# Copyright 2014 Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME IK) # # This file is part of CIRCLE Cloud. # # CIRCLE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) # any later version. # # CIRCLE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with CIRCLE. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. import re import logging from collections import OrderedDict from netaddr import IPAddress, AddrFormatError from itertools import product from .models import (Host, Rule, Vlan, Domain, Record, BlacklistItem, SwitchPort) from .iptables import IptRule, IptChain import django.conf from django.template import loader, Context from django.utils import timezone settings = django.conf.settings.FIREWALL_SETTINGS logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class BuildFirewall: def __init__(self): self.chains = OrderedDict() def add_rules(self, *args, **kwargs): for chain_name, ipt_rule in kwargs.items(): if chain_name not in self.chains: self.create_chain(chain_name) self.chains[chain_name].add(ipt_rule) def create_chain(self, chain_name): self.chains[chain_name] = IptChain(name=chain_name) def build_ipt_nat(self): # portforward for rule in Rule.objects.filter( action__in=['accept', 'drop'], nat=True, direction='in').select_related('host'): self.add_rules(PREROUTING=IptRule( priority=1000, dst=(rule.get_external_ipv4(), None), proto=rule.proto, dport=rule.get_external_port('ipv4'), extra='-j DNAT --to-destination %s:%s' % (rule.host.ipv4, rule.dport))) # SNAT rules for machines with public IPv4 for host in Host.objects.exclude(external_ipv4=None).select_related( 'vlan').prefetch_related('vlan__snat_to'): for vl_out in host.vlan.snat_to.all(): self.add_rules(POSTROUTING=IptRule( priority=1500, src=(host.ipv4, None), extra='-o %s -j SNAT --to-source %s' % ( vl_out.name, host.external_ipv4))) # default outbound NAT rules for VLANs for vl_in in Vlan.objects.exclude( snat_ip=None).prefetch_related('snat_to'): for vl_out in vl_in.snat_to.all(): self.add_rules(POSTROUTING=IptRule( priority=1000, src=(vl_in.network4, None), extra='-o %s -j SNAT --to-source %s' % ( vl_out.name, vl_in.snat_ip))) def ipt_filter_firewall(self): """Build firewall's own rules.""" rules = Rule.objects.filter(action__in=['accept', 'drop']) for rule in rules.exclude(firewall=None).select_related( 'foreign_network').prefetch_related('foreign_network__vlans'): self.add_rules(**rule.get_ipt_rules()) def ipt_filter_host_rules(self): """Build hosts' rules.""" # host rules rules = Rule.objects.filter(action__in=['accept', 'drop']) for rule in rules.exclude(host=None).select_related( 'foreign_network', 'host', 'host__vlan').prefetch_related( 'foreign_network__vlans'): self.add_rules(**rule.get_ipt_rules(rule.host)) # group rules for rule in rules.exclude(hostgroup=None).select_related( 'hostgroup', 'foreign_network').prefetch_related( 'hostgroup__host_set__vlan', 'foreign_network__vlans'): for host in rule.hostgroup.host_set.all(): self.add_rules(**rule.get_ipt_rules(host)) def ipt_filter_vlan_rules(self): """Enable communication between VLANs.""" rules = Rule.objects.filter(action__in=['accept', 'drop']) for rule in rules.exclude(vlan=None).select_related( 'vlan', 'foreign_network').prefetch_related( 'foreign_network__vlans'): self.add_rules(**rule.get_ipt_rules()) def ipt_filter_vlan_drop(self): """Close intra-VLAN chains.""" for chain in self.chains.values(): close_chain_rule = IptRule(priority=1, action='LOG_DROP') chain.add(close_chain_rule) def ipt_filter_vlan_jump(self): """Create intra-VLAN jump rules.""" vlans = Vlan.objects.all().values_list('name', flat=True) for vl_in, vl_out in product(vlans, repeat=2): name = '%s_%s' % (vl_in, vl_out) try: chain = self.chains[name] except KeyError: pass else: jump_rule = IptRule(priority=65535, action=chain.name, extra='-i %s -o %s' % (vl_in, vl_out)) self.add_rules(FORWARD=jump_rule) def build_ipt(self): """Build rules.""" self.ipt_filter_firewall() self.ipt_filter_host_rules() self.ipt_filter_vlan_rules() self.ipt_filter_vlan_jump() self.ipt_filter_vlan_drop() self.build_ipt_nat() context = { 'filter': lambda: (chain for name, chain in self.chains.iteritems() if chain.name not in IptChain.nat_chains), 'nat': lambda: (chain for name, chain in self.chains.iteritems() if chain.name in IptChain.nat_chains)} template = loader.get_template('firewall/iptables.conf') context['proto'] = 'ipv4' ipv4 = unicode(template.render(Context(context))) context['proto'] = 'ipv6' ipv6 = unicode(template.render(Context(context))) return (ipv4, ipv6) def ipset(): now = timezone.now() return BlacklistItem.objects.filter(whitelisted=False).exclude( expires_at__lt=now).values('ipv4', 'reason') def ipv6_to_octal(ipv6): ipv6 = IPAddress(ipv6, version=6) octets = [] for part in ipv6.words: # Pad hex part to 4 digits. part = '%04x' % part octets.append(int(part[:2], 16)) octets.append(int(part[2:], 16)) return "".join(r"\%03o" % x for x in octets) # =fqdn:ip:ttl A, PTR # &fqdn:ip:x:ttl NS # ZfqdnSOA # +fqdn:ip:ttl A # ^ PTR # C CNAME # : generic # 'fqdn:s:ttl TXT def generate_ptr_records(): DNS = [] for host in Host.objects.order_by('vlan').all(): template = host.vlan.reverse_domain if not host.shared_ip and host.external_ipv4: # DMZ i = host.external_ipv4.words reverse = host.get_hostname('ipv4', public=True) else: i = host.ipv4.words reverse = host.get_hostname('ipv4', public=False) # ipv4 if host.ipv4: fqdn = template % {'a': i[0], 'b': i[1], 'c': i[2], 'd': i[3]} DNS.append("^%s:%s:%s" % (fqdn, reverse, settings['dns_ttl'])) # ipv6 if host.ipv6: DNS.append("^%s:%s:%s" % (host.ipv6.reverse_dns.rstrip('.'), reverse, settings['dns_ttl'])) return DNS def txt_to_octal(txt): return '\\' + '\\'.join(['%03o' % ord(x) for x in txt]) def generate_records(): types = {'A': '+%(fqdn)s:%(address)s:%(ttl)s', 'AAAA': ':%(fqdn)s:28:%(octal)s:%(ttl)s', 'NS': '&%(fqdn)s::%(address)s:%(ttl)s', 'CNAME': 'C%(fqdn)s:%(address)s:%(ttl)s', 'MX': '@%(fqdn)s::%(address)s:%(dist)s:%(ttl)s', 'PTR': '^%(fqdn)s:%(address)s:%(ttl)s', 'TXT': "'%(fqdn)s:%(octal)s:%(ttl)s"} retval = [] for r in Record.objects.all(): params = {'fqdn': r.fqdn, 'address': r.address, 'ttl': r.ttl} if r.type == 'MX': params['dist'], params['address'] = r.address.split(':', 2) if r.type == 'AAAA': try: params['octal'] = ipv6_to_octal(r.address) except AddrFormatError: logger.error('Invalid ipv6 address: %s, record: %s', r.address, r) continue if r.type == 'TXT': params['octal'] = txt_to_octal(r.address) retval.append(types[r.type] % params) return retval def dns(): DNS = [] # host PTR record DNS += generate_ptr_records() # domain SOA record for domain in Domain.objects.all(): DNS.append("Z%s:%s:support.ik.bme.hu::::::%s" % (domain.name, settings['dns_hostname'], settings['dns_ttl'])) # records DNS += generate_records() return DNS class UniqueHostname(object): """Append vlan id if hostname already exists.""" def __init__(self): self.used_hostnames = set() def get(self, hostname, vlan_id): if hostname in self.used_hostnames: hostname = "%s-%s" % (hostname, vlan_id) self.used_hostnames.add(hostname) return hostname def dhcp(): regex = re.compile(r'^([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\s+' r'([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$') config = [] VLAN_TEMPLATE = ''' # %(name)s - %(interface)s subnet %(net)s netmask %(netmask)s { %(extra)s; option domain-name "%(domain)s"; option routers %(router)s; option domain-name-servers %(dnsserver)s; option ntp-servers %(ntp)s; next-server %(tftp)s; authoritative; filename \"pxelinux.0\"; allow bootp; allow booting; }''' HOST_TEMPLATE = ''' host %(hostname)s { hardware ethernet %(mac)s; fixed-address %(ipv4)s; }''' unique_hostnames = UniqueHostname() for vlan in Vlan.objects.exclude( dhcp_pool=None).select_related( 'domain').prefetch_related('host_set'): m = regex.search(vlan.dhcp_pool) if(m or vlan.dhcp_pool == "manual"): config.append(VLAN_TEMPLATE % { 'net': str(vlan.network4.network), 'netmask': str(vlan.network4.netmask), 'domain': vlan.domain, 'router': vlan.network4.ip, 'ntp': vlan.network4.ip, 'dnsserver': settings['rdns_ip'], 'extra': ("range %s" % vlan.dhcp_pool if m else "deny unknown-clients"), 'interface': vlan.name, 'name': vlan.name, 'tftp': vlan.network4.ip}) for host in vlan.host_set.all(): config.append(HOST_TEMPLATE % { 'hostname': unique_hostnames.get(host.hostname, vlan.vid), 'mac': host.mac, 'ipv4': host.ipv4, }) return config def vlan(): obj = Vlan.objects.filter(managed=True).values( 'vid', 'name', 'network4', 'network6') retval = {x['name']: {'tag': x['vid'], 'type': 'internal', 'interfaces': [x['name']], 'addresses': [str(x['network4']), str(x['network6'])]} for x in obj} for p in SwitchPort.objects.all(): eth_count = p.ethernet_devices.count() if eth_count > 1: name = 'bond%d' % p.id elif eth_count == 1: name = p.ethernet_devices.get().name else: # 0 continue tag = p.untagged_vlan.vid retval[name] = {'tag': tag} if p.tagged_vlans is not None: trunk = list(p.tagged_vlans.vlans.values_list('vid', flat=True)) retval[name]['trunks'] = sorted(trunk) retval[name]['interfaces'] = list( p.ethernet_devices.values_list('name', flat=True)) return retval