# CIRCLE Project - Salt Installer ## OS Support * Red Hat Linux family: * Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7+ * Cent OS 7+ * Scientific Linux 7+ * Debian Linux family: * Debian linux 8+ * Ubuntu linux 14.04 LTS ## Prerequisites ### Red Hat family Install EPEL repository (if the link is broken, please contact us): ```bash sudo rpm -ivh http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/7/x86_64/e/epel-release-7-5.noarch.rpm ``` Install some important packages: ```bash sudo yum install python2-pip gcc vim git ``` ### Debian family Install some important packages: ```bash sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install python-pip vim git ``` ## Install Salt ```bash sudo pip install salt==2014.7.1 ``` ## Get the installer Clone circle installer git repository into cloud home ```bash git clone https://git.ik.bme.hu/circle/salt.git ``` ## Change variables Modify installer.sls file ``` vim salt/pillar/installer.sls ``` Most used variables ------------------- * **proxy_secret**: This is used to provide cryptographic signing, and should be set to a unique, unpredictable value. * **secret_key**: This is used to provide cryptographic signing, and should be set to a unique, unpredictable value. * **deployment_type**: local (development) or production * **admin_user**: user name to login in as admin on the site * **admin_pass**: password to login in as admin on the site * **database**: * **password**: database user’s password * **amqp**: * **password**: amqp user’s password * **host**: amqp server IP - usually runs at localhost * **graphite**: * **password**: graphite user’s password * **host**: graphite server IP - usually runs at localhost * **nfs**: * **enabled**: nfs is enabled * **server**: nfs server’s hostname * **network**: nfs server’s network to access files * **directory**: this directory will be shared * **storagedriver**: * **queue_name**: the server’s hostname * **fwdriver**: * **queue_name**: the server’s hostname * **gateway**: the server’s gateway * **external_net**: the server’s network * **external_if**: the server’s network interface Other variables --------------- * user: user who will install the software * time zone: the server’s time zone, format is region/city * amqp: * user: amqp user * port: amqp server’s port * vhost: virtual host - specifies the namespace for entities (exchanges and queues) referred to by the protocol * agent: * repo_revision: revision * agentdriver: * repo_revision: revision * cache: cache url - usually pylibmc:// * database: * name: django database’s name * user: database user * fwdriver: * repo_revision: revision * user: fwdriver user name * vm_if: vm interface * vm_et: vm network * management_if: management interface * reload_firewall_timeout: timeout for synchronous firewall reload * graphite: * user: graphite user * port: graphite server’s port * secret_key: graphite’s secret key * manager: * repo_revision: revision * monitor-client: * repo_revision: revision * storage-driver: * repo_revision: revision * vm-driver: * repo_revision: revision * vnc-driver: * repo_revision: revision ## Install Circle Run the following installation command: ```bash sudo salt-call state.sls allinone --local --file-root=/home/$USER/salt/salt --pillar-root=/home/$USER/salt/pillar ``` After this finished, you have to get "Failed: 0" message. If installer fails, please visit the [Troubleshooting](#troubleshooting) paragraph. After install, delete agent.conf or agent.service file: If you have upstart: ```bash sudo rm -f /etc/init/agent.conf ``` Or if you have systemd: ```bash sudo rm -f /etc/systemd/system/agent.service ``` ## Quickstart - Standalone Node ### Login Log in into the Circle website with admin (the site is accessable on the 443 port). Name and password is in the `salt/pillar/installer.sls`. ### Create Node To run virtual machines, we need to create nodes - and add to the system. Click on the new icon in the dashboard, Nodes menu. #### Configure Node To standalone configuration, type the current machine's hostname to Host/name, MAC address to Host/MAC, IP to HOST/IP. Choose managed-vm as VLAN. #### Activate Node Click on the 'Activate' icon to use the Node. ### Start Virtual Machine To create new Virtual Machine, we use Templates - images based on previously saved VMs. Currently we haven't got any template - so let's create a new one. Click on Templates/new icon and choose 'Create a new base VM without disk'. #### Configure Template Set name, CPU and RAM settings, architecture. Check in the boot menu box, select network and lease, write down, which operating system will you use. Finally, create a template. > The rows marked with astersk need to be filled.  #### Add disk Currently we don't have any disks attached to our VM. To add, click on the Resources menu, 'create disk' icon, set the name and size.  #### Attach ISO To install an OS, we can use ISO images, to boot from. Click on 'download disk' and type the ISO's URL.  ### Start Virtual Machine Finally, we can run the machine. Click on 'deploy' and start it. You can choose, on which node do you want to run.  ## Troubleshooting ## ### Portal won't load Maybe port 443 is closed. Check and open it. ### Portal won't load on Ubuntu 14.04 ```bash sudo service nginx restart ``` ### Cannot reach the internet on VM-s on distro from Red Hat family ```bash sudo systemctl restart systemd-sysctl ```