}
diff --git a/circle/dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-list.html b/circle/dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-list.html
index 0f4e6e7..8fe5400 100644
--- a/circle/dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-list.html
+++ b/circle/dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-list.html
@@ -15,41 +15,36 @@
         <h3 class="no-margin"><i class="fa fa-desktop"></i> {% trans "Virtual machines" %}</h3>
-      <div class="pull-right" style="max-width: 300px; margin-top: 15px; margin-right: 15px;">
-        <form action="" method="GET">
-          <div class="input-group">
-            {{ search_form.s }}
-            <div class="input-group-btn">
-              {{ search_form.stype }}
-              <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary input-tags"> 
-                <i class="fa fa-search"></i>
-              </button>
-            </div>
-          </div>
-        </form>
-      </div>
-      <div class="panel-body vm-list-group-control">
-        <p>
-        <strong>{% trans "Group actions" %}</strong>
-        <!--
-        <button id="vm-list-group-select-all" class="btn btn-info btn-xs">{% trans "Select all" %}</button>
-        <a href="#" class="btn btn-default btn-xs" title="{% trans "Migrate" %}" disabled>
-          <i class="fa fa-truck"></i>
-        </a>
-        <a href="#" class="btn btn-default btn-xs" title="{% trans "Reboot" %}" disabled>
-          <i class="fa fa-refresh"></i>
-        </a>
-        <a href="#" class="btn btn-default btn-xs" title="{% trans "Shutdown" %}" disabled>
-          <i class="fa fa-power-off"></i>
-        </a>
-        -->
-        <a title="{% trans "Destroy" %}" id="vm-list-group-delete" disabled href="#" class="btn btn-danger btn-xs" disabled>
-          <i class="fa fa-times"></i>
-        </a>
-        </p>
-      </div>
       <div class="panel-body">
-        <table class="table table-bordered table-striped table-hover vm-list-table">
+        <div class="row">
+          <div class="col-md-8 vm-list-group-control" id="vm-mass-ops">
+            <strong>{% trans "Group actions" %}</strong>
+            <button id="vm-list-group-select-all" class="btn btn-info btn-xs">{% trans "Select all" %}</button>
+            {% for o in ops %}
+              <a href="{{ o.get_url }}" class="btn btn-xs btn-{{ o.effect }} mass-operation" 
+               title="{{ o.name|capfirst }}" disabled>
+                <i class="fa fa-{{ o.icon }}"></i>
+              </a>
+            {% endfor %}
+          </div><!-- .vm-list-group-control -->
+          <div class="col-md-4" id="vm-list-search">
+            <form action="" method="GET">
+              <div class="input-group">
+                {{ search_form.s }}
+                <div class="input-group-btn">
+                  {{ search_form.stype }}
+                  <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary input-tags"> 
+                    <i class="fa fa-search"></i>
+                  </button>
+                </div>
+              </div><!-- .input-group -->
+            </form>
+          </div><!-- .col-md-4 #vm-list-search -->
+        </div><!-- .row -->
+      </div><!-- .panel-body -->
+      <div class="panel-body">
+        <table class="table table-bordered table-striped table-hover vm-list-table"
+         id="vm-list-table">
               <th data-sort="int" class="orderable pk sortable vm-list-table-thin" style="min-width: 50px;">
                 {% trans "ID" as t %}
@@ -76,12 +71,21 @@
           <tr class="{% cycle 'odd' 'even' %}" data-vm-pk="{{ i.pk }}">
             <td class="pk"><div id="vm-{{i.pk}}">{{i.pk}}</div> </td>
             <td class="name"><a class="real-link" href="{% url "dashboard.views.detail" i.pk %}">{{ i.name }}</a>  </td>
-            <td class="state">{{ i.get_status_display }}</td>
+            <td class="state">
+              <i class="fa fa-fw
+                {% if i.is_in_status_change %}
+                  fa-spin fa-spinner
+                {% else %}
+                {{ i.get_status_icon }}{% endif %}"></i>
+              <span>{{ i.get_status_display }}</span>
+            </td>
               {% include "dashboard/_display-name.html" with user=i.owner show_org=True %}
             {% if user.is_superuser %}
-            <td data-sort-value="{{ i.node.normalized_name }}">{{ i.node.name|default:"-" }}</td>
+            <td class="node "data-sort-value="{{ i.node.normalized_name }}">
+              {{ i.node.name|default:"-" }}
+            </td>
             {% endif %}
           {% empty %}
@@ -115,6 +119,5 @@
 {% block extra_js %}
   <script src="{{ STATIC_URL}}dashboard/vm-list.js"></script>
-  <script src="{{ STATIC_URL}}dashboard/vm-common.js"></script>
   <script src="{{ STATIC_URL}}dashboard/js/stupidtable.min.js"></script>
 {% endblock %}
diff --git a/circle/dashboard/templatetags/hro.py b/circle/dashboard/templatetags/hro.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7226639
--- /dev/null
+++ b/circle/dashboard/templatetags/hro.py
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+from django.template import Library
+register = Library()
+def get_text(human_readable, user):
+    if human_readable is None:
+        return u""
+    else:
+        return human_readable.get_text(user)
diff --git a/circle/dashboard/tests/test_mockedviews.py b/circle/dashboard/tests/test_mockedviews.py
index 497054f..ef7bae2 100644
--- a/circle/dashboard/tests/test_mockedviews.py
+++ b/circle/dashboard/tests/test_mockedviews.py
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ from django.utils import baseconv
 from ..models import Profile
 from ..views import InstanceActivityDetail, InstanceActivity
-from ..views import vm_ops, Instance, UnsubscribeFormView
+from ..views import vm_ops, vm_mass_ops, Instance, UnsubscribeFormView
 from ..views import AclUpdateView
 from .. import views
@@ -259,6 +259,114 @@ class VmOperationViewTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
             self.assertEquals(rend.status_code, 200)
+class VmMassOperationViewTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_available(self):
+        request = FakeRequestFactory(superuser=True)
+        view = vm_mass_ops['destroy']
+        with patch.object(view, 'get_object') as go:
+            inst = MagicMock(spec=Instance)
+            inst._meta.object_name = "Instance"
+            inst.destroy = Instance._ops['destroy'](inst)
+            go.return_value = [inst]
+            self.assertEquals(
+                view.as_view()(request, pk=1234).render().status_code, 200)
+    def test_unpermitted_choice(self):
+        "User has user level, but not the needed ownership."
+        request = FakeRequestFactory()
+        view = vm_mass_ops['destroy']
+        with patch.object(view, 'get_object') as go:
+            inst = MagicMock(spec=Instance)
+            inst._meta.object_name = "Instance"
+            inst.has_level = lambda self, l: {"user": True, "owner": False}[l]
+            inst.destroy = Instance._ops['destroy'](inst)
+            inst.destroy._operate = MagicMock()
+            go.return_value = [inst]
+            view.as_view()(request, pk=1234).render()
+            assert not inst.destroy._operate.called
+    def test_unpermitted(self):
+        request = FakeRequestFactory()
+        view = vm_mass_ops['destroy']
+        with patch.object(view, 'get_object') as go:
+            inst = MagicMock(spec=Instance)
+            inst._meta.object_name = "Instance"
+            inst.destroy = Instance._ops['destroy'](inst)
+            inst.has_level.return_value = False
+            go.return_value = [inst]
+            with self.assertRaises(PermissionDenied):
+                view.as_view()(request, pk=1234).render()
+    def test_migrate(self):
+        request = FakeRequestFactory(POST={'node': 1}, superuser=True)
+        view = vm_mass_ops['migrate']
+        with patch.object(view, 'get_object') as go, \
+                patch('dashboard.views.messages') as msg, \
+                patch('dashboard.views.get_object_or_404') as go4:
+            inst = MagicMock(spec=Instance)
+            inst._meta.object_name = "Instance"
+            inst.migrate = Instance._ops['migrate'](inst)
+            inst.migrate.async = MagicMock()
+            inst.has_level.return_value = True
+            go.return_value = [inst]
+            go4.return_value = MagicMock()
+            assert view.as_view()(request, pk=1234)['location']
+            assert not msg.error.called
+    def test_migrate_failed(self):
+        request = FakeRequestFactory(POST={'node': 1}, superuser=True)
+        view = vm_mass_ops['migrate']
+        with patch.object(view, 'get_object') as go, \
+                patch('dashboard.views.messages') as msg, \
+                patch('dashboard.views.get_object_or_404') as go4:
+            inst = MagicMock(spec=Instance)
+            inst._meta.object_name = "Instance"
+            inst.migrate = Instance._ops['migrate'](inst)
+            inst.migrate.async = MagicMock()
+            inst.migrate.async.side_effect = Exception
+            inst.has_level.return_value = True
+            go.return_value = [inst]
+            go4.return_value = MagicMock()
+            assert view.as_view()(request, pk=1234)['location']
+            assert msg.error.called
+    def test_migrate_wo_permission(self):
+        request = FakeRequestFactory(POST={'node': 1}, superuser=False)
+        view = vm_mass_ops['migrate']
+        with patch.object(view, 'get_object') as go, \
+                patch('dashboard.views.get_object_or_404') as go4:
+            inst = MagicMock(spec=Instance)
+            inst._meta.object_name = "Instance"
+            inst.migrate = Instance._ops['migrate'](inst)
+            inst.migrate.async = MagicMock()
+            inst.has_level.return_value = True
+            go.return_value = [inst]
+            go4.return_value = MagicMock()
+            with self.assertRaises(PermissionDenied):
+                assert view.as_view()(request, pk=1234)['location']
+    def test_migrate_template(self):
+        """check if GET dialog's template can be rendered"""
+        request = FakeRequestFactory(superuser=True)
+        view = vm_mass_ops['migrate']
+        with patch.object(view, 'get_object') as go:
+            inst = MagicMock(spec=Instance)
+            inst._meta.object_name = "Instance"
+            inst.migrate = Instance._ops['migrate'](inst)
+            inst.has_level.return_value = True
+            go.return_value = [inst]
+            self.assertEquals(
+                view.as_view()(request, pk=1234).render().status_code, 200)
 class RenewViewTest(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_renew_template(self):
diff --git a/circle/dashboard/tests/test_views.py b/circle/dashboard/tests/test_views.py
index 8e416a7..895853d 100644
--- a/circle/dashboard/tests/test_views.py
+++ b/circle/dashboard/tests/test_views.py
@@ -107,20 +107,6 @@ class VmDetailTest(LoginMixin, TestCase):
         response = c.get('/dashboard/vm/1/')
         self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
-    def test_unpermitted_vm_mass_delete(self):
-        c = Client()
-        self.login(c, 'user1')
-        response = c.post('/dashboard/vm/mass-delete/', {'vms': [1]})
-        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 403)
-    def test_permitted_vm_mass_delete(self):
-        c = Client()
-        self.login(c, 'user2')
-        inst = Instance.objects.get(pk=1)
-        inst.set_level(self.u2, 'owner')
-        response = c.post('/dashboard/vm/mass-delete/', {'vms': [1]})
-        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 302)
     def test_unpermitted_password_change(self):
         c = Client()
         self.login(c, "user2")
diff --git a/circle/dashboard/urls.py b/circle/dashboard/urls.py
index dc147b7..6c7113b 100644
--- a/circle/dashboard/urls.py
+++ b/circle/dashboard/urls.py
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ from .views import (
     NotificationView, PortDelete, TemplateAclUpdateView, TemplateCreate,
     TemplateDelete, TemplateDetail, TemplateList, TransferOwnershipConfirmView,
     TransferOwnershipView, vm_activity, VmCreate, VmDetailView,
-    VmDetailVncTokenView, VmGraphView, VmList, VmMassDelete,
+    VmDetailVncTokenView, VmGraphView, VmList,
     DiskRemoveView, get_disk_download_status, InterfaceDeleteView,
@@ -49,7 +49,6 @@ from .views import (
 urlpatterns = patterns(
     url(r'^$', IndexView.as_view(), name="dashboard.index"),
     url(r'^lease/(?P<pk>\d+)/$', LeaseDetail.as_view(),
@@ -74,7 +73,7 @@ urlpatterns = patterns(
     url(r"^template/delete/(?P<pk>\d+)/$", TemplateDelete.as_view(),
-    url(r'^vm/(?P<pk>\d+)/op/', include('dashboard.vm.urls')),
+    url(r'^vm/', include('dashboard.vm.urls')),
     url(r'^vm/(?P<pk>\d+)/remove_port/(?P<rule>\d+)/$', PortDelete.as_view(),
     url(r'^vm/(?P<pk>\d+)/$', VmDetailView.as_view(),
@@ -88,8 +87,6 @@ urlpatterns = patterns(
     url(r'^vm/list/$', VmList.as_view(), name='dashboard.views.vm-list'),
     url(r'^vm/create/$', VmCreate.as_view(),
-    url(r'^vm/mass-delete/', VmMassDelete.as_view(),
-        name='dashboard.view.mass-delete-vm'),
     url(r'^vm/(?P<pk>\d+)/activity/$', vm_activity),
     url(r'^vm/activity/(?P<pk>\d+)/$', InstanceActivityDetail.as_view(),
diff --git a/circle/dashboard/views.py b/circle/dashboard/views.py
index a0f6c58..c08484c 100644
--- a/circle/dashboard/views.py
+++ b/circle/dashboard/views.py
@@ -77,7 +77,10 @@ from .tables import (
     NodeListTable, TemplateListTable, LeaseListTable,
     GroupListTable, UserKeyListTable
-from common.models import HumanReadableObject, HumanReadableException
+from common.models import (
+    HumanReadableObject, HumanReadableException, fetch_human_exception,
+    create_readable,
 from vm.models import (
     Instance, instance_activity, InstanceActivity, InstanceTemplate, Interface,
     InterfaceTemplate, Lease, Node, NodeActivity, Trait,
@@ -561,6 +564,10 @@ class OperationView(RedirectToLoginMixin, DetailView):
             setattr(self, '_opobj', getattr(self.get_object(), self.op))
         return self._opobj
+    @classmethod
+    def get_operation_class(cls):
+        return cls.model.get_operation_class(cls.op)
     def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
         ctx = super(OperationView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
         ctx['op'] = self.get_op()
@@ -576,6 +583,10 @@ class OperationView(RedirectToLoginMixin, DetailView):
         logger.debug("OperationView.check_auth(%s)", unicode(self))
+    @classmethod
+    def check_perms(cls, user):
+        cls.get_operation_class().check_perms(user)
     def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
         return super(OperationView, self).get(request, *args, **kwargs)
@@ -1010,6 +1021,112 @@ def get_operations(instance, user):
     return ops
+class MassOperationView(OperationView):
+    template_name = 'dashboard/mass-operate.html'
+    def check_auth(self):
+        self.get_op().check_perms(self.request.user)
+        for i in self.get_object():
+            if not i.has_level(self.request.user, "user"):
+                raise PermissionDenied(
+                    "You have no user access to instance %d" % i.pk)
+    @classmethod
+    def get_urlname(cls):
+        return 'dashboard.vm.mass-op.%s' % cls.op
+    @classmethod
+    def get_url(cls):
+        return reverse("dashboard.vm.mass-op.%s" % cls.op)
+    def get_op(self, instance=None):
+        if instance:
+            return getattr(instance, self.op)
+        else:
+            return Instance._ops[self.op]
+    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
+        ctx = super(MassOperationView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
+        instances = self.get_object()
+        ctx['instances'] = self._get_operable_instances(
+            instances, self.request.user)
+        ctx['vm_count'] = sum(1 for i in ctx['instances'] if not i.disabled)
+        return ctx
+    def _call_operations(self, extra):
+        request = self.request
+        user = request.user
+        instances = self.get_object()
+        for i in instances:
+            try:
+                self.get_op(i).async(user=user, **extra)
+            except HumanReadableException as e:
+                e.send_message(request)
+            except Exception as e:
+                # pre-existing errors should have been catched when the
+                # confirmation dialog was constructed
+                messages.error(request, _(
+                    "Failed to execute %(op)s operation on "
+                    "instance %(instance)s.") % {"op": self.name,
+                                                 "instance": i})
+    def get_object(self):
+        vms = getattr(self.request, self.request.method).getlist("vm")
+        return Instance.objects.filter(pk__in=vms)
+    def _get_operable_instances(self, instances, user):
+        for i in instances:
+            try:
+                op = self.get_op(i)
+                op.check_auth(user)
+                op.check_precond()
+            except PermissionDenied as e:
+                i.disabled = create_readable(
+                    _("You are not permitted to execute %(op)s on instance "
+                      "%(instance)s."), instance=i.pk, op=self.name)
+                i.disabled_icon = "lock"
+            except Exception as e:
+                i.disabled = fetch_human_exception(e)
+            else:
+                i.disabled = None
+        return instances
+    def post(self, request, extra=None, *args, **kwargs):
+        self.check_auth()
+        if extra is None:
+            extra = {}
+        self._call_operations(extra)
+        if request.is_ajax():
+            store = messages.get_messages(request)
+            store.used = True
+            return HttpResponse(
+                json.dumps({'messages': [unicode(m) for m in store]}),
+                content_type="application/json"
+            )
+        else:
+            return redirect(reverse("dashboard.views.vm-list"))
+    @classmethod
+    def factory(cls, vm_op, extra_bases=(), **kwargs):
+        return type(str(cls.__name__ + vm_op.op),
+                    tuple(list(extra_bases) + [cls, vm_op]), kwargs)
+class MassMigrationView(MassOperationView, VmMigrateView):
+    template_name = 'dashboard/_vm-mass-migrate.html'
+vm_mass_ops = OrderedDict([
+    ('deploy', MassOperationView.factory(vm_ops['deploy'])),
+    ('wake_up', MassOperationView.factory(vm_ops['wake_up'])),
+    ('sleep', MassOperationView.factory(vm_ops['sleep'])),
+    ('reboot', MassOperationView.factory(vm_ops['reboot'])),
+    ('reset', MassOperationView.factory(vm_ops['reset'])),
+    ('shut_off', MassOperationView.factory(vm_ops['shut_off'])),
+    ('migrate', MassMigrationView),
+    ('destroy', MassOperationView.factory(vm_ops['destroy'])),
 class NodeDetailView(LoginRequiredMixin, SuperuserRequiredMixin, DetailView):
     template_name = "dashboard/node-detail.html"
     model = Node
@@ -1582,11 +1699,41 @@ class VmList(LoginRequiredMixin, FilterMixin, ListView):
     def get_context_data(self, *args, **kwargs):
         context = super(VmList, self).get_context_data(*args, **kwargs)
+        context['ops'] = []
+        for k, v in vm_mass_ops.iteritems():
+            try:
+                v.check_perms(user=self.request.user)
+            except PermissionDenied:
+                pass
+            else:
+                context['ops'].append(v)
         context['search_form'] = self.search_form
         return context
     def get(self, *args, **kwargs):
         if self.request.is_ajax():
+            return self._create_ajax_request()
+        else:
+            self.search_form = VmListSearchForm(self.request.GET)
+            self.search_form.full_clean()
+            return super(VmList, self).get(*args, **kwargs)
+    def _create_ajax_request(self):
+        if self.request.GET.get("compact") is not None:
+            instances = Instance.get_objects_with_level(
+                "user", self.request.user).filter(destroyed_at=None)
+            statuses = {}
+            for i in instances:
+                statuses[i.pk] = {
+                    'status': i.get_status_display(),
+                    'icon': i.get_status_icon(),
+                    'in_status_change': i.is_in_status_change(),
+                }
+                if self.request.user.is_superuser:
+                    statuses[i.pk]['node'] = i.node.name if i.node else "-"
+            return HttpResponse(json.dumps(statuses),
+                                content_type="application/json")
+        else:
             favs = Instance.objects.filter(
                 favourite__user=self.request.user).values_list('pk', flat=True)
             instances = Instance.get_objects_with_level(
@@ -1598,15 +1745,12 @@ class VmList(LoginRequiredMixin, FilterMixin, ListView):
                 'icon': i.get_status_icon(),
                 'host': "" if not i.primary_host else i.primary_host.hostname,
                 'status': i.get_status_display(),
-                'fav': i.pk in favs} for i in instances]
+                'fav': i.pk in favs,
+            } for i in instances]
             return HttpResponse(
                 json.dumps(list(instances)),  # instances is ValuesQuerySet
-        else:
-            self.search_form = VmListSearchForm(self.request.GET)
-            self.search_form.full_clean()
-            return super(VmList, self).get(*args, **kwargs)
     def get_queryset(self):
         logger.debug('VmList.get_queryset() called. User: %s',
@@ -1969,7 +2113,7 @@ class VmCreate(LoginRequiredMixin, TemplateView):
                 "Successfully created %(count)d VM.",  # this should not happen
                 "Successfully created %(count)d VMs.", len(instances)) % {
                 'count': len(instances)})
-            path = reverse("dashboard.index")
+            path = "%s?stype=owned" % reverse("dashboard.views.vm-list")
             messages.success(request, _("VM successfully created."))
             path = instances[0].get_absolute_url()
@@ -2371,48 +2515,6 @@ class PortDelete(LoginRequiredMixin, DeleteView):
                             kwargs={'pk': self.kwargs.get("pk")})
-class VmMassDelete(LoginRequiredMixin, View):
-    def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
-        vms = request.GET.getlist('v[]')
-        objects = Instance.objects.filter(pk__in=vms)
-        return render(request, "dashboard/confirm/mass-delete.html",
-                      {'objects': objects})
-    def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
-        vms = request.POST.getlist('vms')
-        names = []
-        if vms is not None:
-            for i in Instance.objects.filter(pk__in=vms):
-                if not i.has_level(request.user, 'owner'):
-                    logger.info('Tried to delete instance #%d without owner '
-                                'permission by %s.', i.pk,
-                                unicode(request.user))
-                    # no need for rollback or proper error message, this can't
-                    # normally happen:
-                    raise PermissionDenied()
-                try:
-                    i.destroy.async(user=request.user)
-                    names.append(i.name)
-                except Exception as e:
-                    logger.error(e)
-        success_message = ungettext_lazy(
-            "Mass delete complete, the following VM was deleted: %s.",
-            "Mass delete complete, the following VMs were deleted: %s.",
-            len(names)) % u', '.join(names)
-        # we can get this only via AJAX ...
-        if request.is_ajax():
-            return HttpResponse(
-                json.dumps({'message': success_message}),
-                content_type="application/json"
-            )
-        else:
-            messages.success(request, success_message)
-            next = request.GET.get('next')
-            return redirect(next if next else reverse_lazy('dashboard.index'))
 class LeaseCreate(LoginRequiredMixin, PermissionRequiredMixin,
                   SuccessMessageMixin, CreateView):
     model = Lease
@@ -2744,7 +2846,7 @@ class NodeGraphView(SuperuserRequiredMixin, GraphViewBase):
     model = Node
     def get_prefix(self, instance):
-        return 'circle.%s' % instance.name
+        return 'circle.%s' % instance.host.hostname
     def get_title(self, instance, metric):
         return '%s - %s' % (instance.name, metric)
diff --git a/circle/dashboard/vm/urls.py b/circle/dashboard/vm/urls.py
index 5d7c7f6..f78acde 100644
--- a/circle/dashboard/vm/urls.py
+++ b/circle/dashboard/vm/urls.py
@@ -17,9 +17,17 @@
 from django.conf.urls import patterns, url
-from ..views import vm_ops
+from ..views import vm_ops, vm_mass_ops
-urlpatterns = patterns('',
-                       *(url(r'^%s/$' % op, v.as_view(), name=v.get_urlname())
-                         for op, v in vm_ops.iteritems()))
+urlpatterns = patterns(
+    '',
+    *(url(r'^(?P<pk>\d+)/op/%s/$' % op, v.as_view(), name=v.get_urlname())
+        for op, v in vm_ops.iteritems())
+urlpatterns += patterns(
+    '',
+    *(url(r'^mass_op/%s/$' % op, v.as_view(), name=v.get_urlname())
+        for op, v in vm_mass_ops.iteritems())
diff --git a/circle/locale/hu/LC_MESSAGES/django.po b/circle/locale/hu/LC_MESSAGES/django.po
index c349465..e2e2e7a 100644
--- a/circle/locale/hu/LC_MESSAGES/django.po
+++ b/circle/locale/hu/LC_MESSAGES/django.po
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: \n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-01 19:36+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-08-01 23:05+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-29 09:21+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-08-29 09:46+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Mate Ory <ory.mate@ik.bme.hu>\n"
 "Language-Team: Hungarian <cloud@ik.bme.hu>\n"
 "Language: hu\n"
@@ -25,76 +25,93 @@ msgstr "Angol"
 msgid "Hungarian"
 msgstr "Magyar"
-#: common/models.py:59
+#: common/models.py:62
 msgid "Failure."
 msgstr "Hiba."
-#: common/models.py:60
+#: common/models.py:63
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unhandled exception: %(error)s"
 msgstr "Kezeletlen kivétel: %(error)s"
-#: common/models.py:135
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/instanceactivity_detail.html:32
+#: common/models.py:138
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/instanceactivity_detail.html:28
 msgid "activity code"
 msgstr "tevékenységkód"
-#: common/models.py:138
+#: common/models.py:141
 msgid "human readable name"
 msgstr "olvasható név"
-#: common/models.py:139
+#: common/models.py:142
 msgid "Human readable name of activity."
 msgstr "A tevékenység neve olvasható formában."
-#: common/models.py:143
+#: common/models.py:146
 msgid "Celery task unique identifier."
 msgstr "Celery feladat egyedi azonosítója."
-#: common/models.py:144
+#: common/models.py:147
 msgid "task_uuid"
 msgstr "feladat uuid"
-#: common/models.py:145
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/instanceactivity_detail.html:41
-#: firewall/models.py:282 vm/models/common.py:84 vm/models/instance.py:135
-#: vm/models/instance.py:213
+#: common/models.py:148
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/instanceactivity_detail.html:37
+#: firewall/models.py:273 vm/models/common.py:84 vm/models/instance.py:136
+#: vm/models/instance.py:217
 msgid "user"
 msgstr "felhasználó"
-#: common/models.py:146
+#: common/models.py:149
 msgid "The person who started this activity."
 msgstr "A tevékenységet indító felhasználó."
-#: common/models.py:147
+#: common/models.py:150
 msgid "started at"
 msgstr "indítás ideje"
-#: common/models.py:149
+#: common/models.py:152
 msgid "Time of activity initiation."
 msgstr "A tevékenység megkezdésének időpontja."
-#: common/models.py:150
+#: common/models.py:153
 msgid "finished at"
 msgstr "befejezés ideje"
-#: common/models.py:152
+#: common/models.py:155
 msgid "Time of activity finalization."
 msgstr "A tevékenység befejeztének ideje."
-#: common/models.py:154
+#: common/models.py:157
 msgid "True, if the activity has finished successfully."
 msgstr "Igaz, ha a tevékenység sikeresen befejeződött."
-#: common/models.py:156
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/instanceactivity_detail.html:60
+#: common/models.py:159
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/instanceactivity_detail.html:56
 msgid "result"
 msgstr "eredmény"
-#: common/models.py:158
+#: common/models.py:161
 msgid "Human readable result of activity."
 msgstr "A tevékenység eredménye olvasható formában."
+#: common/models.py:515
+msgid "Permission Denied"
+msgstr "Hozzáférés megtagadva"
+#: common/models.py:517
+msgid "Unknown error"
+msgstr "Ismeretlen hiba"
+#: common/models.py:518
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unknown error: %(ex)s"
+msgstr "Ismeretlen hiba: %(ex)s"
+#: common/operations.py:160
+msgid "Superuser privileges are required."
+msgstr "Rendszergazdai jogosultság szükséges."
 #: dashboard/autocomplete_light_registry.py:12
 #: dashboard/templates/dashboard/lease-edit.html:86
 msgid "Name of group or user"
@@ -120,17 +137,17 @@ msgstr "szerver"
 msgid "realtime"
 msgstr "valós idejű"
-#: dashboard/forms.py:71 dashboard/forms.py:723 dashboard/forms.py:744
-#: dashboard/forms.py:1013 dashboard/tables.py:264
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-create-2.html:20
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-list.html:44
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/home.html:8 firewall/models.py:294
+#: dashboard/forms.py:71 dashboard/forms.py:746 dashboard/forms.py:767
+#: dashboard/forms.py:1034 dashboard/tables.py:229
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-create-2.html:19
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-list.html:54
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/home.html:8 firewall/models.py:285
 #: network/templates/network/index.html:22
 #: network/templates/network/switch-port-edit.html:43
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr "Név"
-#: dashboard/forms.py:72 vm/models/instance.py:140
+#: dashboard/forms.py:72 vm/models/instance.py:141
 msgid "Human readable name of template."
 msgstr "A sablon olvasható neve."
@@ -156,9 +173,9 @@ msgstr "Címtári azonosító"
 msgid "Create"
 msgstr "Létrehozás"
-#: dashboard/forms.py:227 dashboard/forms.py:953 dashboard/forms.py:970
-#: dashboard/forms.py:996 dashboard/forms.py:1026 dashboard/forms.py:1051
-#: dashboard/forms.py:1071 dashboard/forms.py:1100
+#: dashboard/forms.py:227 dashboard/forms.py:974 dashboard/forms.py:991
+#: dashboard/forms.py:1017 dashboard/forms.py:1047 dashboard/forms.py:1072
+#: dashboard/forms.py:1092 dashboard/forms.py:1121
 #: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_manage_access.html:73
 #: dashboard/templates/dashboard/group-detail.html:101
 #: dashboard/templates/dashboard/lease-edit.html:96
@@ -170,7 +187,7 @@ msgid "Host"
 msgstr "Gép"
 #: dashboard/forms.py:329 dashboard/templates/dashboard/node-detail.html:4
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-list.html:56
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-list.html:66
 msgid "Node"
 msgstr "Csomópont"
@@ -178,107 +195,150 @@ msgstr "Csomópont"
 msgid "Networks"
 msgstr "Hálózatok"
-#: dashboard/forms.py:636 dashboard/tables.py:169
+#: dashboard/forms.py:637
 msgid "Suspend in"
 msgstr "Felfüggesztés ideje"
-#: dashboard/forms.py:642 dashboard/forms.py:670
+#: dashboard/forms.py:641 dashboard/forms.py:665
 msgid "hours"
 msgstr "óra"
-#: dashboard/forms.py:647 dashboard/forms.py:675
+#: dashboard/forms.py:646 dashboard/forms.py:670
 msgid "days"
 msgstr "nap"
-#: dashboard/forms.py:652 dashboard/forms.py:680
+#: dashboard/forms.py:651 dashboard/forms.py:675
 msgid "weeks"
 msgstr "hét"
-#: dashboard/forms.py:657 dashboard/forms.py:685
+#: dashboard/forms.py:656 dashboard/forms.py:680
 msgid "months"
 msgstr "hónap"
-#: dashboard/forms.py:664 dashboard/tables.py:172
+#: dashboard/forms.py:661
 msgid "Delete in"
 msgstr "Törlés ideje"
-#: dashboard/forms.py:701
+#: dashboard/forms.py:686 dashboard/templates/dashboard/template-edit.html:63
+msgid "Save changes"
+msgstr "Változások mentése"
+#: dashboard/forms.py:696
 msgid "Set expiration times even if they are shorter than the current value."
 msgstr ""
 "Akkor is állítsa át a lejárati időket, ha rövidebbek lesznek a jelenleginél."
-#: dashboard/forms.py:711
+#: dashboard/forms.py:699
+msgid "Save selected lease."
+msgstr "Kiválasztott bérlet mentése."
+#: dashboard/forms.py:708
 msgid "Length"
 msgstr "Hossz"
-#: dashboard/forms.py:725
+#: dashboard/forms.py:723
+msgid "Forcibly interrupt all running activities."
+msgstr "Futó tevékenységek erőltetett befejezése."
+#: dashboard/forms.py:724
+msgid "Set all activities to finished state, but don't interrupt any tasks."
+msgstr ""
+"Minden tevékenység befejezettre állítása (a feladatok megszakítása nélkül)."
+#: dashboard/forms.py:727
+msgid "New status"
+msgstr "Új állapot"
+#: dashboard/forms.py:748
 #: dashboard/templates/dashboard/store/_list-box.html:117
 msgid "Size"
 msgstr "Méret"
-#: dashboard/forms.py:726
+#: dashboard/forms.py:749
 msgid "Size of disk to create in bytes or with units like MB or GB."
 msgstr "Létrehozandó lemez mérete byte-okban vagy mértékegységgel (MB, GB)."
-#: dashboard/forms.py:732
+#: dashboard/forms.py:755
 msgid "Invalid format, you can use  GB or MB!"
 msgstr "Érvénytelen formátum. „GB” és „MB” is használható."
-#: dashboard/forms.py:745
+#: dashboard/forms.py:768
 msgid "URL"
 msgstr "URL"
-#: dashboard/forms.py:760
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/node-detail/resources.html:14
+#: dashboard/forms.py:783
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/node-detail/resources.html:17
 msgid "Vlan"
 msgstr "Vlan"
-#: dashboard/forms.py:763
+#: dashboard/forms.py:786
 msgid "No more networks."
 msgstr "Nincs több hálózat."
-#: dashboard/forms.py:791 dashboard/templates/dashboard/profile.html:25
+#: dashboard/forms.py:814 dashboard/templates/dashboard/profile.html:25
 #: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:94
 msgid "Username"
 msgstr "Felhasználónév"
-#: dashboard/forms.py:805 dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:96
+#: dashboard/forms.py:828 dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:96
 msgid "Password"
 msgstr "Jelszó"
-#: dashboard/forms.py:810
+#: dashboard/forms.py:833
 msgid "Sign in"
 msgstr "Bejelentkezés"
-#: dashboard/forms.py:833 dashboard/templates/dashboard/profile.html:31
+#: dashboard/forms.py:856 dashboard/templates/dashboard/profile.html:31
 msgid "Email address"
 msgstr "E-mail cím"
-#: dashboard/forms.py:838
+#: dashboard/forms.py:861
 msgid "Reset password"
 msgstr "Új jelszó"
-#: dashboard/forms.py:854 dashboard/forms.py:979
+#: dashboard/forms.py:877 dashboard/forms.py:1000
 msgid "Change password"
 msgstr "Jelszóváltoztatás"
-#: dashboard/forms.py:1015
+#: dashboard/forms.py:949
+msgid "Add trait"
+msgstr "Jellemző hozzáadása"
+#: dashboard/forms.py:1036
 msgid "Key"
 msgstr "Kulcs"
-#: dashboard/forms.py:1016
+#: dashboard/forms.py:1037
 msgid "For example: ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2ED..."
 msgstr "Például: ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2ED…"
-#: dashboard/forms.py:1086
+#: dashboard/forms.py:1107
 msgid "permissions"
 msgstr "jogosultságok"
+#: dashboard/forms.py:1164
+msgid "owned"
+msgstr "saját"
+#: dashboard/forms.py:1165
+msgid "shared"
+msgstr "osztott"
+#: dashboard/forms.py:1166
+msgid "all"
+msgstr "összes"
+#: dashboard/forms.py:1173 dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-groups.html:21
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-nodes.html:34
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-vm.html:54
+msgid "Search..."
+msgstr "Keresés..."
 #: dashboard/models.py:63 dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-groups.html:39
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-nodes.html:46
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-nodes.html:71
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-nodes.html:48
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-nodes.html:73
 #: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-templates.html:38
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-vm.html:68
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-vm.html:73
 #: dashboard/templates/dashboard/store/_list-box.html:101
 msgid "new"
 msgstr "új"
@@ -335,15 +395,15 @@ msgstr "Lemezkvóta mebibyte-okban."
 msgid "Can use autocomplete."
 msgstr "Használhat automatikus kiegészítést."
-#: dashboard/models.py:184 firewall/models.py:283 vm/models/common.py:85
-#: vm/models/instance.py:136 vm/models/instance.py:214
+#: dashboard/models.py:184 firewall/models.py:274 vm/models/common.py:85
+#: vm/models/instance.py:137 vm/models/instance.py:218
 msgid "operator"
 msgstr "operátor"
-#: dashboard/models.py:185 firewall/models.py:100 firewall/models.py:378
-#: firewall/models.py:431 firewall/models.py:454 firewall/models.py:519
-#: firewall/models.py:825 firewall/models.py:854 vm/models/common.py:86
-#: vm/models/instance.py:137 vm/models/instance.py:215
+#: dashboard/models.py:185 firewall/models.py:100 firewall/models.py:369
+#: firewall/models.py:422 firewall/models.py:445 firewall/models.py:510
+#: firewall/models.py:822 firewall/models.py:851 vm/models/common.py:86
+#: vm/models/instance.py:138 vm/models/instance.py:219
 msgid "owner"
 msgstr "tulajdonos"
@@ -351,232 +411,252 @@ msgstr "tulajdonos"
 msgid "Unique identifier of the group at the organization."
 msgstr "A csoport egyedi szervezeti azonosítója."
-#: dashboard/tables.py:57
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/node-detail/resources.html:12
-msgid "Priority"
-msgstr "Prioritás"
+#: dashboard/tables.py:38
+msgid "Overcommit"
+msgstr "Túlfoglalás"
+#: dashboard/tables.py:56
+msgid "Number of VMs"
+msgstr "VM-ek száma"
+#: dashboard/tables.py:62
+msgid "Monitor"
+msgstr "Állapot"
-#: dashboard/tables.py:193
+#: dashboard/tables.py:69 dashboard/tables.py:180 dashboard/tables.py:211
+#: dashboard/tables.py:244
+msgid "Actions"
+msgstr "Műveletek"
+#: dashboard/tables.py:150
 msgid "Cores"
 msgstr "Magok száma"
-#: dashboard/tables.py:202 vm/models/instance.py:112
+#: dashboard/tables.py:159 vm/models/instance.py:113
 msgid "Lease"
 msgstr "Bérlet"
-#: dashboard/tables.py:215 dashboard/tables.py:246 dashboard/tables.py:279
-msgid "Actions"
-msgstr "Műveletek"
+#: dashboard/tables.py:170 dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-list.html:62
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/access.html:2
+msgid "Owner"
+msgstr "Tulajdonos"
+#: dashboard/tables.py:175
+msgid "Running"
+msgstr "Fut"
-#: dashboard/tables.py:269
+#: dashboard/tables.py:234
 msgid "Fingerprint"
 msgstr "Ujjlenyomat"
-#: dashboard/tables.py:274
+#: dashboard/tables.py:239
 msgid "Created at"
 msgstr "Létrehozva"
-#: dashboard/views.py:281
+#: dashboard/views.py:284
 msgid "console access"
 msgstr "konzolhozzáférés"
-#: dashboard/views.py:368
+#: dashboard/views.py:376
 msgid "VM successfully renamed."
 msgstr "A virtuális gép átnevezésre került."
-#: dashboard/views.py:392
+#: dashboard/views.py:400
 msgid "VM description successfully updated."
 msgstr "A VM leírása megváltoztatásra került."
-#: dashboard/views.py:469
+#: dashboard/views.py:477
 msgid "There is a problem with your input."
 msgstr "A megadott érték nem megfelelő."
-#: dashboard/views.py:471
+#: dashboard/views.py:479
 msgid "Unknown error."
 msgstr "Ismeretlen hiba."
-#: dashboard/views.py:603
+#: dashboard/views.py:620
 msgid "Could not start operation."
 msgstr "A művelet megkezdése meghiúsult."
-#: dashboard/views.py:620
+#: dashboard/views.py:637
 msgid "Operation failed."
 msgstr "A művelet meghiúsult."
-#: dashboard/views.py:625
+#: dashboard/views.py:642
 msgid "Operation succeeded."
 msgstr "A művelet sikeresen végrehajtásra került."
-#: dashboard/views.py:627
+#: dashboard/views.py:644
 msgid "Operation is started."
 msgstr "A művelet megkezdődött."
-#: dashboard/views.py:862
+#: dashboard/views.py:881
 msgid "The token has expired."
 msgstr "A token lejárt."
-#: dashboard/views.py:1019
+#: dashboard/views.py:1069
+#, python-format
+msgid "Failed to execute %(op)s operation on instance %(instance)s."
+msgstr "%(op)s végrehajtása meghiúsult a következőn: %(instance)s."
+#: dashboard/views.py:1085
+#, python-format
+msgid "You are not permitted to execute %(op)s on instance %(instance)s."
+msgstr "Nem engedélyezett a(z) %(op)s végrehajtása a(z) %(instance)s gépen."
+#: dashboard/views.py:1163
 msgid "Node successfully renamed."
 msgstr "A csomópont átnevezésre került."
-#: dashboard/views.py:1113
+#: dashboard/views.py:1257
 #, python-format
 msgid "User \"%s\" not found."
 msgstr "Nem található „%s” felhasználó."
-#: dashboard/views.py:1129
+#: dashboard/views.py:1273
 msgid "Group successfully renamed."
 msgstr "A csoport átnevezésre került."
-#: dashboard/views.py:1160
+#: dashboard/views.py:1304
 #, python-format
 msgid "Acl user/group %(w)s successfully modified."
 msgstr "A(z) %(w)s ACL felhasználó/csoport módosításra került."
-#: dashboard/views.py:1162
+#: dashboard/views.py:1306
 #, python-format
 msgid "Acl user/group %(w)s successfully added."
 msgstr "A(z) %(w)s ACL felhasználó/csoport hozzáadásra került."
-#: dashboard/views.py:1164
+#: dashboard/views.py:1308
 #, python-format
 msgid "Acl user/group %(w)s successfully removed."
 msgstr "A(z) %(w)s ACL felhasználó/csoport törlésre került."
-#: dashboard/views.py:1248
+#: dashboard/views.py:1392
 msgid ""
 "The original owner cannot be removed, however you can transfer ownership."
 msgstr "Az eredeti tulajdonos nem törölhető, azonban a tulajdon átruházható."
-#: dashboard/views.py:1284
+#: dashboard/views.py:1428
 #, python-format
 msgid "User \"%s\" has already access to this object."
 msgstr "„%s” felhasználó már hozzáfér az objektumhoz."
-#: dashboard/views.py:1293
+#: dashboard/views.py:1437
 #, python-format
 msgid "Group \"%s\" has already access to this object."
 msgstr "„%s” csoport már hozzáfér az objektumhoz."
-#: dashboard/views.py:1298
+#: dashboard/views.py:1442
 #, python-format
 msgid "User or group \"%s\" not found."
 msgstr "Nem található „%s” felhasználó vagy csoport."
-#: dashboard/views.py:1336
+#: dashboard/views.py:1480
 msgid "Choose template"
 msgstr "Válasszon sablont"
-#: dashboard/views.py:1351
+#: dashboard/views.py:1495
 msgid "Select an option to proceed."
 msgstr "Válasszon a folytatáshoz."
-#: dashboard/views.py:1382
+#: dashboard/views.py:1526
 msgid "Create a new base VM"
 msgstr "Alap VM létrehozása"
-#: dashboard/views.py:1438
+#: dashboard/views.py:1582
 msgid "Successfully modified template."
 msgstr "A sablon módosításra került."
-#: dashboard/views.py:1532
+#: dashboard/views.py:1676
 msgid "Template successfully deleted."
 msgstr "A sablon törlésre került."
-#: dashboard/views.py:1729
+#: dashboard/views.py:1919
 msgid "Member successfully removed from group."
 msgstr "A csoporttag eltávolításra került."
-#: dashboard/views.py:1770
+#: dashboard/views.py:1960
 msgid "Future user successfully removed from group."
 msgstr "A leendő csoporttag eltávolításra került."
-#: dashboard/views.py:1797
+#: dashboard/views.py:1987
 msgid "Group successfully deleted."
 msgstr "A csoport törlésre került."
-#: dashboard/views.py:1846
+#: dashboard/views.py:2036
 msgid "Customize VM"
 msgstr "VM testreszabása"
-#: dashboard/views.py:1854
+#: dashboard/views.py:2044
 msgid "Create a VM"
 msgstr "VM létrehozása"
-#: dashboard/views.py:1920
+#: dashboard/views.py:2113
 #, python-format
 msgid "Successfully created %(count)d VM."
 msgid_plural "Successfully created %(count)d VMs."
 msgstr[0] "%(count)d VM létrehozásra került."
 msgstr[1] "%(count)d VM létrehozásra került."
-#: dashboard/views.py:1925
+#: dashboard/views.py:2118
 msgid "VM successfully created."
 msgstr "VM létrehozásra került."
-#: dashboard/views.py:1954
+#: dashboard/views.py:2147
 #, python-format
 msgid "Instance limit (%d) exceeded."
 msgstr "A példányok létrehozási korlátját (%d) túllépte."
-#: dashboard/views.py:2014
+#: dashboard/views.py:2207
 msgid "Node successfully created."
 msgstr "A csomópont létrehozásra került."
-#: dashboard/views.py:2058
+#: dashboard/views.py:2251
 msgid "Group successfully created."
 msgstr "A csoport létrehozásra került."
-#: dashboard/views.py:2072
+#: dashboard/views.py:2265
 msgid "Group is successfully updated."
 msgstr "A csoport frissítésre került."
-#: dashboard/views.py:2135
+#: dashboard/views.py:2328
 msgid "Node successfully deleted."
 msgstr "A csomópont törlésre került."
-#: dashboard/views.py:2182
+#: dashboard/views.py:2375
 msgid "Trait successfully added to node."
 msgstr "A csomópontjellemző hozzáadásra került."
-#: dashboard/views.py:2227
+#: dashboard/views.py:2420
 msgid "Node successfully changed status."
 msgstr "A csomópont állapota megváltoztatásra került."
-#: dashboard/views.py:2274
+#: dashboard/views.py:2467
 msgid "Node successfully flushed."
 msgstr "A csomópont ürítésre kerül."
-#: dashboard/views.py:2293
+#: dashboard/views.py:2486
 msgid "Port delete confirmation"
 msgstr "Porteltávolítás megerősítése"
-#: dashboard/views.py:2294
+#: dashboard/views.py:2487
 #, python-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to close %(port)d/%(proto)s on %(vm)s?"
 msgstr "Biztosan bezárja a(z) %(port)d/%(proto)s portot a következőn: %(vm)s?"
-#: dashboard/views.py:2309
+#: dashboard/views.py:2502
 msgid "Port successfully removed."
 msgstr "A port eltávolításra került."
-#: dashboard/views.py:2351
-#, python-format
-msgid "Mass delete complete, the following VM was deleted: %s."
-msgid_plural "Mass delete complete, the following VMs were deleted: %s."
-msgstr[0] "Sikeres tömeges törlés. A következő VM törlésre került: %s."
-msgstr[1] "Sikeres tömeges törlés. A következő VM-ek törlésre kerültek: %s."
-#: dashboard/views.py:2373
+#: dashboard/views.py:2524
 msgid "Successfully created a new lease."
 msgstr "Új bérlési mód létrehozásra került."
-#: dashboard/views.py:2388
+#: dashboard/views.py:2539
 msgid "Successfully modified lease."
 msgstr "A bérlési mód megváltoztatásra került."
-#: dashboard/views.py:2418
+#: dashboard/views.py:2569
 msgid ""
 "You can't delete this lease because some templates are still using it, "
 "modify these to proceed: "
@@ -584,19 +664,19 @@ msgstr ""
 "Nem törölhető a bérleti mód, mivel az alábbi sablonok még használják. A "
 "folytatáshoz módosítsa őket: "
-#: dashboard/views.py:2435
+#: dashboard/views.py:2586
 msgid "Lease successfully deleted."
 msgstr "A bérlési mód törlésre került."
-#: dashboard/views.py:2516
+#: dashboard/views.py:2668
 msgid "Can not find specified user."
 msgstr "Nem található a megadott felhasználó."
-#: dashboard/views.py:2532
+#: dashboard/views.py:2684
 msgid "Ownership offer"
 msgstr "Átruházási ajánlat"
-#: dashboard/views.py:2533
+#: dashboard/views.py:2685
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "%(user)s offered you to take the ownership of his/her virtual machine called "
@@ -606,49 +686,49 @@ msgstr ""
 "%(user)s át kívánja ruházni %(instance)s nevű virtuális gépét Önre. <a href="
 "\"%(token)s\" class=\"btn btn-success btn-small\">Elfogadás</a>"
-#: dashboard/views.py:2539
+#: dashboard/views.py:2691
 msgid "Can not notify selected user."
 msgstr "A kiválaszott felhasználó értesítése sikertelen."
-#: dashboard/views.py:2542
+#: dashboard/views.py:2694
 #, python-format
 msgid "User %s is notified about the offer."
 msgstr "%s felhasználó értesítésre került az ajánlatról."
-#: dashboard/views.py:2553
+#: dashboard/views.py:2705
 msgid "Ownership successfully transferred to you."
 msgstr "A tulajdon átruházásra került."
-#: dashboard/views.py:2566
+#: dashboard/views.py:2718
 msgid "This token is for an other user."
 msgstr "A token más felhasználó nevére szól."
-#: dashboard/views.py:2569
+#: dashboard/views.py:2721
 msgid "This token is invalid or has expired."
 msgstr "A token érvénytelen vagy lejárt."
-#: dashboard/views.py:2591
+#: dashboard/views.py:2743
 msgid "Ownership accepted"
 msgstr "Átruházás elfogadva"
-#: dashboard/views.py:2592
+#: dashboard/views.py:2744
 #, python-format
 msgid "Your ownership offer of %(instance)s has been accepted by %(user)s."
 msgstr "%(instance)s gépre vonatkozó átruházási ajánlatát elfogadta %(user)s."
-#: dashboard/views.py:2766
+#: dashboard/views.py:2918
 msgid "You don't have a profile."
 msgstr "Nincs profilja."
-#: dashboard/views.py:2804
+#: dashboard/views.py:2956
 msgid "Successfully modified subscription."
 msgstr "A feliratkozás módosításra került."
-#: dashboard/views.py:2865
+#: dashboard/views.py:3017
 msgid "Disk remove confirmation"
 msgstr "Lemez törlésének megerősítése"
-#: dashboard/views.py:2866
+#: dashboard/views.py:3018
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Are you sure you want to remove <strong>%(disk)s</strong> from <strong>"
@@ -657,59 +737,63 @@ msgstr ""
 "Biztosan eltávolítja a(z) <strong>%(disk)s</strong> lemezt a következőből: "
-#: dashboard/views.py:2885
+#: dashboard/views.py:3037
 msgid "Disk successfully removed."
 msgstr "A lemez eltávolításra került."
-#: dashboard/views.py:2967
+#: dashboard/views.py:3134
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Are you sure you want to remove this interface from <strong>%(vm)s</strong>?"
 msgstr ""
 "Biztosan eltávolítja az interfészt a(z) <strong>%(vm)s</strong> gépből?"
-#: dashboard/views.py:2981
+#: dashboard/views.py:3148
 msgid "Interface successfully deleted."
 msgstr "Az interfész törlésre került."
-#: dashboard/views.py:3082
+#: dashboard/views.py:3249
 msgid "Successfully modified SSH key."
 msgstr "Az SSH kulcs módosításra került."
-#: dashboard/views.py:3120
+#: dashboard/views.py:3287
 msgid "SSH key successfully deleted."
 msgstr "Az SSH kulcs törlésre került."
-#: dashboard/views.py:3136
+#: dashboard/views.py:3303
 msgid "Successfully created a new SSH key."
 msgstr "Az új SSH kulcs hozzáadásra került."
-#: dashboard/views.py:3185
+#: dashboard/views.py:3352
 msgid "No store."
 msgstr "Nincs tárhely."
-#: dashboard/views.py:3188
+#: dashboard/views.py:3354
 msgid "Store has some problems now. Try again later."
 msgstr "A tárhely nem működik. Próbálja később."
-#: dashboard/views.py:3206
+#: dashboard/views.py:3358
+msgid "Unknown store error."
+msgstr "Ismeretlen tárhelyhiba."
+#: dashboard/views.py:3375
 msgid "Something went wrong during download."
 msgstr "Hiba a letöltésben."
-#: dashboard/views.py:3221 dashboard/views.py:3241
+#: dashboard/views.py:3390 dashboard/views.py:3410
 msgid "Unable to upload file."
 msgstr "Fájl feltöltése sikertelen."
-#: dashboard/views.py:3278
+#: dashboard/views.py:3447
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to remove %s."
 msgstr "%s törlése sikertelen."
-#: dashboard/views.py:3297
+#: dashboard/views.py:3466
 msgid "Unable to create folder."
 msgstr "Mappa létrehozása sikertelen."
-#: dashboard/tasks/local_periodic_tasks.py:59
+#: dashboard/tasks/local_periodic_tasks.py:60
 #, python-format
 msgid "%d new notification"
 msgid_plural "%d new notifications"
@@ -778,7 +862,7 @@ msgstr "Ki"
 msgid "What"
 msgstr "Mi"
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_notifications-timeline.html:18
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_notifications-timeline.html:19
 msgid "You have no notifications."
 msgstr "Nincs értesítése."
@@ -829,17 +913,17 @@ msgid "Next"
 msgstr "Tovább"
 #: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_template-create.html:15
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/template-edit.html:28
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/template-edit.html:40
 msgid "Resource configuration"
 msgstr "Erőforrásbeállítások"
 #: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_template-create.html:21
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/template-edit.html:34
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/template-edit.html:46
 msgid "Virtual machine settings"
 msgstr "Virtuális gépek beállításai"
 #: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_template-create.html:31
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/template-edit.html:44
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/template-edit.html:56
 msgid "External resources"
 msgstr "Külső erőforrások"
@@ -868,13 +952,13 @@ msgid "Memory"
 msgstr "Memória"
 #: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-create-1.html:33
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-create-2.html:48
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-create-2.html:49
 #: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/resources.html:28
 msgid "Disks"
 msgstr "Lemezek"
 #: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-create-1.html:40
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-create-2.html:64
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-create-2.html:65
 #: dashboard/templates/dashboard/base.html:46
 #: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:150
 msgid "Network"
@@ -890,28 +974,53 @@ msgid "Customize"
 msgstr "Testreszabás"
 #: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-create-1.html:68
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-create-2.html:18
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-create-2.html:17
 msgid "Start"
 msgstr "Indítás"
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-create-2.html:29
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-create-1.html:76
+msgid ""
+"You can't start new virtual machines because no templates are shared with "
+msgstr ""
+"Még nem tud virtuális gépet indítani, mivel egy sablonhoz sincs hozzáférése."
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-create-2.html:30
 msgid "Amount"
 msgstr "Mennyiség"
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-create-2.html:37
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/node-detail.html:74
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-create-2.html:38
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/node-detail.html:78
 #: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:136
 msgid "Resources"
 msgstr "Erőforrások"
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-create-2.html:55
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-create-2.html:56
 msgid "No disks are added."
 msgstr "Egy lemez sincs hozzáadva."
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-create-2.html:72
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-create-2.html:73
 msgid "Not added to any network."
 msgstr "Egy hálózathoz sincs hozzáadva."
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-mass-migrate.html:12
+msgid "Reschedule"
+msgstr "Újraütemezés"
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-mass-migrate.html:16
+msgid "This option will reschedule each virtual machine to the optimal node."
+msgstr "Ez a lehetőség minden virtuális gépet az optimális csomópontra migrál."
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-mass-migrate.html:28
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-migrate.html:27
+msgid "CPU load"
+msgstr "CPU-terhelés"
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-mass-migrate.html:29
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-migrate.html:28
+msgid "RAM usage"
+msgstr "RAM-használat"
 #: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-migrate.html:7
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
@@ -929,14 +1038,6 @@ msgstr "jelenlegi"
 msgid "recommended"
 msgstr "javasolt"
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-migrate.html:27
-msgid "CPU load"
-msgstr "CPU-terhelés"
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-migrate.html:28
-msgid "RAM usage"
-msgstr "RAM-használat"
 #: dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-save.html:7
 msgid ""
@@ -982,8 +1083,7 @@ msgstr "Bejelentkezés"
 #: dashboard/templates/dashboard/node-detail.html:32
 #: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:50
 #: dashboard/templates/dashboard/group-list/column-name.html:7
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/node-list/column-actions.html:5
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/node-list/column-admin.html:5
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/node-list/column-actions.html:9
 #: dashboard/templates/dashboard/node-list/column-name.html:7
 #: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/home.html:22
 #: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-list/column-name.html:7
@@ -996,7 +1096,7 @@ msgstr "Átnevezés"
 #: dashboard/templates/dashboard/node-detail.html:48
 #: dashboard/templates/dashboard/confirm/ajax-delete.html:18
 #: dashboard/templates/dashboard/confirm/mass-delete.html:12
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/node-list/column-actions.html:9
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/node-list/column-actions.html:29
 #: dashboard/templates/dashboard/template-list/column-lease-actions.html:5
 #: dashboard/templates/dashboard/template-list/column-template-actions.html:5
 #: dashboard/templates/dashboard/userkey-list/column-userkey-actions.html:5
@@ -1060,13 +1160,6 @@ msgstr "Azon csoportok, amelyekhez hozzáférése van."
 msgid "Groups"
 msgstr "Csoportok"
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-groups.html:21
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-nodes.html:32
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-vm.html:50
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-list.html:20
-msgid "Search..."
-msgstr "Keresés..."
 #: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-groups.html:30
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
@@ -1087,12 +1180,12 @@ msgstr[1] ""
 "        "
 #: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-groups.html:36
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-nodes.html:43
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-vm.html:65
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-nodes.html:45
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-vm.html:70
 msgid "list"
 msgstr "felsorolás"
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-nodes.html:10
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-nodes.html:12
 msgid ""
 "List of compute nodes, also called worker nodes or hypervisors, which run "
 "the virtual machines."
@@ -1100,13 +1193,13 @@ msgstr ""
 "A virtuális gépeket futtató számítási csomópontok (más néven worker node-ok, "
 "hypervisorok) listája."
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-nodes.html:13
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-nodes.html:15
 #: dashboard/templates/dashboard/node-list.html:5
 msgid "Nodes"
 msgstr "Csomópontok"
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-nodes.html:41
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-nodes.html:68
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-nodes.html:43
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-nodes.html:70
 #, python-format
 msgid "<strong>%(count)s</strong>  more"
 msgstr "még <strong>%(count)s</strong>"
@@ -1142,39 +1235,39 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "show all"
 msgstr "összes"
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-vm.html:7
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-vm.html:8
 msgid "summary view"
 msgstr "összefoglaló nézet"
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-vm.html:9
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-vm.html:11
 msgid "list view"
 msgstr "listanézet"
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-vm.html:11
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-vm.html:13
 msgid ""
 "List of your current virtual machines. Favourited ones are ahead of others."
 msgstr "A meglévő virtuális gépei. A megjelöltek megelőzik a többit."
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-vm.html:14
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-vm.html:16
 #: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-list.html:4
 #: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-list.html:16 templates/info/help.html:46
 msgid "Virtual machines"
 msgstr "Virtuális gépek"
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-vm.html:29
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-vm.html:31
 msgid "Unfavourite"
 msgstr "Kedvencnek jelölés törlése"
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-vm.html:31
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-vm.html:33
 msgid "Mark as favorite"
 msgstr "Kedvencnek jelölés"
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-vm.html:38
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-list.html:78
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-vm.html:40
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-list.html:97
 msgid "You have no virtual machines."
 msgstr "Még nincs virtuális gépe."
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-vm.html:59
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-vm.html:64
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
@@ -1193,12 +1286,12 @@ msgstr[1] ""
 "            még <strong>%(counter)s</strong>\n"
 "        "
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-vm.html:77
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-vm.html:82
 #, python-format
 msgid "<big>%(count)s</big> running"
 msgstr "<big>%(count)s</big> fut"
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-vm.html:93
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-vm.html:98
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
@@ -1217,7 +1310,7 @@ msgstr[1] ""
 "            összesen <strong>%(counter)s</strong> gép\n"
 "        "
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-vm.html:99
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-vm.html:104
 #, python-format
 msgid "<big>%(count)s</big> stopped"
 msgstr "<big>%(count)s</big> leállítva"
@@ -1230,29 +1323,29 @@ msgstr "Kezdőoldal"
 msgid "You have no permission to start or manage virtual machines."
 msgstr "Nincs jogosultsága virtuális gépek indítására vagy kezelésére."
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/instanceactivity_detail.html:29
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/node-detail.html:82
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/instanceactivity_detail.html:25
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/node-detail.html:91
 #: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:155
 #: dashboard/templates/dashboard/node-detail/activity.html:3
 #: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/activity.html:3
 msgid "Activity"
 msgstr "Tevékenységek"
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/instanceactivity_detail.html:35
-#: vm/models/activity.py:71 vm/models/instance.py:278 vm/models/network.py:68
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/instanceactivity_detail.html:31
+#: vm/models/activity.py:71 vm/models/instance.py:282 vm/models/network.py:68
 msgid "instance"
 msgstr "példány"
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/instanceactivity_detail.html:38
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/instanceactivity_detail.html:34
 msgid "time"
 msgstr "idő"
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/instanceactivity_detail.html:44
-#: firewall/models.py:850 firewall/models.py:976
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/instanceactivity_detail.html:40
+#: firewall/models.py:847 firewall/models.py:973
 msgid "type"
 msgstr "típus"
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/instanceactivity_detail.html:47
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/instanceactivity_detail.html:43
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
@@ -1263,19 +1356,19 @@ msgstr ""
 "                <a href=\"%(url)s\">%(name)s</a> résztevékenysége\n"
 "              "
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/instanceactivity_detail.html:50
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/instanceactivity_detail.html:46
 msgid "top level activity"
 msgstr "felső szintű tevékenység"
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/instanceactivity_detail.html:53
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/instanceactivity_detail.html:49
 msgid "task uuid"
 msgstr "feladat uuid"
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/instanceactivity_detail.html:56
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/instanceactivity_detail.html:52
 msgid "status"
 msgstr "állapot"
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/instanceactivity_detail.html:63
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/instanceactivity_detail.html:59
 msgid "resultant state"
 msgstr "új állapot"
@@ -1301,31 +1394,61 @@ msgid "Edit lease"
 msgstr "Bérlési mód szerkesztése"
 #: dashboard/templates/dashboard/lease-edit.html:27
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/template-edit.html:60
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/template-edit.html:72
 #: network/templates/network/vlan-edit.html:24
 msgid "Manage access"
 msgstr "Jogosultságok kezelése"
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/mass-operate.html:6
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Do you want to perform the <strong>%(op)s</strong> operation on the "
+"following instance?\n"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Do you want to perform the <strong>%(op)s</strong> operation on the "
+"following %(count)s instances?\n"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Biztosan végrehajtja a(z) <strong>%(op)s</strong> műveletet a következő "
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Biztosan végrehajtja a(z) <strong>%(op)s</strong> műveletet a következő %"
+"(count)s példányon?\n"
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/mass-operate.html:33
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/operate.html:21
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/confirm/ajax-delete.html:15
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/confirm/ajax-node-flush.html:17
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/confirm/ajax-node-status.html:17
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/confirm/base-delete.html:27
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/confirm/mass-delete.html:11
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/confirm/node-status.html:27
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/store/remove.html:34
+msgid "Cancel"
+msgstr "Mégsem"
 #: dashboard/templates/dashboard/node-add-trait.html:19
 msgid "Add Trait"
 msgstr "Jellemző hozzáadása"
 #: dashboard/templates/dashboard/node-detail.html:11
 #: dashboard/templates/dashboard/node-detail.html:36
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/node-list/column-actions.html:6
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/node-list/column-admin.html:2
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/node-list/column-actions.html:14
 msgid "Flush"
 msgstr "Ürítés"
 #: dashboard/templates/dashboard/node-detail.html:12
 #: dashboard/templates/dashboard/node-detail.html:40
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/node-list/column-actions.html:7
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/node-list/column-actions.html:19
 msgid "Enable"
 msgstr "Engedélyezés"
 #: dashboard/templates/dashboard/node-detail.html:13
 #: dashboard/templates/dashboard/node-detail.html:44
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/node-list/column-actions.html:8
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/node-list/column-actions.html:24
 msgid "Disable"
 msgstr "Tiltás"
@@ -1349,12 +1472,12 @@ msgstr "Csomópont tiltása."
 msgid "Remove node and it's host."
 msgstr "Csomópont és hoszt törlése."
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/node-detail.html:70
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/node-detail.html:72
 #: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:131
 msgid "Home"
 msgstr "Kezdőoldal"
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/node-detail.html:78
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/node-detail.html:85
 msgid "Virtual Machines"
 msgstr "Virtuális gépek"
@@ -1374,17 +1497,6 @@ msgstr ""
 "Biztosan végrehajtja a(z) <strong>%(op)s</strong> műveletet\n"
 "a következőn: <a data-dismiss=\"modal\" href=\"%(url)s\">%(obj)s</a>?\n"
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/operate.html:21
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/confirm/ajax-delete.html:15
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/confirm/ajax-node-flush.html:17
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/confirm/ajax-node-status.html:17
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/confirm/base-delete.html:27
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/confirm/mass-delete.html:11
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/confirm/node-status.html:27
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/store/remove.html:34
-msgid "Cancel"
-msgstr "Mégsem"
 #: dashboard/templates/dashboard/profile.html:5
 #: dashboard/templates/dashboard/profile_form.html:6
 msgid "Profile"
@@ -1468,15 +1580,15 @@ msgstr "SSH publikus kulcsok"
 msgid "Edit template"
 msgstr "Sablon szerkesztése"
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/template-edit.html:51
-msgid "Save changes"
-msgstr "Változások mentése"
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/template-edit.html:32
+msgid "Visit"
+msgstr "Megtekintés"
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/template-edit.html:70
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/template-edit.html:82
 msgid "Disk list"
 msgstr "Lemezek"
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/template-edit.html:75
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/template-edit.html:87
 #: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/resources.html:39
 msgid "No disks are added!"
 msgstr "Egy lemez sincs hozzáadva!"
@@ -1597,7 +1709,7 @@ msgid "Connection is not possible."
 msgstr "A csatlakozás nem lehetséges."
 #: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail.html:121
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-list.html:29
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-list.html:22
 msgid "Select all"
 msgstr "Összes kiválasztása"
@@ -1613,44 +1725,23 @@ msgstr "Hozzáférés"
 msgid "Sorting ... "
 msgstr "Rendezés…"
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-list.html:28
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-list.html:21
 msgid "Group actions"
 msgstr "Csoportos műveletek"
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-list.html:30
-msgid "Migrate"
-msgstr "Migrálás"
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-list.html:31
-msgid "Reboot"
-msgstr "Újraindítás"
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-list.html:32
-msgid "Shutdown"
-msgstr "Leállítás"
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-list.html:33
-msgid "Destroy"
-msgstr "Megsemmisítés"
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-list.html:40
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-list.html:50
 msgid "ID"
 msgstr "ID"
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-list.html:48
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-list.html:58
 msgid "State"
 msgstr "Állapot"
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-list.html:52
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/access.html:2
-msgid "Owner"
-msgstr "Tulajdonos"
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-list.html:76
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-list.html:95
 msgid "No result."
 msgstr "Nincs eredmény."
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-list.html:92
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-list.html:114
 msgid ""
 "You can select multiple vm instances while holding down the <strong>CTRL</"
 "strong> key."
@@ -1658,7 +1749,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Több virtuális gépet is kiválaszthat a  <strong>CTRL</strong> billentyű "
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-list.html:93
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-list.html:115
 msgid ""
 "If you want to select multiple instances by one click select an instance "
 "then hold down <strong>SHIFT</strong> key and select another one!"
@@ -1864,14 +1955,22 @@ msgstr "Engedélyezve"
 msgid "Host online"
 msgstr "Gép elérhető"
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/node-detail/resources.html:12
+msgid "Priority"
+msgstr "Prioritás"
 #: dashboard/templates/dashboard/node-detail/resources.html:13
 msgid "Host owner"
 msgstr "Gép tulajdonosa"
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/node-detail/resources.html:15
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/node-detail/resources.html:18
 msgid "Host name"
 msgstr "Gépnév"
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/node-detail/resources.html:23
+msgid "Edit host"
+msgstr "Gép szerkesztése"
 #: dashboard/templates/dashboard/notifications/email.txt:2
 #, python-format
 msgid "Dear %(u)s,"
@@ -1923,7 +2022,7 @@ msgid "Name "
 msgstr "Név "
 #: dashboard/templates/dashboard/store/_list-box.html:73
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/store/index-files.html:51
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/store/index-files.html:57
 msgid "Refresh"
 msgstr "Frissítés"
@@ -1936,7 +2035,7 @@ msgid "Latest modification"
 msgstr "Legutóbbi változtatás"
 #: dashboard/templates/dashboard/store/_list-box.html:128
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/store/index-files.html:29
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/store/index-files.html:30
 msgid "Download"
 msgstr "Letöltés"
@@ -1966,15 +2065,19 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Files"
 msgstr "Fájlok"
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/store/index-files.html:33
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/store/index-files.html:34
 msgid "Show in directory"
-msgstr "Megjelenítés könyvtában"
+msgstr "Megjelenítés könyvtárban"
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/store/index-files.html:50
+msgid "Your toplist is empty, upload something."
+msgstr "Nincs friss fájlja. Töltsön föl valamit most."
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/store/index-files.html:56
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/store/index-files.html:62
 msgid "show my files"
 msgstr "fájlok megjelenítése"
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/store/index-files.html:59
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/store/index-files.html:65
 msgid "upload"
 msgstr "feltöltés"
@@ -1992,6 +2095,7 @@ msgstr "Felsorolás"
 #: dashboard/templates/dashboard/store/list.html:4
 #: dashboard/templates/dashboard/store/upload.html:4
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/home.html:105
 msgid "Store"
 msgstr "Tárhely"
@@ -2157,7 +2261,11 @@ msgstr "Nincs címke."
 msgid "Add tag"
 msgstr "Címke hozzáadása"
-#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/network.html:8 vm/operations.py:114
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/home.html:94
+msgid "Template"
+msgstr "Sablon"
+#: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/network.html:8 vm/operations.py:121
 msgid "add interface"
 msgstr "új interfész"
@@ -2174,12 +2282,12 @@ msgid "edit"
 msgstr "szerkesztés"
 #: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/network.html:34
-#: firewall/models.py:491
+#: firewall/models.py:482
 msgid "IPv4 address"
 msgstr "IPv4 cím"
 #: dashboard/templates/dashboard/vm-detail/network.html:35
-#: firewall/models.py:501
+#: firewall/models.py:492
 msgid "IPv6 address"
 msgstr "IPv6 cím"
@@ -2307,10 +2415,10 @@ msgstr "irány"
 msgid "If the rule matches egress or ingress packets."
 msgstr "A szabály kimenő vagy bejövő csomagokra illeszkedik."
-#: firewall/models.py:68 firewall/models.py:343 firewall/models.py:428
-#: firewall/models.py:451 firewall/models.py:508 firewall/models.py:831
-#: firewall/models.py:855 firewall/models.py:925 vm/models/instance.py:141
-#: vm/models/instance.py:228
+#: firewall/models.py:68 firewall/models.py:334 firewall/models.py:419
+#: firewall/models.py:442 firewall/models.py:499 firewall/models.py:828
+#: firewall/models.py:852 firewall/models.py:922 vm/models/instance.py:142
+#: vm/models/instance.py:232
 msgid "description"
 msgstr "leírás"
@@ -2397,17 +2505,17 @@ msgstr "Célport számának átírása a megadottra NAT esetén."
 msgid "external IPv4 address"
 msgstr "külső IPv4 cím"
-#: firewall/models.py:118 firewall/models.py:376 firewall/models.py:433
-#: firewall/models.py:456 firewall/models.py:527
+#: firewall/models.py:118 firewall/models.py:367 firewall/models.py:424
+#: firewall/models.py:447 firewall/models.py:518
 msgid "created at"
 msgstr "létrehozva"
-#: firewall/models.py:121 firewall/models.py:380 firewall/models.py:435
-#: firewall/models.py:458 firewall/models.py:529
+#: firewall/models.py:121 firewall/models.py:371 firewall/models.py:426
+#: firewall/models.py:449 firewall/models.py:520
 msgid "modified at"
 msgstr "módosítva"
-#: firewall/models.py:124 firewall/models.py:516 vm/models/network.py:40
+#: firewall/models.py:124 firewall/models.py:507 vm/models/network.py:40
 #: vm/models/network.py:65
 msgid "vlan"
 msgstr "vlan"
@@ -2424,8 +2532,8 @@ msgstr "vlan-csoport"
 msgid "Group of vlans the rule applies to (if type is vlan)."
 msgstr "Erre a vlan-csoportra vonatkozik a szabály (ha a típus vlan)."
-#: firewall/models.py:133 firewall/models.py:848 firewall/models.py:968
-#: vm/models/network.py:67 vm/models/node.py:67
+#: firewall/models.py:133 firewall/models.py:845 firewall/models.py:965
+#: vm/models/network.py:67 vm/models/node.py:70
 msgid "host"
 msgstr "gép"
@@ -2453,39 +2561,39 @@ msgstr "Erre a tűzfalra vonatkozik a szabály (ha a típus tűzfal)."
 msgid "Only one field can be selected."
 msgstr "Csak egy mező választható ki."
-#: firewall/models.py:256
+#: firewall/models.py:247
 msgid "rule"
 msgstr "szabály"
-#: firewall/models.py:257
+#: firewall/models.py:248
 msgid "rules"
 msgstr "szabályok"
-#: firewall/models.py:285
+#: firewall/models.py:276
 msgid "public"
 msgstr "nyilvános"
-#: firewall/models.py:286
+#: firewall/models.py:277
 msgid "portforward"
 msgstr "porttovábbítás"
-#: firewall/models.py:288
+#: firewall/models.py:279
 msgid "VID"
 msgstr "VID"
-#: firewall/models.py:289
+#: firewall/models.py:280
 msgid "The vlan ID of the subnet."
 msgstr "Az alhálózat vlan-azonosítója."
-#: firewall/models.py:295
+#: firewall/models.py:286
 msgid "The short name of the subnet."
 msgstr "Az alhálózat rövid neve."
-#: firewall/models.py:299
+#: firewall/models.py:290
 msgid "IPv4 address/prefix"
 msgstr "IPv4 cím/prefixhossz"
-#: firewall/models.py:301
+#: firewall/models.py:292
 msgid ""
 "The IPv4 address and the prefix length of the gateway. Recommended value is "
 "the last valid address of the subnet, for example for "
@@ -2494,11 +2602,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "Az útválasztó IPv4 címe és prefixhossza. Az ajánlott érték az alhálózat "
 "utolsó érvényes címe, például a hálózat esetén."
-#: firewall/models.py:308
+#: firewall/models.py:299
 msgid "IPv6 prefixlen/host"
 msgstr "IPv6 prefixhossz/gép"
-#: firewall/models.py:309
+#: firewall/models.py:300
 msgid ""
 "The prefix length of the subnet assigned to a host. For example /112 = 65536 "
@@ -2506,19 +2614,19 @@ msgstr ""
 "A géphez rendelt alhálózat prefixhossza. Például a /112 beállítás 65536 "
 "címet jelent gépenként."
-#: firewall/models.py:317
+#: firewall/models.py:308
 msgid "IPv6 address/prefix"
 msgstr "IPv6 cím/prefixhossz"
-#: firewall/models.py:319
+#: firewall/models.py:310
 msgid "The IPv6 address and the prefix length of the gateway."
 msgstr "Az útválasztó IPv6 címe és prefixhossza."
-#: firewall/models.py:323
+#: firewall/models.py:314
 msgid "NAT IP address"
 msgstr "NAT IP cím"
-#: firewall/models.py:325
+#: firewall/models.py:316
 msgid ""
 "Common IPv4 address used for address translation of connections to the "
 "networks selected below (typically to the internet)."
@@ -2526,11 +2634,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "Közös címfordításra használt IPv4 cím a kiválasztott hálózatok felé irányuló "
 "kapcsolatokhoz (tipikusan az internet felé)."
-#: firewall/models.py:331
+#: firewall/models.py:322
 msgid "NAT to"
 msgstr "NAT ide"
-#: firewall/models.py:333
+#: firewall/models.py:324
 msgid ""
 "Connections to these networks should be network address translated, i.e. "
 "their source address is rewritten to the value of NAT IP address."
@@ -2538,39 +2646,39 @@ msgstr ""
 "A megadott hálózatok felé induló kapcsolatok címfordításra kerülnek: a "
 "forráscímük a megadott NAT IP címre lesz átírva."
-#: firewall/models.py:339
+#: firewall/models.py:330
 msgid "network type"
 msgstr "hálózat típusa"
-#: firewall/models.py:342 vm/models/network.py:42
+#: firewall/models.py:333 vm/models/network.py:42
 msgid "managed"
 msgstr "menedzselt"
-#: firewall/models.py:345
+#: firewall/models.py:336
 msgid "Description of the goals and elements of the vlan network."
 msgstr "A vlan hálózat céljainak és elemeinek leírása."
-#: firewall/models.py:347
+#: firewall/models.py:338
 msgid "comment"
 msgstr "megjegyzés"
-#: firewall/models.py:349
+#: firewall/models.py:340
 msgid "Notes, comments about the network"
 msgstr "Jegyzetek, megjegyzések a hálózatról"
-#: firewall/models.py:350
+#: firewall/models.py:341
 msgid "domain name"
 msgstr "tartománynév"
-#: firewall/models.py:351
+#: firewall/models.py:342
 msgid "Domain name of the members of this network."
 msgstr "A hálózat tagjainak tartományneve."
-#: firewall/models.py:355
+#: firewall/models.py:346
 msgid "reverse domain"
 msgstr "reverz tartomány"
-#: firewall/models.py:356
+#: firewall/models.py:347
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Template of the IPv4 reverse domain name that should be generated for each "
@@ -2585,15 +2693,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "Például a szabványos reverz név sablonja: \"%(d)d.%(c)d.%(b)d.%(a)d.in-addr."
-#: firewall/models.py:366
+#: firewall/models.py:357
 msgid "ipv6 template"
 msgstr "ipv6 sablon"
-#: firewall/models.py:368
+#: firewall/models.py:359
 msgid "DHCP pool"
 msgstr "DHCP készlet"
-#: firewall/models.py:370
+#: firewall/models.py:361
 msgid ""
 "The address range of the DHCP pool: empty for no DHCP service, \"manual\" "
 "for no DHCP pool, or the first and last address of the range separated by a "
@@ -2603,47 +2711,47 @@ msgstr ""
 "tiltásához adja meg a „manual” értéket, engedélyezéséhez az első és utolsó "
 "érvényes címet szóközzel elválasztva."
-#: firewall/models.py:414
+#: firewall/models.py:405
 msgid "All IP addresses are already in use."
 msgstr "Minden IP cím használatban van."
-#: firewall/models.py:422 firewall/models.py:449 firewall/models.py:802
-#: firewall/models.py:824 firewall/models.py:845 storage/models.py:47
+#: firewall/models.py:413 firewall/models.py:440 firewall/models.py:799
+#: firewall/models.py:821 firewall/models.py:842 storage/models.py:47
 #: storage/models.py:86 vm/models/common.py:65 vm/models/common.py:89
-#: vm/models/common.py:165 vm/models/instance.py:139 vm/models/instance.py:226
-#: vm/models/node.py:62
+#: vm/models/common.py:165 vm/models/instance.py:140 vm/models/instance.py:230
+#: vm/models/node.py:65
 msgid "name"
 msgstr "név"
-#: firewall/models.py:423 firewall/models.py:450
+#: firewall/models.py:414 firewall/models.py:441
 msgid "The name of the group."
 msgstr "A csoport neve."
-#: firewall/models.py:425
+#: firewall/models.py:416
 msgid "vlans"
 msgstr "vlanok"
-#: firewall/models.py:426
+#: firewall/models.py:417
 msgid "The vlans which are members of the group."
 msgstr "A csoport tagjait képező vlanok."
-#: firewall/models.py:429 firewall/models.py:452
+#: firewall/models.py:420 firewall/models.py:443
 msgid "Description of the group."
 msgstr "A csoport leírása."
-#: firewall/models.py:474 storage/models.py:50
+#: firewall/models.py:465 storage/models.py:50
 msgid "hostname"
 msgstr "gépnév"
-#: firewall/models.py:475
+#: firewall/models.py:466
 msgid "The alphanumeric hostname of the host, the first part of the FQDN."
 msgstr "A gép alfanumerikus gépneve, az FQDN első része."
-#: firewall/models.py:481
+#: firewall/models.py:472
 msgid "reverse"
 msgstr "reverz"
-#: firewall/models.py:482
+#: firewall/models.py:473
 msgid ""
 "The fully qualified reverse hostname of the host, if different than hostname."
@@ -2651,139 +2759,139 @@ msgstr ""
 "A gép teljes reverz tartományneve, amennyiben különbözik ettől: gépnév."
-#: firewall/models.py:486
+#: firewall/models.py:477
 msgid "MAC address"
 msgstr "MAC cím"
-#: firewall/models.py:487
+#: firewall/models.py:478
 msgid ""
 "The MAC (Ethernet) address of the network interface. For example: 99:AA:BB:"
 msgstr "A hálózati interfész  MAC (Ethernet) címe. Például 99:AA:BB:CC:DD:EE."
-#: firewall/models.py:492
+#: firewall/models.py:483
 msgid "The real IPv4 address of the host, for example"
 msgstr "A gép valódi IPv4 címe, például"
-#: firewall/models.py:496
+#: firewall/models.py:487
 msgid "WAN IPv4 address"
 msgstr "WAN IPv4 cím"
-#: firewall/models.py:497
+#: firewall/models.py:488
 msgid ""
 "The public IPv4 address of the host on the wide area network, if different."
 msgstr "A gép nyilvános IPv4 címe a nagy kiterjedésű hálózaton, ha eltér."
-#: firewall/models.py:502
+#: firewall/models.py:493
 msgid "The global IPv6 address of the host, for example 2001:db:88:200::10."
 msgstr "A gép globális IPv6 címe, például 2001:db:88:200::10."
-#: firewall/models.py:504
+#: firewall/models.py:495
 msgid "shared IP"
 msgstr "osztott IP"
-#: firewall/models.py:506
+#: firewall/models.py:497
 msgid "If the given WAN IPv4 address is used by multiple hosts."
 msgstr "A WAN IPv4 címet több gép használja-e."
-#: firewall/models.py:509
+#: firewall/models.py:500
 msgid "What is this host for, what kind of machine is it."
 msgstr "Mi a gép célja, milyen gép ez."
-#: firewall/models.py:512
+#: firewall/models.py:503
 msgid "Notes"
 msgstr "Jegyzetek"
-#: firewall/models.py:513
+#: firewall/models.py:504
 msgid "location"
 msgstr "elhelyezés"
-#: firewall/models.py:515
+#: firewall/models.py:506
 msgid "The physical location of the machine."
 msgstr "A gép fizikai helye."
-#: firewall/models.py:518
+#: firewall/models.py:509
 msgid "Vlan network that the host is part of."
 msgstr "Az a vlan hálózat, amelynek a gép része."
-#: firewall/models.py:521
+#: firewall/models.py:512
 msgid "The person responsible for this host."
 msgstr "A gépért felelős személy."
-#: firewall/models.py:523
+#: firewall/models.py:514
 msgid "groups"
 msgstr "csoportok"
-#: firewall/models.py:525
+#: firewall/models.py:516
 msgid "Host groups the machine is part of."
 msgstr "Gépcsoportok, amelyeknek tagja a gép."
-#: firewall/models.py:562
+#: firewall/models.py:553
 msgid "If shared_ip has been checked, external_ipv4 has to be unique."
 msgstr ""
 "Amennyiben az osztott IP mező igaz, a külső IPv4 cím mező egyedi kell legyen."
-#: firewall/models.py:565
+#: firewall/models.py:556
 msgid "You can't use another host's NAT'd address as your own IPv4."
 msgstr "Nem használható másik gép NAT-olt címe saját IPv4 címként."
-#: firewall/models.py:654
+#: firewall/models.py:649
 #, python-format
 msgid "All %s ports are already in use."
 msgstr "Minden %s port használatban van."
-#: firewall/models.py:672
+#: firewall/models.py:667
 #, python-format
 msgid "Port %(proto)s %(public)s is already in use."
 msgstr "A(z) %(public)s %(proto)s port használatban van."
-#: firewall/models.py:690
+#: firewall/models.py:685
 msgid "Only ports above 1024 can be used."
 msgstr "Csak az 1024 feletti portok használhatóak."
-#: firewall/models.py:827 firewall/models.py:857 firewall/models.py:927
-#: firewall/models.py:955 firewall/models.py:979
+#: firewall/models.py:824 firewall/models.py:854 firewall/models.py:924
+#: firewall/models.py:952 firewall/models.py:976
 msgid "created_at"
 msgstr "létrehozva"
-#: firewall/models.py:829 firewall/models.py:859 firewall/models.py:929
-#: firewall/models.py:957 firewall/models.py:981
+#: firewall/models.py:826 firewall/models.py:856 firewall/models.py:926
+#: firewall/models.py:954 firewall/models.py:978
 msgid "modified_at"
 msgstr "módosítva"
-#: firewall/models.py:830 firewall/models.py:853
+#: firewall/models.py:827 firewall/models.py:850
 msgid "ttl"
 msgstr "ttl"
-#: firewall/models.py:846
+#: firewall/models.py:843
 msgid "domain"
 msgstr "tartomány"
-#: firewall/models.py:852
+#: firewall/models.py:849
 msgid "address"
 msgstr "cím"
-#: firewall/models.py:874
+#: firewall/models.py:871
 msgid "Address must be specified!"
 msgstr "A cím megadása kötelező."
-#: firewall/models.py:887
+#: firewall/models.py:884
 msgid "Unknown record type."
 msgstr "Ismeretlen rekordtípus."
-#: firewall/models.py:921
+#: firewall/models.py:918
 msgid "untagged vlan"
 msgstr "untagged vlan"
-#: firewall/models.py:924
+#: firewall/models.py:921
 msgid "tagged vlans"
 msgstr "tagged vlanok"
-#: firewall/models.py:947
+#: firewall/models.py:944
 msgid "interface"
 msgstr "interfész"
-#: firewall/models.py:948
+#: firewall/models.py:945
 msgid ""
 "The name of network interface the gateway should serve this network on. For "
 "example eth2."
@@ -2791,23 +2899,23 @@ msgstr ""
 "Azon hálózati interfész nevve, amelyen az útválasztó ezt a hálózatot "
 "kiszolgálja. Például eth2."
-#: firewall/models.py:953
+#: firewall/models.py:950
 msgid "switch port"
 msgstr "switch port"
-#: firewall/models.py:969
+#: firewall/models.py:966
 msgid "reason"
 msgstr "indok"
-#: firewall/models.py:971
+#: firewall/models.py:968
 msgid "short message"
 msgstr "rövid üzenet"
-#: firewall/models.py:991
+#: firewall/models.py:988
 msgid "blacklist item"
 msgstr "tiltólista eleme"
-#: firewall/models.py:992
+#: firewall/models.py:989
 msgid "blacklist"
 msgstr "tiltólista"
@@ -3297,7 +3405,7 @@ msgstr "eszközazonosító"
 msgid "disk"
 msgstr "lemez"
-#: storage/models.py:104 vm/models/instance.py:146 vm/models/instance.py:253
+#: storage/models.py:104 vm/models/instance.py:147 vm/models/instance.py:257
 msgid "disks"
 msgstr "lemezek"
@@ -3379,7 +3487,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "lemezen, mivel az alapja,  „%(b_name)s” (%(b_pk)s) [%(b_filename)s]  nem "
 "volt még csatolva."
-#: storage/models.py:413 storage/models.py:488 vm/models/instance.py:886
+#: storage/models.py:413 storage/models.py:488 vm/models/instance.py:895
 msgid "Operation aborted by user."
 msgstr "A műveletet a felhasználó megszakította."
@@ -3395,7 +3503,7 @@ msgstr "Az oldal nem létezik."
 msgid ":("
 msgstr ":("
-#: templates/500.html:13
+#: templates/500.html:18
 msgid "Internal Server Error... Please leave the server alone..."
 msgstr "Kiszolgálóoldali hiba. Ne bántsa a szervert."
@@ -3428,7 +3536,8 @@ msgid ""
 "        instances based on templates.\n"
 "        These templates are also easy to create.\n"
 "        "
-msgstr "\n"
+msgstr ""
 "Legfontosabb funkciója a virtuális gépek indítása és kezelése könnyen "
 "létrehozható sablonok alapján."
@@ -3440,7 +3549,8 @@ msgid ""
 "        intuitive, and the web interface shows detailed instructions on\n"
 "        advanced options.\n"
 "        "
-msgstr "\n"
+msgstr ""
 "Ezen az útmutatón kívül javasoljuk, hogy próbálja ki a rendszert, amelynek "
 "használata magától értetődő. A webes felületen részletes útmutatást talál a "
 "haladó lehetőségekről."
@@ -3453,7 +3563,8 @@ msgid ""
 "can log in\n"
 "        to the dashboard.\n"
 "        "
-msgstr "\n"
+msgstr ""
 "A szolgáltatást a <tt>https://%(host)s/</tt> címen érheti el. Itt "
 "bejelentkezhet az irányítópultra."
@@ -3464,7 +3575,8 @@ msgid ""
 "        resources, and the main starting point to access the functions of\n"
 "        the system.\n"
 "        "
-msgstr "\n"
+msgstr ""
 "Az irányítópult összefoglalja a virtuális gépeket és más erőforrásokat. Ez a "
 "kiindulópont a rendszer lehetőségeinek eléréséhez."
@@ -3482,12 +3594,12 @@ msgid ""
 "          Click on the name of a virtual machine to see its connection\n"
 "          details, preferences, or to change its state.\n"
 "          "
-msgstr "\n"
-"A <em>virtuális gépek</em> dobozban találja legutóbbi virtuális gépeit. "
-"Egy összefoglaló nézet is elérhető az műszer gombra (<i class=\"fa "
-"fa-dashboard\"></i>) kattintva. "
-"Kattintson a virtuális gép nevére a kapcsolódási adatok, beállítások "
-"megtekintéséhez, vagy az állapotának megváltoztatásához."
+msgstr ""
+"A <em>virtuális gépek</em> dobozban találja legutóbbi virtuális gépeit. Egy "
+"összefoglaló nézet is elérhető az műszer gombra (<i class=\"fa fa-dashboard"
+"\"></i>) kattintva. Kattintson a virtuális gép nevére a kapcsolódási adatok, "
+"beállítások megtekintéséhez, vagy az állapotának megváltoztatásához."
 #: templates/info/help.html:61
 msgid ""
@@ -3501,14 +3613,14 @@ msgid ""
 "              <i class=\"fa fa-plus-circle\"></i> new</span> button, and\n"
 "          choosing a template.\n"
 "          "
-msgstr "\n"
-"A fontos vagy gyakran használt gépeket megjelölheti kedvencként (<i "
-"class=\"fa fa-star-o\"></i>). "
-"A keresés mező inkrementálisan mutatja az eredményeket, beküldésével (⏎) "
-"közvetlenül a megtalált gépre ugrik, ha pontosan egy találat van. "
-"Új virtuális gépeket az <span class=\"btn btn-success disabled btn-xs\"><i "
-"class=\"fa fa-plus-circle\"></i> új</span> gombra kattintva, majd a sablont "
-"kiválasztva indíthat. "
+msgstr ""
+"A fontos vagy gyakran használt gépeket megjelölheti kedvencként (<i class="
+"\"fa fa-star-o\"></i>). A keresés mező inkrementálisan mutatja az "
+"eredményeket, beküldésével (⏎) közvetlenül a megtalált gépre ugrik, ha "
+"pontosan egy találat van. Új virtuális gépeket az <span class=\"btn btn-"
+"success disabled btn-xs\"><i class=\"fa fa-plus-circle\"></i> új</span> "
+"gombra kattintva, majd a sablont kiválasztva indíthat. "
 #: templates/info/help.html:72
 msgid ""
@@ -3523,11 +3635,12 @@ msgid ""
 "          the machine in categories.\n"
 "          "
-msgstr "\n"
-"Ha kiválaszt egy virtuális gépet, a gép adatait és műveleteit elérhetővé tévő "
-"oldalra jut. Baloldalt a gép állapotát és a <strong>csatlakozáshoz</strong> "
-"szükséges adatokat találja. Középen egy több lapból álló panel van, amely a "
-"gép összes részletét kategorizálva mutatja be."
+msgstr ""
+"Ha kiválaszt egy virtuális gépet, a gép adatait és műveleteit elérhetővé "
+"tévő oldalra jut. Baloldalt a gép állapotát és a <strong>csatlakozáshoz</"
+"strong> szükséges adatokat találja. Középen egy több lapból álló panel van, "
+"amely a gép összes részletét kategorizálva mutatja be."
 #: templates/info/help.html:81
 msgid ""
@@ -3536,9 +3649,10 @@ msgid ""
 "          important actions that control the <strong>lifecycle</strong> of\n"
 "          the machine.\n"
 "          "
-msgstr "\n"
-"A jobb felső sarokban a műveleteket tartalmazó eszköztár található a gép <"
-"strong>életciklusát</strong> befolyásoló, legfontosabb műveletekkel."
+msgstr ""
+"A jobb felső sarokban a műveleteket tartalmazó eszköztár található a gép "
+"<strong>életciklusát</strong> befolyásoló, legfontosabb műveletekkel."
 #: templates/info/help.html:87
 msgid ""
@@ -3551,7 +3665,8 @@ msgid ""
 "          You can click on them as the confirmation dialog explains in\n"
 "          detail what they do.\n"
 "          "
-msgstr "\n"
+msgstr ""
 "Az eszköztár gombjai színkódoltak a hatásuk szerint, valamint a gép "
 "állapotától függően kerülnek engedélyezésre/tiltásra. Az ajánlott művelet "
 "gombja a legnagyobb, amelyen szerepel az adott művelet megnevezése is. "
@@ -3572,7 +3687,8 @@ msgid ""
 "          can reset the counters. Of course you will get a notification if\n"
 "          the machine is going to expire.\n"
 "          "
-msgstr "\n"
+msgstr ""
 "A <strong><i class=\"fa fa-compass\"></i> Kezdőoldal</strong> lap "
 "statisztikát mutat be a gép működéséről, valamint itt változtathatja meg a "
 "gép nevét, leírását és címkéit. Kifejezetten ajánljuk a leírás kitöltését, "
@@ -3591,19 +3707,19 @@ msgid ""
 "          details about how much memory and CPU the VM has, and how is it\n"
 "          scheduled.\n"
 "          "
-msgstr "\n"
-"          <strong><i class=\"fa fa-tasks\"></i> Erőforrások</strong> lap "
+msgstr ""
+"Az          <strong><i class=\"fa fa-tasks\"></i> Erőforrások</strong> lap "
 "bemutatja, hogy a virtuális gép mennyi CPU-val és memóriával rendelkezik, "
-"valamint milyen az ütemezése."
-"          "
+"valamint milyen az ütemezése.          "
 #: templates/info/help.html:115
 msgid ""
 "              Users with specific permission can change these settings if\n"
 "              the machine is stopped."
-msgstr "\n"
+msgstr ""
 "A megfelelő jogosultsággal rendelkező felhasználók megváltoztathatják ezeket "
 "a beállításokat, ha a gépet leállították."
@@ -3614,7 +3730,8 @@ msgid ""
 "          to see the console of the virutal machine for troubleshooting and\n"
 "          operating system installation."
-msgstr "\n"
+msgstr ""
 "          <strong><i class=\"fa fa-desktop\"></i> Konzol</strong> lap "
 "lehetővé teszi a virtuális gépek hibaelhárítását és az operációs rendszer "
@@ -3649,7 +3766,8 @@ msgid ""
 "          Users can see the details of the machine, operators can use most\n"
 "          functions, and owners can also destroy the machine.\n"
 "          "
-msgstr "\n"
+msgstr ""
 "A <strong><i class=\"fa fa-group\"></i> Hozzáférés</strong> lap a gép "
 "megosztását és a tulajdon átruházását teszi lehetővé. A gép felhasználói "
 "láthatják a gép részleteit, az operátorok használhatják a legtöbb műveletet, "
@@ -3663,7 +3781,8 @@ msgid ""
 "          You can add or remove interfaces, and allow remote access of\n"
 "          different TCP/UDP ports.\n"
 "          "
-msgstr "\n"
+msgstr ""
 "          <strong><i class=\"fa fa-globe\"></i> Hálózat</strong> lap a "
 "virtuális gép hálózati kapcsolatait mutatja be. Lehetőség van interfészek "
@@ -3680,7 +3799,8 @@ msgid ""
 "name of\n"
 "          the action).\n"
 "          "
-msgstr "\n"
+msgstr ""
 "A \n"
 "          <strong><i class=\"fa fa-clock-o\"></i> Tevékenységek</strong> "
 "lapon látszik a virtuális gép teljes élettörténete. Itt lehet a műveletek "
@@ -3712,7 +3832,8 @@ msgid ""
 "            share them with your groups or other users.\n"
 "            "
-msgstr "\n"
+msgstr ""
 "Az irányítópulti dobozban a saját sablonait, valamint azokat látja, "
 "amelyekhez legalább <em>operátor</em> jogosultsága van. Ez azt jelenti, hogy "
 "megoszthatja őket csoportjaival vagy egyes felhasználókkal."
@@ -3728,9 +3849,8 @@ msgid ""
 "            "
 msgstr ""
-"            Bármely virtuális gépből létrehozhat sablont a"
-"            <span class=\"btn btn-info disabled btn-xs\"><i class=\"fa fa-"
+"            Bármely virtuális gépből létrehozhat sablont a            <span "
+"class=\"btn btn-info disabled btn-xs\"><i class=\"fa fa-save\"></i>\n"
 "              mentés sablonként</span>\n"
 "            gomb segítségével.\n"
 "            "
@@ -3743,7 +3863,8 @@ msgid ""
 "              <i class=\"fa fa-plus-circle\"></i> new</span> button of the\n"
 "            template box, and follow the template creation wizard.\n"
 "            "
-msgstr "\n"
+msgstr ""
 "Ezen felül a sablonok dobozban lévő <span class=\"btn btn-success disabled "
 "btn-xs\"><i class=\"fa fa-plus-circle\"></i> új</span> gombbal is elindíthat "
 "egy sablonkészítő varázslót."
@@ -3758,7 +3879,8 @@ msgid ""
 "            Groups are the main building blocks of permission management.\n"
 "            On the dashboard you see a list of groups you have access to.\n"
 "            "
-msgstr "\n"
+msgstr ""
 "A csoportok a jogosultságkezelés epítőelemei. Az irányítópulton azon "
 "csoportokat látja, amelykhez hozzáférése van."
@@ -3770,7 +3892,8 @@ msgid ""
 "              <i class=\"fa fa-plus-circle\"></i> new</span> button of the\n"
 "            groups box.\n"
 "            "
-msgstr "\n"
+msgstr ""
 "Saját csoportokat is létrehozhat a csoportok dobozban lévő <span class=\"btn "
 "btn-success disabled btn-xs\"><i class=\"fa fa-plus-circle\"></i> új</span> "
@@ -3786,7 +3909,8 @@ msgid ""
 "            specific organizational identifier set, so members will\n"
 "            automatically added if they log in.\n"
 "            "
-msgstr "\n"
+msgstr ""
 "SSO azonosítással belépett felhasználók automatikusan tagjai lehetnek "
 "csoportoknak a szervezeti azonosítójuk alapján. Aki adminisztrátorai egy "
 "csoportnak (vagy oktatói egy tantárgynak az akadémiai szférában) olyan "
@@ -3799,7 +3923,8 @@ msgid ""
 "            You can also add users based on their identifier, also if they\n"
 "            have not logged in at the time.\n"
 "            "
-msgstr "\n"
+msgstr ""
 "Azonosítójuk alapján is hozzáadhat felhasználókat, akkor is, ha még nem "
 "léptek be a rendszerbe."
@@ -3814,7 +3939,8 @@ msgid ""
 "            way to keep and retrieve your work done on virtual machines.\n"
 "            "
-msgstr "\n"
+msgstr ""
 "Minden felhasználónak van egy személyes tárhelye, ami a egyszerű módot ad a "
 "virtuális gépeken elkészített munka tárolására és letöltésére."
@@ -3831,13 +3957,14 @@ msgid ""
 "              <i class=\"fa fa-briefcase\"></i> mount store</span> button\n"
 "            of the virtual machine.\n"
 "            "
-msgstr "\n"
-"Fájljait a webes felületről és a virtuális gépekről is eléri. A webes felület "
-"olyan, mint bármelyik fájlböngésző. A virtuális gépek alapesetben nem kapják "
-"meg a tárhely eléréséhez szükséges azonosítókat elkerülendő megosztásukat a "
-"gép esetleges többi használójával. A tárhely használatához nyomja meg a <span "
-"class=\"btn btn-info disabled btn-xs\"><i class=\"fa fa-briefcase\"></i> "
-"tárhely csatolása</span> gombot a virtuális gépen."
+msgstr ""
+"Fájljait a webes felületről és a virtuális gépekről is eléri. A webes "
+"felület olyan, mint bármelyik fájlböngésző. A virtuális gépek alapesetben "
+"nem kapják meg a tárhely eléréséhez szükséges azonosítókat elkerülendő "
+"megosztásukat a gép esetleges többi használójával. A tárhely használatához "
+"nyomja meg a <span class=\"btn btn-info disabled btn-xs\"><i class=\"fa fa-"
+"briefcase\"></i> tárhely csatolása</span> gombot a virtuális gépen."
 #: templates/info/help.html:251
 msgid ""
@@ -3854,7 +3981,8 @@ msgid ""
 "        that can be deployed with minimal effort on a single computer as "
 "well as on a larger cluster.\n"
 "        "
-msgstr "\n"
+msgstr ""
 "A CIRCLE Cloud egy teljeskörű nyílt forrású felhőmegoldás, amely könnyen "
 "telepíthető egy gépre, vagy akár egy nagyobb fürtre."
@@ -3866,8 +3994,7 @@ msgid ""
 "        "
 msgstr ""
-"    A szolgáltatás üzemeltetője:"
-"   %(maintainer)s       \n"
+"    A szolgáltatás üzemeltetője:   %(maintainer)s       \n"
 "        "
 #: templates/info/policy.html:9
@@ -3879,7 +4006,9 @@ msgid ""
 "            The system cannot be used for illegal activites.\n"
 "            "
-msgstr "\nA rendszer nem használható jogszerűtlen célokra."
+msgstr ""
+"A rendszer nem használható jogszerűtlen célokra."
 #: templates/info/policy.html:22
 msgid ""
@@ -3901,7 +4030,8 @@ msgid ""
 "            updating the operating system is the responsibility of the "
 "            "
-msgstr "\n"
+msgstr ""
 "A virtuális gépek biztonságos üzemeltetése, a rajtuk futó szoftverek "
 "frissítése a felhasználó felelőssége."
@@ -3914,7 +4044,8 @@ msgid ""
 "either via SSH\n"
 "            or NoMachine NX (GUI).\n"
 "          "
-msgstr "\n"
+msgstr ""
 "A gépekhez az adott operációs rendszeren szokásos módon csatlakozhat: Window "
 "alatt RDP-vel (távoli asztali kapcsolat), Linuxot futtató gépekhez SSH-val "
 "vagy grafikusan a NoMachine NX rendszerrel."
@@ -3927,7 +4058,8 @@ msgid ""
 "        you have an idea for a feature please contact the maintainer of the "
 "        "
-msgstr "\n"
+msgstr ""
 "A CIRCLE Cloud egy nyílt forrású felhőmegoldás. Amennyiben hibát tapasztal, "
 "vagy fejlesztési javaslata van, keresse meg a szolgáltatás üzemeltetőjét."
@@ -3998,59 +4130,59 @@ msgstr "Jelszó visszaállítása"
 msgid "Enter your email address to reset your password!"
 msgstr "Adja meg e-mail címét a jelszó visszaállításához."
-#: vm/operations.py:80
+#: vm/operations.py:85
 #, python-format
 msgid "%(acl_level)s level is required for this operation."
 msgstr "%(acl_level)s jogosultság szükséges a művelethez."
-#: vm/operations.py:115
+#: vm/operations.py:122
 msgid "Add a new network interface for the specified VLAN to the VM."
 msgstr "Új hálózati interfész hozzáadása a megadott VLAN-ba."
-#: vm/operations.py:123
+#: vm/operations.py:130
 msgid "destroy network (rollback)"
 msgstr "hálózat megsemmisítése (visszagörgetés)"
-#: vm/operations.py:130
+#: vm/operations.py:137
 #, python-format
 msgid "User acces to vlan %(vlan)s is required."
 msgstr "Használói jogosultság szükséges a(z) %(vlan)s vlan-hoz."
-#: vm/operations.py:142
+#: vm/operations.py:149
 msgid "attach network"
 msgstr "hálózat csatolása"
-#: vm/operations.py:151
+#: vm/operations.py:158
 #, python-format
 msgid "add %(vlan)s interface"
 msgstr "új %(vlan)s interfész"
-#: vm/operations.py:162
+#: vm/operations.py:169
 msgid "create disk"
 msgstr "lemez létrehozása"
-#: vm/operations.py:163
+#: vm/operations.py:170
 msgid "Create and attach empty disk to the virtual machine."
 msgstr "Üres lemez létehozása és virtuális géphez csatolása."
-#: vm/operations.py:184
+#: vm/operations.py:191
 msgid "deploying disk"
 msgstr "lemez létrehozása"
-#: vm/operations.py:189 vm/operations.py:234
+#: vm/operations.py:196 vm/operations.py:241
 msgid "attach disk"
 msgstr "lemez csatolása"
-#: vm/operations.py:195
+#: vm/operations.py:202
 #, python-format
 msgid "create disk %(name)s (%(size)s)"
 msgstr "%(name)s lemez létrehozása (%(size)s)"
-#: vm/operations.py:205
+#: vm/operations.py:212
 msgid "download disk"
 msgstr "lemez letöltése"
-#: vm/operations.py:206
+#: vm/operations.py:213
 msgid ""
 "Download and attach disk image (ISO file) for the virtual machine. Most "
 "operating systems do not detect a new optical drive, so you may have to "
@@ -4060,16 +4192,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "operációs rendszer nem érzékeli az új optikai meghajtót, így valószínűleg "
 "újra kell indítania a virtuális gépet."
-#: vm/operations.py:228
+#: vm/operations.py:235
 #, python-format
 msgid "download %(name)s"
 msgstr "%(name)s letöltése"
-#: vm/operations.py:244
+#: vm/operations.py:251
 msgid "deploy"
 msgstr "indítás"
-#: vm/operations.py:245
+#: vm/operations.py:252
 msgid ""
 "Deploy and start the virtual machine (including storage and network "
@@ -4077,48 +4209,58 @@ msgstr ""
 "Virtuális gép elhelyezése és indítása (valamint a lemezek és a hálózat "
-#: vm/operations.py:266
+#: vm/operations.py:269
+#, python-format
+msgid "virtual machine successfully deployed to node: %(node)s"
+msgstr "a virtuális gép sikeresen elindítva a következő csomóponton: %(node)s"
+#: vm/operations.py:281
 msgid "deploy disks"
 msgstr "lemez létrehozása"
-#: vm/operations.py:273
+#: vm/operations.py:286
 msgid "deploy virtual machine"
 msgstr "virtuális gép létrehozása"
-#: vm/operations.py:279 vm/operations.py:398 vm/operations.py:729
+#: vm/operations.py:287
+#, python-format
+msgid "deploy vm to %(node)s"
+msgstr "vm létrehozása: %(node)s"
+#: vm/operations.py:296 vm/operations.py:408 vm/operations.py:731
 msgid "deploy network"
 msgstr "hálózati kapcsolat létrehozása"
-#: vm/operations.py:285
+#: vm/operations.py:302
 msgid "boot virtual machine"
 msgstr "virtuális gép indítása"
-#: vm/operations.py:300
+#: vm/operations.py:317
 msgid "destroy"
 msgstr "megsemmisítés"
-#: vm/operations.py:301
+#: vm/operations.py:318
 msgid "Permanently destroy virtual machine, its network settings and disks."
 msgstr ""
 "Virtuális gép és lemezeinek, hálózati beállításainak végleges eltávolítása."
-#: vm/operations.py:312
+#: vm/operations.py:327
 msgid "destroy network"
 msgstr "hálózat megsemmisítése"
-#: vm/operations.py:321
+#: vm/operations.py:336
 msgid "destroy virtual machine"
 msgstr "virtuális gép megsemmisítése"
-#: vm/operations.py:327
+#: vm/operations.py:342
 msgid "destroy disks"
 msgstr "lemez megsemmisítése"
-#: vm/operations.py:350
+#: vm/operations.py:365
 msgid "migrate"
 msgstr "migrálás"
-#: vm/operations.py:351
+#: vm/operations.py:366
 msgid ""
 "Move virtual machine to an other worker node with a few seconds of "
 "interruption (live migration)."
@@ -4126,38 +4268,38 @@ msgstr ""
 "A virtuális gép áthelyezése egy másik számítási csomópontra néhány másodperc "
 "kimaradással (live migration)."
-#: vm/operations.py:359
+#: vm/operations.py:375
 msgid "redeploy network (rollback)"
 msgstr "hálózati kapcsolat újraépítése (visszagörgetés)"
-#: vm/operations.py:372
+#: vm/operations.py:382
 msgid "schedule"
 msgstr "ütemezés"
-#: vm/operations.py:379
+#: vm/operations.py:389
 #, python-format
 msgid "migrate to %(node)s"
 msgstr "migrálás %(node)s csomópontra"
-#: vm/operations.py:389 vm/operations.py:680
+#: vm/operations.py:399 vm/operations.py:684
 msgid "shutdown network"
 msgstr "hálózati kapcsolat leállítása"
-#: vm/operations.py:408
+#: vm/operations.py:418
 msgid "reboot"
 msgstr "újraindítás"
-#: vm/operations.py:409
+#: vm/operations.py:419
 msgid ""
 "Warm reboot virtual machine by sending Ctrl+Alt+Del signal to its console."
 msgstr ""
 "Virtuális gép újraindítása a konzoljára a Ctrl+Alt+Del kombináció küldésével."
-#: vm/operations.py:424
+#: vm/operations.py:434
 msgid "remove interface"
 msgstr "interfész törlése"
-#: vm/operations.py:425
+#: vm/operations.py:435
 msgid ""
 "Remove the specified network interface and erase IP address allocations, "
 "related firewall rules and hostnames."
@@ -4165,50 +4307,50 @@ msgstr ""
 "A kiválasztott hálózati interfész eltávolítása, a foglalt IP címek, "
 "tűzfalszabályok és gépnevek törlése."
-#: vm/operations.py:435
+#: vm/operations.py:445
 msgid "detach network"
 msgstr "hálózat lecsatolása"
-#: vm/operations.py:444
+#: vm/operations.py:454
 #, python-format
 msgid "remove %(vlan)s interface"
 msgstr "%(vlan)s interfész törlése"
-#: vm/operations.py:454
+#: vm/operations.py:464
 msgid "remove disk"
 msgstr "lemez eltávolítása"
-#: vm/operations.py:455
+#: vm/operations.py:465
 msgid ""
 "Remove the specified disk from the virtual machine, and destroy the data."
 msgstr "A megadott lemez eltávolítása a virtuális gépből és az adat törlése."
-#: vm/operations.py:464
+#: vm/operations.py:474
 msgid "detach disk"
 msgstr "lemez leválasztása"
-#: vm/operations.py:469
+#: vm/operations.py:479
 msgid "destroy disk"
 msgstr "lemez megsemmisítése"
-#: vm/operations.py:474
+#: vm/operations.py:484
 #, python-format
 msgid "remove disk %(name)s"
 msgstr "%(name)s lemez eltávolítása"
-#: vm/operations.py:483
+#: vm/operations.py:493
 msgid "reset"
-msgstr "újraindítás"
+msgstr "reset"
-#: vm/operations.py:484
+#: vm/operations.py:494
 msgid "Cold reboot virtual machine (power cycle)."
 msgstr "Virtuális gép hideg újraindítása (hálózati tápellátás megszakítása)."
-#: vm/operations.py:497
+#: vm/operations.py:507
 msgid "save as template"
 msgstr "mentés sablonként"
-#: vm/operations.py:498
+#: vm/operations.py:508
 msgid ""
 "Save virtual machine as a template so they can be shared with users and "
 "groups.  Anyone who has access to a template (and to the networks it uses) "
@@ -4218,30 +4360,30 @@ msgstr ""
 "felhasználókkal és csoportokkal. Mindenki, aki hozzáférést kap egy sablonhoz "
 "(és az általa használt hálózatokhoz), képes lesz egy példányát elindítani."
-#: vm/operations.py:567
+#: vm/operations.py:577
 #, python-format
 msgid "saving disk %(name)s"
 msgstr "%(name)s lemez mentése"
-#: vm/operations.py:594
+#: vm/operations.py:604
 msgid "shutdown"
 msgstr "leállítás"
-#: vm/operations.py:595
+#: vm/operations.py:605
 msgid ""
 "Try to halt virtual machine by a standard ACPI signal, allowing the "
 "operating system to keep a consistent state. The operation will fail if the "
 "machine does not turn itself off in a period."
 msgstr ""
 "Virtuális gép megállítása szabványos ACPI jelzéssel, lehetővé téve az "
-"operációs rendszer számár a szabályos leállást. A művelet meghiúsul, ha a gép "
-"nem áll le."
+"operációs rendszer számár a szabályos leállást. A művelet meghiúsul, ha a "
+"gép nem áll le."
-#: vm/operations.py:618
+#: vm/operations.py:626
 msgid "shut off"
 msgstr "kikapcsolás"
-#: vm/operations.py:619
+#: vm/operations.py:627
 msgid ""
 "Forcibly halt a virtual machine without notifying the operating system. This "
 "operation will even work in cases when shutdown does not, but the operating "
@@ -4254,11 +4396,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "rendszer és a fájlrendszer sérülhet, adatvesztés történhet. A művelet hatása "
 "hasonló, mint egy fizikai gép tápellátásának megszüntetése."
-#: vm/operations.py:652
+#: vm/operations.py:658
 msgid "sleep"
 msgstr "altatás"
-#: vm/operations.py:653
+#: vm/operations.py:659
 msgid ""
 "Suspend virtual machine. This means the machine is stopped and its memory is "
 "saved to disk, so if the machine is waked up, all the applications will keep "
@@ -4267,22 +4409,22 @@ msgid ""
 "when resumed. In the meantime, the machine will only use storage resources, "
 "and keep network resources allocated."
 msgstr ""
-"Virtuális gép felfüggesztése. A virtuális gép megállításra, memóriája lemezre "
-"mentésre kerül. Így a gép ébresztése után minden futó alkalmazás folytatódik. "
-"A legtöbb alkalmazás elviseli akár a hosszabb idejű felfüggesztést, azonban a "
-"folyamatos hálózati kapcsolatot igénylő programok megállhatnak visszaállítás "
-"után. A felfüggesztés ideje alatt a virtuális gép csak tárterületet és "
-"hálózati erőforrásokat foglal."
-#: vm/operations.py:686
+"Virtuális gép felfüggesztése. A virtuális gép megállításra, memóriája "
+"lemezre mentésre kerül. Így a gép ébresztése után minden futó alkalmazás "
+"folytatódik. A legtöbb alkalmazás elviseli akár a hosszabb idejű "
+"felfüggesztést, azonban a folyamatos hálózati kapcsolatot igénylő programok "
+"megállhatnak visszaállítás után. A felfüggesztés ideje alatt a virtuális gép "
+"csak tárterületet és hálózati erőforrásokat foglal."
+#: vm/operations.py:690
 msgid "suspend virtual machine"
 msgstr "virtuális gép felfüggesztése"
-#: vm/operations.py:699
+#: vm/operations.py:703
 msgid "wake up"
 msgstr "virtuális gép ébresztése"
-#: vm/operations.py:700
+#: vm/operations.py:704
 msgid ""
 "Wake up sleeping (suspended) virtual machine. This will load the saved "
 "memory of the system and start the virtual machine from this state."
@@ -4290,15 +4432,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "Alvó (felfüggesztett) gép ébresztése: az elmentett memóriatartalom "
 "visszatöltése és a virtuális gép indítása ebből a mentett állapotból."
-#: vm/operations.py:723
+#: vm/operations.py:725
 msgid "resume virtual machine"
 msgstr "virtuális gép ébresztése"
-#: vm/operations.py:744
+#: vm/operations.py:746
 msgid "renew"
 msgstr "megújítás"
-#: vm/operations.py:745
+#: vm/operations.py:747
 msgid ""
 "Virtual machines are suspended and destroyed after they expire. This "
 "operation renews expiration times according to the lease type. If the "
@@ -4308,7 +4450,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "a művelet megújítja a bérletet a kiválasztott típusnak megfelelően. Ha egy "
 "gép közeledik a lejárathoz, a tulajdonost értesítjük."
-#: vm/operations.py:758
+#: vm/operations.py:760
 msgid ""
 "Renewing the machine with the selected lease would result in its suspension "
 "time get earlier than before."
@@ -4316,7 +4458,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "A gép megújítása a kiválasztott bérleti mód mellett a felfüggesztési időt "
 "korábbra állította volna, mint a jelenlegi érték."
-#: vm/operations.py:763
+#: vm/operations.py:765
 msgid ""
 "Renewing the machine with the selected lease would result in its delete time "
 "get earlier than before."
@@ -4324,17 +4466,17 @@ msgstr ""
 "A gép megújítása a kiválasztott bérleti mód mellett a törlési időt korábbra "
 "állította volna, mint a jelenlegi érték."
-#: vm/operations.py:769
+#: vm/operations.py:773
 #, python-format
 msgid "Renewed to suspend at %(suspend)s and destroy at %(delete)s."
 msgstr ""
 "Megújítás után felfüggesztés ideje: %(suspend)s, a törlésé: %(delete)s."
-#: vm/operations.py:779
+#: vm/operations.py:783
 msgid "emergency state change"
 msgstr "vész-állapotváltás"
-#: vm/operations.py:780
+#: vm/operations.py:784
 msgid ""
 "Change the virtual machine state to NOSTATE. This should only be used if "
 "manual intervention was needed in the virtualization layer, and the machine "
@@ -4345,28 +4487,28 @@ msgstr ""
 "rétegben, és úgy szeretné a gépet újból elindítani, hogy ne vesszenek el "
 "lemezei vagy hálózati erőforrásai."
-#: vm/operations.py:826
+#: vm/operations.py:796
+msgid "Activity is forcibly interrupted."
+msgstr "A tevékenység erőszakos megszakításra került."
+#: vm/operations.py:838
 msgid "flush"
 msgstr "ürítés"
-#: vm/operations.py:827
+#: vm/operations.py:839
 msgid "Disable node and move all instances to other ones."
 msgstr "A csomópont tiltása és az összes példány másikakra mozgatása."
-#: vm/operations.py:839
-msgid "Superuser privileges are required."
-msgstr "Rendszergazdai jogosultság szükséges."
-#: vm/operations.py:848
+#: vm/operations.py:854
 #, python-format
 msgid "migrate %(instance)s (%(pk)s)"
 msgstr "%(instance)s (%(pk)s) migrálása"
-#: vm/operations.py:860
+#: vm/operations.py:866
 msgid "screenshot"
 msgstr "képernyőkép"
-#: vm/operations.py:861
+#: vm/operations.py:867
 msgid ""
 "Get a screenshot about the virtual machine's console. A key will be pressed "
 "on the keyboard to stop screensaver."
@@ -4374,11 +4516,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "Képernyőkép készítése a virtuális gép konzoljáról. Egy billentyűnyomást "
 "követően készül a kép a képernyővédő miatt."
-#: vm/operations.py:878
+#: vm/operations.py:884
 msgid "recover"
 msgstr "visszaállítás"
-#: vm/operations.py:879
+#: vm/operations.py:885
 msgid ""
 "Try to recover virtual machine disks from destroyed state. Network resources "
 "(allocations) are already lost, so you will have to manually add interfaces "
@@ -4388,27 +4530,27 @@ msgstr ""
 "hálózati erőforrások foglalásai már végleg elvesztek, így az interfészeket "
 "kézzel kell a visszaállítás után pótolni."
-#: vm/operations.py:910
+#: vm/operations.py:914
 msgid "resources change"
 msgstr "erőforrások módosítása"
-#: vm/operations.py:911
+#: vm/operations.py:915
 msgid "Change resources of a stopped virtual machine."
 msgstr "Leállított virtuális gép erőforrásainak változtatása."
-#: vm/operations.py:928
+#: vm/operations.py:932
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Priority: %(priority)s, Num cores: %(num_cores)s, Ram size: %(ram_size)s"
 msgstr ""
-"Prioritás: %(priority)s, magok száma: %(num_cores)s, memória mérete: %"
+"Prioritás: %(priority)s, magok száma: %(num_cores)s, memória mérete: "
-#: vm/operations.py:940
+#: vm/operations.py:963
 msgid "password reset"
 msgstr "jelszó visszaállítása"
-#: vm/operations.py:941
+#: vm/operations.py:964
 msgid ""
 "Generate and set a new login password on the virtual machine. This operation "
 "requires the agent running. Resetting the password is not warranted to allow "
@@ -4418,6 +4560,18 @@ msgstr ""
 "művelet megköveteli az ügynök futását. A jelszó átállítása nem garantálja a "
 "sikeres belépést, mivel más beállítások is megakadályozhatják ezt."
+#: vm/operations.py:986
+msgid "mount store"
+msgstr "tárhely csatolása"
+#: vm/operations.py:988
+msgid ""
+"This operation attaches your personal file store. Other users who have "
+"access to this machine can see these files as well."
+msgstr ""
+"Ez a művelet csatolja az ön személyes tárhelyét. A gép más felhasználói is "
+"elérhetik fájljait."
 #: vm/models/activity.py:47
 #, python-format
 msgid "%(activity)s activity is currently in progress."
@@ -4432,15 +4586,15 @@ msgstr "%(activity)s (%(pk)s) folyamatban van."
 msgid "Instance this activity works on."
 msgstr "A tevékenység tárgyát képező példány."
-#: vm/models/activity.py:211
+#: vm/models/activity.py:218
 msgid "Node this activity works on."
 msgstr "A tevékenység tárgyát képező csomópont."
-#: vm/models/activity.py:212
+#: vm/models/activity.py:219
 msgid "node"
 msgstr "csomópont"
-#: vm/models/activity.py:270
+#: vm/models/activity.py:277
 msgid "Manager is restarted, activity is cleaned up. You can try again now."
 msgstr ""
 "A menedzser újraindítása miatt a tevékenység lezárásra került. Próbálja újra."
@@ -4469,7 +4623,7 @@ msgstr "Felső memóriaméret-korlát ballooning esetén."
 msgid "architecture"
 msgstr "architektúra"
-#: vm/models/common.py:52 vm/models/node.py:65
+#: vm/models/common.py:52 vm/models/node.py:68
 msgid "priority"
 msgstr "prioritás"
@@ -4510,221 +4664,226 @@ msgstr "soha"
 msgid "%(name)s (suspend: %(s)s, remove: %(r)s)"
 msgstr "%(name)s (felfüggesztés: %(s)s, törlés: %(r)s)"
-#: vm/models/instance.py:106
+#: vm/models/instance.py:107
 msgid "access method"
 msgstr "elérés módja"
-#: vm/models/instance.py:107
+#: vm/models/instance.py:108
 msgid "Primary remote access method."
 msgstr "Elsődleges távoli elérési mód."
-#: vm/models/instance.py:108
+#: vm/models/instance.py:109
 msgid "boot menu"
 msgstr "rendszerbetöltő menüje"
-#: vm/models/instance.py:110
+#: vm/models/instance.py:111
 msgid "Show boot device selection menu on boot."
 msgstr ""
 "A rendszerbetöltés eszközének kiválasztását lehetővé tevő menü megjelenítése "
-#: vm/models/instance.py:111
+#: vm/models/instance.py:112
 msgid "Preferred expiration periods."
 msgstr "Javasolt bérlési mód."
-#: vm/models/instance.py:113
+#: vm/models/instance.py:114
 msgid "raw_data"
 msgstr "nyers adat"
-#: vm/models/instance.py:114
+#: vm/models/instance.py:115
 msgid "Additional libvirt domain parameters in XML format."
 msgstr "További libvirt domain-paraméterek XML formátumban."
-#: vm/models/instance.py:116
+#: vm/models/instance.py:117
 msgid ""
 "A set of traits required for a node to declare to be suitable for hosting "
 "the VM."
 msgstr "A VM indításához szükséges csomópontjellemzők halmaza."
-#: vm/models/instance.py:119
+#: vm/models/instance.py:120
 msgid "required traits"
 msgstr "elvárt jellemzők"
-#: vm/models/instance.py:120
+#: vm/models/instance.py:121
 msgid "operating system"
 msgstr "operációs rendszer"
-#: vm/models/instance.py:121
+#: vm/models/instance.py:122
 #, python-format
 msgid "Name of operating system in format like \"%s\"."
 msgstr "Az operációs rendszer neve. Például „%s”."
-#: vm/models/instance.py:124 vm/models/node.py:75
+#: vm/models/instance.py:125 vm/models/node.py:78
 msgid "tags"
 msgstr "címkék"
-#: vm/models/instance.py:143
+#: vm/models/instance.py:144
 msgid "parent template"
 msgstr "szülősablon"
-#: vm/models/instance.py:145
+#: vm/models/instance.py:146
 msgid "Template which this one is derived of."
 msgstr "Az a sablon, amelyből az aktuális származik."
-#: vm/models/instance.py:148
+#: vm/models/instance.py:149
 msgid "Disks which are to be mounted."
 msgstr "A csatolandó lemezek."
-#: vm/models/instance.py:156
+#: vm/models/instance.py:157
 msgid "Can create an instance template."
 msgstr "Létrehozhat példánysablont."
-#: vm/models/instance.py:158
+#: vm/models/instance.py:159
 msgid "Can create an instance template (base)."
 msgstr "Létrehozhat példánysablont (alapokból)."
-#: vm/models/instance.py:160
+#: vm/models/instance.py:161
 msgid "Can change resources of a template."
 msgstr "Változtathatja egy sablon erőforrásait."
-#: vm/models/instance.py:162 vm/models/instance.py:232 vm/models/network.py:45
+#: vm/models/instance.py:163 vm/models/instance.py:236 vm/models/network.py:45
 msgid "template"
 msgstr "sablon"
-#: vm/models/instance.py:163
+#: vm/models/instance.py:164
 msgid "templates"
 msgstr "sablonok"
-#: vm/models/instance.py:218
+#: vm/models/instance.py:222
 msgid "no state"
 msgstr "nincs állapot"
-#: vm/models/instance.py:219
+#: vm/models/instance.py:223
 msgid "running"
 msgstr "fut"
-#: vm/models/instance.py:220
+#: vm/models/instance.py:224
 msgid "stopped"
 msgstr "leállítva"
-#: vm/models/instance.py:221
+#: vm/models/instance.py:225
 msgid "suspended"
 msgstr "felfüggesztve"
-#: vm/models/instance.py:222
+#: vm/models/instance.py:226
 msgid "error"
 msgstr "hiba"
-#: vm/models/instance.py:223
+#: vm/models/instance.py:227
 msgid "pending"
 msgstr "függő"
-#: vm/models/instance.py:224
+#: vm/models/instance.py:228
 msgid "destroyed"
 msgstr "megsemmisítve"
-#: vm/models/instance.py:227
+#: vm/models/instance.py:231
 msgid "Human readable name of instance."
 msgstr "A példány olvasható neve."
-#: vm/models/instance.py:231
+#: vm/models/instance.py:235
 msgid "Template the instance derives from."
 msgstr "Az a sablon, amelyből a példány származik."
-#: vm/models/instance.py:233
+#: vm/models/instance.py:237
 msgid "Original password of the instance."
 msgstr "A példány eredeti jelszava."
-#: vm/models/instance.py:234
+#: vm/models/instance.py:238
 msgid "password"
 msgstr "jelszó"
-#: vm/models/instance.py:236
+#: vm/models/instance.py:240
 msgid "time of suspend"
 msgstr "felfüggesztés ideje"
-#: vm/models/instance.py:237
+#: vm/models/instance.py:241
 msgid "Proposed time of automatic suspension."
 msgstr "A felfüggesztés kijelölt ideje."
-#: vm/models/instance.py:240
+#: vm/models/instance.py:244
 msgid "time of delete"
 msgstr "törlés ideje"
-#: vm/models/instance.py:241
+#: vm/models/instance.py:245
 msgid "Proposed time of automatic deletion."
 msgstr "Automatikus törlés kijelölt ideje."
-#: vm/models/instance.py:244
+#: vm/models/instance.py:248
 msgid "Time stamp of successful boot report."
 msgstr "A gép sikeres indításjelzésének ideje."
-#: vm/models/instance.py:246
+#: vm/models/instance.py:250
 msgid "active since"
 msgstr "aktív ezóta"
-#: vm/models/instance.py:249
+#: vm/models/instance.py:253
 msgid "Current hypervisor of this instance."
 msgstr "A példány jelenlegi hypervisorja."
-#: vm/models/instance.py:250
+#: vm/models/instance.py:254
 msgid "host node"
 msgstr "csomópont"
-#: vm/models/instance.py:252
+#: vm/models/instance.py:256
 msgid "Set of mounted disks."
 msgstr "1Csatolt lemezek halmaza."
-#: vm/models/instance.py:255
+#: vm/models/instance.py:259
 msgid "TCP port where VNC console listens."
 msgstr "Az a TCP port, amelyen a VNC konzol hallgat."
-#: vm/models/instance.py:256
+#: vm/models/instance.py:260
 msgid "vnc_port"
 msgstr "VNC port"
-#: vm/models/instance.py:260
+#: vm/models/instance.py:264
 msgid "The virtual machine's time of destruction."
 msgstr "A virtuális gép megsemmisítésének ideje."
-#: vm/models/instance.py:270
+#: vm/models/instance.py:274
 msgid "Can access the graphical console of a VM."
 msgstr "Elérheti a VM grafikus konzolját."
-#: vm/models/instance.py:271
+#: vm/models/instance.py:275
 msgid "Can change resources of a running VM."
 msgstr "Megváltoztathatja a VM erőforrásait."
-#: vm/models/instance.py:272
+#: vm/models/instance.py:276
 msgid "Can change resources of a new VM."
 msgstr "Megválaszthatja egy új VM erőforrásait."
-#: vm/models/instance.py:273
+#: vm/models/instance.py:277
 msgid "Can create a new VM."
 msgstr "Létrehozhat új VM-et."
-#: vm/models/instance.py:274
+#: vm/models/instance.py:278
 msgid "Can configure port forwards."
 msgstr "Beállíthat porttovábbításokat."
-#: vm/models/instance.py:275
+#: vm/models/instance.py:279
 msgid "Can recover a destroyed VM."
 msgstr "Visszaállíthat egy megsemmisített VM-et."
-#: vm/models/instance.py:276
+#: vm/models/instance.py:280
 msgid "Can change VM state to NOSTATE."
 msgstr "Átállíthatja a VM állapotát NOSTATE-re."
-#: vm/models/instance.py:279
+#: vm/models/instance.py:283
 msgid "instances"
 msgstr "példányok"
-#: vm/models/instance.py:291
+#: vm/models/instance.py:295
 #, python-format
 msgid "Instance %(instance)s has already been destroyed."
 msgstr "%(instance)s példány már meg van semmisítve."
-#: vm/models/instance.py:295
+#: vm/models/instance.py:299
+#, python-format
+msgid "No agent software is running on instance %(instance)s."
+msgstr "Nem fut ügynökszoftver a következőn: %(instance)s."
+#: vm/models/instance.py:303
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Current state (%(state)s) of instance %(instance)s is inappropriate for the "
@@ -4733,16 +4892,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "A(z) %(instance)s példány aktuális állapota (%(state)s) nem megfelelő a "
 "választott művelethez."
-#: vm/models/instance.py:369
+#: vm/models/instance.py:377
 msgid "create instance"
 msgstr "példány létrehozása"
-#: vm/models/instance.py:447
+#: vm/models/instance.py:455
 #, python-format
 msgid "vm state changed to %(state)s"
 msgstr "VM állapota erre változott: %(state)s"
-#: vm/models/instance.py:650
+#: vm/models/instance.py:659
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Your instance <a href=\"%(url)s\">%(instance)s</a> is going to expire. It "
@@ -4754,7 +4913,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "kerül.  Kérjük, <a href=\"%(token)s\">újítsa meg</a> vagy <a href=\"%(url)s"
 "\">törölje</a> most."
-#: vm/models/instance.py:662
+#: vm/models/instance.py:671
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "%(failed)s notifications failed and %(success) succeeded. Failed ones are: "
@@ -4763,7 +4922,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "%(failed)s értesítés sikertelen és %(success) sikeres. A sikertelenek: "
-#: vm/models/instance.py:664
+#: vm/models/instance.py:673
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "%(failed)s notifications failed and %(success) succeeded. Failed ones are: "
@@ -4772,16 +4931,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "%(failed)s értesítés sikertelen és %(success) sikeres. A sikertelenek: "
-#: vm/models/instance.py:672
+#: vm/models/instance.py:681
 #, python-format
 msgid "%(success)s notifications succeeded."
 msgstr "%(success)s sikeres értesítés."
-#: vm/models/instance.py:677
+#: vm/models/instance.py:686
 msgid "notify owner about expiration"
 msgstr "tulaj értesítése a lejáratról"
-#: vm/models/instance.py:685
+#: vm/models/instance.py:694
 #, python-format
 msgid "%(instance)s expiring soon"
 msgstr "%(instance)s hamarosan lejár"
@@ -4823,59 +4982,59 @@ msgstr ""
 "Az interfész létrehozásra került.Az új címek: %(ip4)s (ipv4), %(ip6)s "
 "(ipv6). Vlan: %(vlan)s."
-#: vm/models/node.py:63
+#: vm/models/node.py:66
 msgid "Human readable name of node."
 msgstr "A csomópont olvasható neve."
-#: vm/models/node.py:66
+#: vm/models/node.py:69
 msgid "Node usage priority."
 msgstr "Csomóponthasználat prioritása."
-#: vm/models/node.py:68
+#: vm/models/node.py:71
 msgid "Host in firewall."
 msgstr "Tűzfalbeli gép."
-#: vm/models/node.py:69
+#: vm/models/node.py:72
 msgid "enabled"
 msgstr "engedélyezve"
-#: vm/models/node.py:70
+#: vm/models/node.py:73
 msgid "Indicates whether the node can be used for hosting."
 msgstr "A csomópont használható-e gépek fogadására."
-#: vm/models/node.py:73
+#: vm/models/node.py:76
 msgid "Declared traits."
 msgstr "Biztosított jellemzők."
-#: vm/models/node.py:74
+#: vm/models/node.py:77
 msgid "traits"
 msgstr "jellemzők"
-#: vm/models/node.py:76
+#: vm/models/node.py:79
 msgid "overcommit ratio"
 msgstr "túlfoglalási arány"
-#: vm/models/node.py:77
+#: vm/models/node.py:80
 msgid "The ratio of total memory with to without overcommit."
 msgstr "Az összes memória és a túlfoglalható memória aránya."
-#: vm/models/node.py:125
+#: vm/models/node.py:128
 msgid "offline"
 msgstr "nem elérhető"
-#: vm/models/node.py:126
+#: vm/models/node.py:129
 msgid "disabled"
 msgstr "tiltva"
-#: vm/models/node.py:127
+#: vm/models/node.py:130
 msgid "missing"
 msgstr "eltűnt"
-#: vm/models/node.py:128
+#: vm/models/node.py:131
 msgid "online"
 msgstr "elérhető"
-#: vm/models/node.py:145 vm/models/node.py:149
+#: vm/models/node.py:148 vm/models/node.py:152
 msgid "disable node"
 msgstr "csomópont tiltása"
@@ -4907,19 +5066,24 @@ msgstr "ügynök"
 msgid "starting"
 msgstr "indítás"
-#: vm/tasks/local_agent_tasks.py:92
-#, python-format
-msgid "update to %(version)s"
-msgstr "frissítés erre: %(version)s"
-#: vm/tasks/local_agent_tasks.py:108
+#: vm/tasks/local_agent_tasks.py:101
 msgid "start access server"
 msgstr "távoli elérés indítása"
-#: vm/tasks/local_agent_tasks.py:140
+#: vm/tasks/local_agent_tasks.py:133
 msgid "stopping"
 msgstr "leállítás"
+#: vm/tasks/local_agent_tasks.py:142
+#, python-format
+msgid "update to %(version)s"
+msgstr "frissítés erre: %(version)s"
+#: vm/tasks/local_agent_tasks.py:149
+#, python-format
+msgid "update agent to %(version)s"
+msgstr "ügynökfrissítés erre: %(version)s"
 #: vm/tasks/local_periodic_tasks.py:51
 #, python-format
 msgid "%(instance)s destroyed"
@@ -4952,6 +5116,23 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "x"
 msgstr "x"
+#~ msgid "Mass delete complete, the following VM was deleted: %s."
+#~ msgid_plural "Mass delete complete, the following VMs were deleted: %s."
+#~ msgstr[0] "Sikeres tömeges törlés. A következő VM törlésre került: %s."
+#~ msgstr[1] "Sikeres tömeges törlés. A következő VM-ek törlésre kerültek: %s."
+#~ msgid "Migrate"
+#~ msgstr "Migrálás"
+#~ msgid "Reboot"
+#~ msgstr "Újraindítás"
+#~ msgid "Shutdown"
+#~ msgstr "Leállítás"
+#~ msgid "Destroy"
+#~ msgstr "Megsemmisítés"
 #~ msgid "Create empty disk for the VM."
 #~ msgstr "Üres lemez létrehozása a VM-hez."
@@ -5056,9 +5237,6 @@ msgstr "x"
 #~ msgid "This token is invalid."
 #~ msgstr "A token érvénytelen."
-#~ msgid "Virtual machine is successfully renewed."
-#~ msgstr "A virtuális gép megújításra került."
 #~ msgid "Disk successfully added!"
 #~ msgstr "A lemez hozzáadásra került."
diff --git a/circle/locale/hu/LC_MESSAGES/djangojs.po b/circle/locale/hu/LC_MESSAGES/djangojs.po
index 07a41ee..faf735b 100644
--- a/circle/locale/hu/LC_MESSAGES/djangojs.po
+++ b/circle/locale/hu/LC_MESSAGES/djangojs.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: \n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-01 19:36+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-29 09:21+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2014-08-01 21:03+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Mate Ory <ory.mate@ik.bme.hu>\n"
 "Language-Team: Hungarian <cloud@ik.bme.hu>\n"
@@ -23,11 +23,11 @@ msgid "Select an option to proceed!"
 msgstr "Válasszon a folytatáshoz."
 #: dashboard/static/dashboard/dashboard.js:258
-#: dashboard/static/dashboard/dashboard.js:305
-#: dashboard/static/dashboard/dashboard.js:315
-#: static_collected/dashboard/dashboard.js:257
-#: static_collected/dashboard/dashboard.js:304
-#: static_collected/dashboard/dashboard.js:314
+#: dashboard/static/dashboard/dashboard.js:306
+#: dashboard/static/dashboard/dashboard.js:316
+#: static_collected/dashboard/dashboard.js:258
+#: static_collected/dashboard/dashboard.js:306
+#: static_collected/dashboard/dashboard.js:316
 msgid "No result"
 msgstr "Nincs eredmény"
@@ -41,12 +41,15 @@ msgstr "Nincs jogosultsága a profil módosításához."
 msgid "Unknown error."
 msgstr "Ismeretlen hiba."
-#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-create.js:108
-#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-create.js:171
+#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-create.js:111
+#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-create.js:174
+#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-create.js:111
+#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-create.js:174
 msgid "No more networks."
 msgstr "Nincs több hálózat."
-#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-create.js:140
+#: dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-create.js:143
+#: static_collected/dashboard/vm-create.js:143
 msgid "Not added to any network"
 msgstr "Nincs hálózathoz adva"
@@ -428,5 +431,3 @@ msgstr "Tegnap"
 #: static_collected/admin/js/admin/DateTimeShortcuts.js:203
 msgid "Tomorrow"
 msgstr "Holnap"
-# end
diff --git a/circle/vm/models/activity.py b/circle/vm/models/activity.py
index a19c233..e10a001 100644
--- a/circle/vm/models/activity.py
+++ b/circle/vm/models/activity.py
@@ -90,7 +90,8 @@ class InstanceActivity(ActivityModel):
     def create(cls, code_suffix, instance, task_uuid=None, user=None,
-               concurrency_check=True, readable_name=None):
+               concurrency_check=True, readable_name=None,
+               resultant_state=None):
         readable_name = _normalize_readable_name(readable_name, code_suffix)
         # Check for concurrent activities
@@ -100,14 +101,14 @@ class InstanceActivity(ActivityModel):
         activity_code = join_activity_code(cls.ACTIVITY_CODE_BASE, code_suffix)
         act = cls(activity_code=activity_code, instance=instance, parent=None,
-                  resultant_state=None, started=timezone.now(),
+                  resultant_state=resultant_state, started=timezone.now(),
                   task_uuid=task_uuid, user=user)
         return act
     def create_sub(self, code_suffix, task_uuid=None, concurrency_check=True,
-                   readable_name=None):
+                   readable_name=None, resultant_state=None):
         readable_name = _normalize_readable_name(readable_name, code_suffix)
         # Check for concurrent activities
@@ -117,7 +118,8 @@ class InstanceActivity(ActivityModel):
         act = InstanceActivity(
             activity_code=join_activity_code(self.activity_code, code_suffix),
-            instance=self.instance, parent=self, resultant_state=None,
+            instance=self.instance, parent=self,
+            resultant_state=resultant_state,
             readable_name_data=readable_name.to_dict(), started=timezone.now(),
             task_uuid=task_uuid, user=self.user)
@@ -198,14 +200,15 @@ class InstanceActivity(ActivityModel):
 def instance_activity(code_suffix, instance, on_abort=None, on_commit=None,
                       task_uuid=None, user=None, concurrency_check=True,
-                      readable_name=None):
+                      readable_name=None, resultant_state=None):
     """Create a transactional context for an instance activity.
     if not readable_name:
         warn("Set readable_name", stacklevel=3)
     act = InstanceActivity.create(code_suffix, instance, task_uuid, user,
-                                  readable_name=readable_name)
+                                  readable_name=readable_name,
+                                  resultant_state=resultant_state)
     return activitycontextimpl(act, on_abort=on_abort, on_commit=on_commit)
diff --git a/circle/vm/models/instance.py b/circle/vm/models/instance.py
index 14d65f2..9c52033 100644
--- a/circle/vm/models/instance.py
+++ b/circle/vm/models/instance.py
@@ -952,7 +952,8 @@ class Instance(AclBase, VirtualMachineDescModel, StatusModel, OperatedMixin,
             'ERROR': 'fa-warning',
             'PENDING': 'fa-rocket',
             'DESTROYED': 'fa-trash-o',
-            'MIGRATING': 'fa-truck'}.get(self.status, 'fa-question')
+            'MIGRATING': 'fa-truck migrating-icon'
+        }.get(self.status, 'fa-question')
     def get_activities(self, user=None):
         acts = (self.activity_log.filter(parent=None).
@@ -1002,3 +1003,8 @@ class Instance(AclBase, VirtualMachineDescModel, StatusModel, OperatedMixin,
                 instance=self, succeeded=None, parent=None).latest("started")
         except InstanceActivity.DoesNotExist:
             return None
+    def is_in_status_change(self):
+        latest = self.get_latest_activity_in_progress()
+        return (latest and latest.resultant_state is not None
+                and self.status != latest.resultant_state)
diff --git a/circle/vm/models/node.py b/circle/vm/models/node.py
index 1aa6edb..ca28fc2 100644
--- a/circle/vm/models/node.py
+++ b/circle/vm/models/node.py
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ class Node(OperatedMixin, TimeStampedModel):
     def monitor_info(self):
         metrics = ('cpu.usage', 'memory.usage')
-        prefix = 'circle.%s.' % self.name
+        prefix = 'circle.%s.' % self.host.hostname
         params = [('target', '%s%s' % (prefix, metric))
                   for metric in metrics]
         params.append(('from', '-5min'))
diff --git a/circle/vm/operations.py b/circle/vm/operations.py
index beddc28..8155707 100644
--- a/circle/vm/operations.py
+++ b/circle/vm/operations.py
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ class InstanceOperation(Operation):
     concurrency_check = True
     accept_states = None
     deny_states = None
+    resultant_state = None
     def __init__(self, instance):
         super(InstanceOperation, self).__init__(subject=instance)
@@ -99,12 +100,14 @@ class InstanceOperation(Operation):
                                  "provided as parameter.")
             return parent.create_sub(code_suffix=self.activity_code_suffix,
-                                     readable_name=name)
+                                     readable_name=name,
+                                     resultant_state=self.resultant_state)
             return InstanceActivity.create(
                 code_suffix=self.activity_code_suffix, instance=self.instance,
                 readable_name=name, user=user,
-                concurrency_check=self.concurrency_check)
+                concurrency_check=self.concurrency_check,
+                resultant_state=self.resultant_state)
     def is_preferred(self):
         """If this is the recommended op in the current state of the instance.
@@ -250,6 +253,7 @@ class DeployOperation(InstanceOperation):
                     "and network configuration).")
     required_perms = ()
     deny_states = ('SUSPENDED', 'RUNNING')
+    resultant_state = 'RUNNING'
     def is_preferred(self):
         return self.instance.status in (self.instance.STATUS.STOPPED,
@@ -314,9 +318,7 @@ class DestroyOperation(InstanceOperation):
     description = _("Permanently destroy virtual machine, its network "
                     "settings and disks.")
     required_perms = ()
-    def on_commit(self, activity):
-        activity.resultant_state = 'DESTROYED'
+    resultant_state = 'DESTROYED'
     def _operation(self, activity):
         # Destroy networks
@@ -364,6 +366,7 @@ class MigrateOperation(InstanceOperation):
     description = _("Move virtual machine to an other worker node with a few "
                     "seconds of interruption (live migration).")
     required_perms = ()
+    superuser_required = True
     accept_states = ('RUNNING', )
     def rollback(self, activity):
@@ -372,12 +375,6 @@ class MigrateOperation(InstanceOperation):
                 "redeploy network (rollback)")):
-    def check_auth(self, user):
-        if not user.is_superuser:
-            raise PermissionDenied()
-        super(MigrateOperation, self).check_auth(user=user)
     def _operation(self, activity, to_node=None, timeout=120):
         if not to_node:
             with activity.sub_activity('scheduling',
@@ -612,9 +609,7 @@ class ShutdownOperation(InstanceOperation):
     abortable = True
     required_perms = ()
     accept_states = ('RUNNING', )
-    def on_commit(self, activity):
-        activity.resultant_state = 'STOPPED'
+    resultant_state = 'STOPPED'
     def _operation(self, task=None):
@@ -638,9 +633,7 @@ class ShutOffOperation(InstanceOperation):
                     "of a physical machine.")
     required_perms = ()
     accept_states = ('RUNNING', )
-    def on_commit(self, activity):
-        activity.resultant_state = 'STOPPED'
+    resultant_state = 'STOPPED'
     def _operation(self, activity):
         # Shutdown networks
@@ -673,6 +666,7 @@ class SleepOperation(InstanceOperation):
                     "storage resources, and keep network resources allocated.")
     required_perms = ()
     accept_states = ('RUNNING', )
+    resultant_state = 'SUSPENDED'
     def is_preferred(self):
         return (not self.instance.is_base and
@@ -684,9 +678,6 @@ class SleepOperation(InstanceOperation):
             activity.resultant_state = 'ERROR'
-    def on_commit(self, activity):
-        activity.resultant_state = 'SUSPENDED'
     def _operation(self, activity, timeout=240):
         # Destroy networks
         with activity.sub_activity('shutdown_net', readable_name=ugettext_noop(
@@ -715,6 +706,7 @@ class WakeUpOperation(InstanceOperation):
                     "virtual machine from this state.")
     required_perms = ()
     accept_states = ('SUSPENDED', )
+    resultant_state = 'RUNNING'
     def is_preferred(self):
         return self.instance.status == self.instance.STATUS.SUSPENDED
@@ -722,9 +714,6 @@ class WakeUpOperation(InstanceOperation):
     def on_abort(self, activity, error):
         activity.resultant_state = 'ERROR'
-    def on_commit(self, activity):
-        activity.resultant_state = 'RUNNING'
     def _operation(self, activity, timeout=60):
         # Schedule vm
@@ -849,6 +838,7 @@ class FlushOperation(NodeOperation):
     name = _("flush")
     description = _("Disable node and move all instances to other ones.")
     required_perms = ()
+    superuser_required = True
     def on_abort(self, activity, error):
         from manager.scheduler import TraitsUnsatisfiableException
@@ -856,13 +846,6 @@ class FlushOperation(NodeOperation):
             if self.node_enabled:
                 self.node.enable(activity.user, activity)
-    def check_auth(self, user):
-        if not user.is_superuser:
-            raise humanize_exception(ugettext_noop(
-                "Superuser privileges are required."), PermissionDenied())
-        super(FlushOperation, self).check_auth(user=user)
     def _operation(self, activity, user):
         self.node_enabled = self.node.enabled
         self.node.disable(user, activity)
@@ -905,6 +888,7 @@ class RecoverOperation(InstanceOperation):
     acl_level = "owner"
     required_perms = ('vm.recover', )
     accept_states = ('DESTROYED', )
+    resultant_state = 'PENDING'
     def check_precond(self):
@@ -912,9 +896,6 @@ class RecoverOperation(InstanceOperation):
         except Instance.InstanceDestroyedError:
-    def on_commit(self, activity):
-        activity.resultant_state = 'PENDING'
     def _operation(self):
         for disk in self.instance.disks.all():
             disk.destroyed = None