diff --git a/circle/dashboard/templates/dashboard/notifications/email.txt b/circle/dashboard/templates/dashboard/notifications/email.txt
index 50d7d34..3f5573b 100644
--- a/circle/dashboard/templates/dashboard/notifications/email.txt
+++ b/circle/dashboard/templates/dashboard/notifications/email.txt
@@ -2,12 +2,12 @@
 {% blocktrans with u=user %}Dear {{u}},{% endblocktrans %}
-{% blocktrans with n=messages|length %}You have {{n}} new notifications:{% endblocktrans %}
+{% blocktrans count n=messages|length %}You have a new notification:{% plural %}You have {{n}} new notifications:{% endblocktrans %}
 {% for msg in messages %} * {{msg.subject}}
 {% endfor %}
-{% blocktrans with url=url %}See them in detail on <{{url}}>.{% endblocktrans %}
+{% blocktrans with url=url count n=messages|length %}See it in detail on <{{url}}>.{% plural %} See them in detail on <{{url}}>.{% endblocktrans %}
 {{site}} CIRCLE Cloud