from datetime import timedelta from importlib import import_module import logging import django.conf from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.db.models import (Model, ForeignKey, ManyToManyField, IntegerField, DateTimeField, BooleanField, TextField, CharField, permalink) from django.utils import timezone from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from model_utils.models import TimeStampedModel from netaddr import EUI, mac_unix from .tasks import local_tasks, vm_tasks, net_tasks from firewall.models import Vlan, Host from storage.models import Disk logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) pwgen = User.objects.make_random_password scheduler = import_module(name=django.conf.settings.VM_SCHEDULER) ACCESS_PROTOCOLS = django.conf.settings.VM_ACCESS_PROTOCOLS ACCESS_METHODS = [(key, name) for key, (name, port, transport) in ACCESS_PROTOCOLS.iteritems()] ARCHITECTURES = (('x86_64', 'x86-64 (64 bit)'), ('i686', 'x86 (32 bit)')) class BaseResourceConfigModel(Model): """Abstract base class for models with base resource configuration parameters. """ num_cores = IntegerField(verbose_name=_('number of cores'), help_text=_('Number of virtual CPU cores ' 'available to the virtual machine.')) ram_size = IntegerField(verbose_name=_('RAM size'), help_text=_('Mebibytes of memory.')) max_ram_size = IntegerField(verbose_name=_('maximal RAM size'), help_text=_('Upper memory size limit ' 'for balloning.')) arch = CharField(max_length=10, verbose_name=_('architecture'), choices=ARCHITECTURES) priority = IntegerField(verbose_name=_('priority'), help_text=_('CPU priority.')) boot_menu = BooleanField(verbose_name=_('boot menu'), default=False, help_text=_( 'Show boot device selection menu on boot.')) raw_data = TextField(verbose_name=_('raw_data'), blank=True, help_text=_( 'Additional libvirt domain parameters in XML format.')) class Meta: abstract = True class NamedBaseResourceConfig(BaseResourceConfigModel, TimeStampedModel): """Pre-created, named base resource configurations. """ name = CharField(max_length=50, unique=True, verbose_name=_('name'), help_text= _('Name of base resource configuration.')) def __unicode__(self): return class Node(TimeStampedModel): """A VM host machine, a hypervisor. """ name = CharField(max_length=50, unique=True, verbose_name=_('name'), help_text=_('Human readable name of node.')) num_cores = IntegerField(verbose_name=_('number of cores'), help_text=_('Number of CPU threads ' 'available to the virtual machines.')) ram_size = IntegerField(verbose_name=_('RAM size'), help_text=_('Mebibytes of memory.')) priority = IntegerField(verbose_name=_('priority'), help_text=_('Node usage priority.')) host = ForeignKey(Host, verbose_name=_('host'), help_text=_('Host in firewall.')) enabled = BooleanField(verbose_name=_('enabled'), default=False, help_text=_('Indicates whether the node can ' 'be used for hosting.')) class Meta: permissions = () @property def online(self): """Indicates whether the node is connected and functional. """ pass # TODO implement check def __unicode__(self): return class NodeActivity(TimeStampedModel): activity_code = CharField(verbose_name=_('activity code'), max_length=100) # TODO task_uuid = CharField(verbose_name=_('task_uuid'), blank=True, max_length=50, null=True, unique=True, help_text=_( 'Celery task unique identifier.')) node = ForeignKey(Node, verbose_name=_('node'), related_name='activity_log', help_text=_('Node this activity works on.')) user = ForeignKey(User, verbose_name=_('user'), blank=True, null=True, help_text=_('The person who started this activity.')) started = DateTimeField(verbose_name=_('started at'), blank=True, null=True, help_text=_('Time of activity initiation.')) finished = DateTimeField(verbose_name=_('finished at'), blank=True, null=True, help_text=_('Time of activity finalization.')) result = TextField(verbose_name=_('result'), blank=True, null=True, help_text=_('Human readable result of activity.')) status = CharField(verbose_name=_('status'), default='PENDING', max_length=50, help_text=_('Actual state of activity')) def update_state(self, new_state): self.state = new_state def finish(self, result=None): if not self.finished: self.finished = self.result = result self.state = 'COMPLETED' class Lease(Model): """Lease times for VM instances. Specifies a time duration until suspension and deletion of a VM instance. """ name = CharField(max_length=100, unique=True, verbose_name=_('name')) suspend_interval_seconds = IntegerField(verbose_name=_('suspend interval')) delete_interval_seconds = IntegerField(verbose_name=_('delete interval')) class Meta: ordering = ['name', ] @property def suspend_interval(self): return timedelta(seconds=self.suspend_interval_seconds) @suspend_interval.setter def suspend_interval(self, value): self.suspend_interval_seconds = value.seconds @property def delete_interval(self): return timedelta(seconds=self.delete_interval_seconds) @delete_interval.setter def delete_interval(self, value): self.delete_interval_seconds = value.seconds def __unicode__(self): return class InstanceTemplate(BaseResourceConfigModel, TimeStampedModel): """Virtual machine template. Every template has: * a name and a description * an optional parent template * state of the template * an OS name/description * a method of access to the system * default values of base resource configuration * list of attached images * set of interfaces * lease times (suspension & deletion) * time of creation and last modification """ STATES = [('NEW', _('new')), # template has just been created ('SAVING', _('saving')), # changes are being saved ('READY', _('ready'))] # template is ready for instantiation name = CharField(max_length=100, unique=True, verbose_name=_('name'), help_text=_('Human readable name of template.')) description = TextField(verbose_name=_('description'), blank=True) parent = ForeignKey('self', null=True, blank=True, verbose_name=_('parent template'), help_text=_('Template which this one is derived of.')) system = TextField(verbose_name=_('operating system'), blank=True, help_text=(_('Name of operating system in ' 'format like "%s".') % 'Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Desktop amd64')) access_method = CharField(max_length=10, choices=ACCESS_METHODS, verbose_name=_('access method'), help_text=_('Primary remote access method.')) state = CharField(max_length=10, choices=STATES, default='NEW') disks = ManyToManyField(Disk, verbose_name=_('disks'), related_name='template_set', help_text=_('Disks which are to be mounted.')) lease = ForeignKey(Lease, related_name='template_set', verbose_name=_('lease'), help_text=_('Expiration times.')) class Meta: ordering = ['name', ] permissions = () verbose_name = _('template') verbose_name_plural = _('templates') def __unicode__(self): return def running_instances(self): """Returns the number of running instances of the template. """ return self.instance_set.filter(state='RUNNING').count() @property def os_type(self): """Get the type of the template's operating system. """ if self.access_method == 'rdp': return 'win' else: return 'linux' class InterfaceTemplate(Model): """Network interface template for an instance template. If the interface is managed, a host will be created for it. """ vlan = ForeignKey(Vlan, verbose_name=_('vlan'), help_text=_('Network the interface belongs to.')) managed = BooleanField(verbose_name=_('managed'), default=True, help_text=_('If a firewall host (i.e. IP address ' 'association) should be generated.')) template = ForeignKey(InstanceTemplate, verbose_name=_('template'), related_name='interface_set', help_text=_('Template the interface ' 'template belongs to.')) class Meta: permissions = () verbose_name = _('interface template') verbose_name_plural = _('interface templates') class Instance(BaseResourceConfigModel, TimeStampedModel): """Virtual machine instance. Every instance has: * a name and a description * an optional parent template * associated share * a generated password for login authentication * time of deletion and time of suspension * lease times (suspension & deletion) * last boot timestamp * host node * current state (libvirt domain state) * time of creation and last modification * base resource configuration values * owner and privilege information """ STATES = [('NOSTATE', _('nostate')), ('RUNNING', _('running')), ('BLOCKED', _('blocked')), ('PAUSED', _('paused')), ('SHUTDOWN', _('shutdown')), ('SHUTOFF', _('shutoff')), ('CRASHED', _('crashed')), ('PMSUSPENDED', _('pmsuspended'))] # libvirt domain states name = CharField(blank=True, max_length=100, verbose_name=_('name'), help_text=_("Human readable name of instance.")) description = TextField(blank=True, verbose_name=_('description')) template = ForeignKey(InstanceTemplate, blank=True, null=True, related_name='instance_set', help_text=_("Template the instance derives from."), verbose_name=_('template')) pw = CharField(help_text=_("Original password of the instance."), max_length=20, verbose_name=_('password')) time_of_suspend = DateTimeField(blank=True, default=None, null=True, verbose_name=_('time of suspend'), help_text=_("Proposed time of automatic " "suspension.")) time_of_delete = DateTimeField(blank=True, default=None, null=True, verbose_name=_('time of delete'), help_text=_("Proposed time of automatic " "deletion.")) active_since = DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True, help_text=_("Time stamp of successful " "boot report."), verbose_name=_('active since')) node = ForeignKey(Node, blank=True, null=True, related_name='instance_set', help_text=_("Current hypervisor of this instance."), verbose_name=_('host node')) state = CharField(choices=STATES, default='NOSTATE', max_length=20) disks = ManyToManyField(Disk, related_name='instance_set', help_text=_("Set of mounted disks."), verbose_name=_('disks')) lease = ForeignKey(Lease, help_text=_("Preferred expiration periods.")) access_method = CharField(max_length=10, choices=ACCESS_METHODS, help_text=_("Primary remote access method."), verbose_name=_('access method')) vnc_port = IntegerField(verbose_name=_('vnc_port'), help_text=_("TCP port where VNC console listens.")) owner = ForeignKey(User) destoryed = DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True, help_text=_("The virtual machine's time of " "destruction.")) class Meta: ordering = ['pk', ] permissions = () verbose_name = _('instance') verbose_name_plural = _('instances') def __unicode__(self): return @classmethod def create_from_template(cls, template, owner, **kwargs): """Create a new instance based on an InstanceTemplate. Can also specify parameters as keyword arguments which should override template settings. """ # prepare parameters kwargs['template'] = template kwargs['owner'] = owner kwargs.setdefault('name', kwargs.setdefault('description', template.description) kwargs.setdefault('pw', pwgen()) kwargs.setdefault('num_cores', template.num_cores) kwargs.setdefault('ram_size', template.ram_size) kwargs.setdefault('max_ram_size', template.max_ram_size) kwargs.setdefault('arch', template.arch) kwargs.setdefault('priority', template.priority) kwargs.setdefault('boot_menu', template.boot_menu) kwargs.setdefault('raw_data', template.raw_data) kwargs.setdefault('lease', kwargs.setdefault('access_method', template.access_method) # create instance and do additional setup inst = cls(**kwargs) # save instance for disk in template.disks.all(): inst.disks.add(disk.get_exclusive()) # create related entities for iftmpl in template.interface_set.all(): i = Interface.create_from_template(instance=inst, template=iftmpl, owner=owner) if port, proto = ACCESS_PROTOCOLS[i.instance.access_method][1:3] # TODO fix this port fw, private=port) return inst @permalink def get_absolute_url(self): return ('dashboard.views.detail', None, {'pk':}) @property def vm_name(self): """Name of the VM instance. This is a unique identifier as opposed to the 'name' attribute, which is just for display. """ return 'cloud-' + str( @property def primary_host(self): interfaces = self.interface_set.select_related('host') hosts = [ for i in interfaces if] if not hosts: return None hs = [h for h in hosts if h.ipv6] if hs: return hs[0] hs = [h for h in hosts if not h.shared_ip] if hs: return hs[0] return hosts[0] @property def ipv4(self): """Primary IPv4 address of the instance. """ return self.primary_host.ipv4 if self.primary_host else None @property def ipv6(self): """Primary IPv6 address of the instance. """ return self.primary_host.ipv6 if self.primary_host else None @property def mac(self): """Primary MAC address of the instance. """ return self.primary_host.mac if self.primary_host else None @property def uptime(self): """Uptime of the instance. """ if self.active_since: return - self.active_since else: return timedelta() # zero def get_age(self): """Deprecated. Use uptime instead. Get age of VM in seconds. """ return self.uptime.seconds @property def waiting(self): """Indicates whether the instance's waiting for an operation to finish. """ return self.activity_log.filter(finished__isnull=True).exists() def get_connect_port(self, use_ipv6=False): """Get public port number for default access method. """ port, proto = ACCESS_PROTOCOLS[self.access_method][1:3] if self.primary_host: endpoints = self.primary_host.get_public_endpoints(port, proto) endpoint = endpoints['ipv6'] if use_ipv6 else endpoints['ipv4'] return endpoint[1] if endpoint else None else: return None def get_connect_host(self, use_ipv6=False): """Get public hostname. """ if not self.firewall_host: return _('None') proto = 'ipv6' if use_ipv6 else 'ipv4' return self.firewall_host.get_hostname(proto=proto) def get_connect_uri(self, use_ipv6=False): """Get access parameters in URI format. """ try: port = self.get_connect_port(use_ipv6=use_ipv6) host = self.get_connect_host(use_ipv6=use_ipv6) proto = self.access_method if proto == 'ssh': proto = 'sshterm' return ('%(proto)s:cloud:%(pw)s:%(host)s:%(port)d' % {'port': port, 'proto': proto, 'pw':, 'host': host}) except: return def get_vm_desc(self): return { 'name': self.vm_name, 'vcpu': self.num_cores, 'memory': self.ram_size, 'memory_max': self.max_ram_size, 'cpu_share': self.priority, 'arch': self.arch, 'boot_menu': self.boot_menu, 'network_list': [n.get_vmnetwork_desc() for n in self.interface_set.all()], 'disk_list': [d.get_vmdisk_desc() for d in self.disks.all()], 'graphics': { 'type': 'vnc', 'listen': '', 'passwd': '', 'port': self.vnc_port }, 'raw_data': "" if not self.raw_data else self.raw_data } def get_remote_queue_name(self, queue_id): """Get the remote worker queue name of this instance with the specified queue ID. """ return + "." + queue_id def renew(self, which='both'): """Renew virtual machine instance leases. """ if which not in ['suspend', 'delete', 'both']: raise ValueError('No such expiration type.') if which in ['suspend', 'both']: self.time_of_suspend = + if which in ['delete', 'both']: self.time_of_delete = + def deploy(self, user=None, task_uuid=None): """Deploy new virtual machine with network :param self: The virtual machine to deploy. :type self: vm.models.Instance :param user: The user who's issuing the command. :type user: django.contrib.auth.models.User :param task_uuid: The task's UUID, if the command is being executed asynchronously. :type task_uuid: str """ act = InstanceActivity(activity_code='vm.Instance.deploy') act.instance = self act.user = user act.started = act.task_uuid = task_uuid # Schedule self.node = scheduler.get_node(self, Node.objects.all()) # Create virtual images act.update_state('DEPLOYING DISKS') for disk in self.disks.all(): disk.deploy() queue_name = self.get_remote_queue_name('vm') # Deploy VM on remote machine act.update_state('DEPLOYING VM') vm_tasks.create.apply_async(args=[self.get_vm_desc()], queue=queue_name).get() # Estabilish network connection (vmdriver) act.update_state('DEPLOYING NET') for net in self.interface_set.all(): net.deploy() # Resume vm act.update_state('BOOTING') vm_tasks.resume.apply_async(args=[self.vm_name], queue=queue_name).get() act.finish(result='SUCCESS') def deploy_async(self, user=None): """Execute deploy asynchronously. """ local_tasks.deploy.apply_async(args=[self, user], queue="") def destroy(self, user=None, task_uuid=None): """Remove virtual machine and its networks. :param self: The virtual machine to destroy. :type self: vm.models.Instance :param user: The user who's issuing the command. :type user: django.contrib.auth.models.User :param task_uuid: The task's UUID, if the command is being executed asynchronously. :type task_uuid: str """ act = InstanceActivity(activity_code='vm.Instance.destroy') act.instance = self act.user = user act.started = act.task_uuid = task_uuid # Destroy networks act.update_state('DESTROYING NET') for net in self.interface_set.all(): net.destroy() # Destroy virtual machine act.update_state('DESTROYING VM') queue_name = self.get_remote_queue_name('vm') vm_tasks.destroy.apply_async(args=[self.vm_name], queue=queue_name).get() # Destroy disks act.update_state('DESTROYING DISKS') for disk in self.disks.all(): disk.destroy() self.destoryed = act.finish(result="SUCCESS") def destroy_async(self, user=None): """Execute destroy asynchronously. """ local_tasks.destroy.apply_async(args=[self, user], queue="") def sleep(self, user=None, task_uuid=None): """Suspend virtual machine with memory dump. """ act = InstanceActivity(activity_code='vm.Instance.sleep') act.instance = self act.user = user act.started = act.task_uuid = task_uuid queue_name = self.get_remote_queue_name('vm') vm_tasks.sleep.apply_async(args=[self.vm_name], queue=queue_name).get() act.finish(result='SUCCESS') def sleep_async(self, user=None): """Execute sleep asynchronously. """ local_tasks.sleep.apply_async(args=[self, user], queue="") def wake_up(self, user=None, task_uuid=None): act = InstanceActivity(activity_code='vm.Instance.wake_up') act.instance = self act.user = user act.started = act.task_uuid = task_uuid queue_name = self.get_remote_queue_name('vm') vm_tasks.resume.apply_async(args=[self.vm_name], queue=queue_name).get() act.finish(result='SUCCESS') def wake_up_async(self, user=None): """Execute wake_up asynchronously. """ local_tasks.wake_up.apply_async(args=[self, user], queue="") def shutdown(self, user=None, task_uuid=None): """Shutdown virtual machine with ACPI signal. """ act = InstanceActivity(activity_code='vm.Instance.shutdown') act.instance = self act.user = user act.started = act.task_uuid = task_uuid queue_name = self.get_remote_queue_name('vm') vm_tasks.shutdown.apply_async(args=[self.vm_name], queue=queue_name).get() act.finish(result='SUCCESS') def shutdown_async(self, user=None): """Execute shutdown asynchronously. """ local_tasks.shutdown.apply_async(args=[self, user], queue="") def reset(self, user=None, task_uuid=None): """Reset virtual machine (reset button) """ act = InstanceActivity(activity_code='vm.Instance.reset') act.instance = self act.user = user act.started = act.task_uuid = task_uuid queue_name = self.get_remote_queue_name('vm') vm_tasks.restart.apply_async(args=[self.vm_name], queue=queue_name).get() act.finish(result='SUCCESS') def reset_async(self, user=None): """Execute reset asynchronously. """ local_tasks.restart.apply_async(args=[self, user], queue="") def reboot(self, user=None, task_uuid=None): """Reboot virtual machine with Ctrl+Alt+Del signal. """ act = InstanceActivity(activity_code='vm.Instance.reboot') act.instance = self act.user = user act.started = act.task_uuid = task_uuid queue_name = self.get_remote_queue_name('vm') vm_tasks.reboot.apply_async(args=[self.vm_name], queue=queue_name).get() act.finish(result='SUCCESS') def reboot_async(self, user=None): """Execute reboot asynchronously. """ local_tasks.reboot.apply_async(args=[self, user], queue="") class InstanceActivity(TimeStampedModel): activity_code = CharField(verbose_name=_('activity_code'), max_length=100) task_uuid = CharField(verbose_name=_('task_uuid'), blank=True, max_length=50, null=True, unique=True) instance = ForeignKey(Instance, verbose_name=_('instance'), related_name='activity_log') user = ForeignKey(User, verbose_name=_('user'), blank=True, null=True) started = DateTimeField(verbose_name=_('started'), blank=True, null=True) finished = DateTimeField(verbose_name=_('finished'), blank=True, null=True) result = TextField(verbose_name=_('result'), blank=True, null=True) state = CharField(verbose_name=_('state'), default='PENDING', max_length=50) def update_state(self, new_state): self.state = new_state def finish(self, result=None): if not self.finished: self.finished = self.result = result self.state = 'COMPLETED' class Interface(Model): """Network interface for an instance. """ vlan = ForeignKey(Vlan, verbose_name=_('vlan'), related_name="vm_interface") host = ForeignKey(Host, verbose_name=_('host'), blank=True, null=True) instance = ForeignKey(Instance, verbose_name=_('instance'), related_name='interface_set') def __unicode__(self): return 'cloud-' + str( + '-' + str(self.vlan.vid) @property def mac(self): try: return except: return Interface.generate_mac(self.instance, self.vlan) @classmethod def generate_mac(cls, instance, vlan): """Generate MAC address for a VM instance on a VLAN. """ # MAC 02:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX # \________/\__/ # VM ID VLAN ID i = & 0xfffffff v = vlan.vid & 0xfff m = (0x02 << 40) | (i << 12) | v return EUI(m, dialect=mac_unix) def get_vmnetwork_desc(self): return { 'name': self.__unicode__(), 'bridge': 'cloud', 'mac': str(self.mac), 'ipv4': if is not None else None, 'ipv6': if is not None else None, 'vlan': self.vlan.vid, 'managed': is not None } def deploy(self, user=None, task_uuid=None): net_tasks.create.apply_async( args=[self.get_vmnetwork_desc()], queue=self.instance.get_remote_queue_name('net')) def destroy(self, user=None, task_uuid=None): net_tasks.destroy.apply_async( args=[self.get_vmnetwork_desc()], queue=self.instance.get_remote_queue_name('net')) @classmethod def create_from_template(cls, instance, template, owner=None): """Create a new interface for an instance based on an InterfaceTemplate. """ if template.managed: host = Host() host.vlan = template.vlan # TODO change Host's mac field's type to EUI in firewall host.mac = str(cls.generate_mac(instance, template.vlan)) host.hostname = instance.vm_name # Get adresses from firewall addresses = template.vlan.get_new_address() host.ipv4 = addresses['ipv4'] host.ipv6 = addresses['ipv6'] host.owner = owner else: host = None iface = cls(vlan=template.vlan, host=host, instance=instance) return iface