diff --git a/circle/vm/models/node.py b/circle/vm/models/node.py
index 07abebf..e44f21a 100644
--- a/circle/vm/models/node.py
+++ b/circle/vm/models/node.py
@@ -16,10 +16,11 @@ from firewall.models import Host
 from ..tasks import vm_tasks
 from .common import Trait
-from .activity import node_activity
+from .activity import node_activity, NodeActivity
 from monitor.calvin.calvin import Query
 from monitor.calvin.calvin import GraphiteHandler
+from django.utils import timezone
 logger = getLogger(__name__)
@@ -56,8 +57,14 @@ class Node(TimeStampedModel):
     @method_cache(10, 5)
     def get_online(self):
+        """Check if the node is online.
-        return self.remote_query(vm_tasks.ping, timeout=1, default=False)
+        Runs a remote ping task if the worker is running.
+        """
+        try:
+            return self.remote_query(vm_tasks.ping, timeout=1, default=False)
+        except WorkerNotFound:
+            return False
     online = property(get_online)
@@ -66,15 +73,14 @@ class Node(TimeStampedModel):
         """Number of CPU threads available to the virtual machines.
-        return self.remote_query(vm_tasks.get_core_num)
+        return self.remote_query(vm_tasks.get_core_num, default=0)
     num_cores = property(get_num_cores)
     def state(self):
-        """Node state.
+        """The state combined of online and enabled attributes.
         if self.enabled and self.online:
             return 'ONLINE'
         elif self.enabled and not self.online:
@@ -86,22 +92,25 @@ class Node(TimeStampedModel):
     def disable(self, user=None):
         ''' Disable the node.'''
-        with node_activity(code_suffix='disable', node=self, user=user):
-            self.enabled = False
-            self.save()
+        if self.enabled is True:
+            with node_activity(code_suffix='disable', node=self, user=user):
+                self.enabled = False
+                self.save()
     def enable(self, user=None):
         ''' Enable the node. '''
-        with node_activity(code_suffix='enable', node=self, user=user):
-            self.enabled = True
-            self.save()
+        if self.enabled is not True:
+            with node_activity(code_suffix='enable', node=self, user=user):
+                self.enabled = True
+                self.save()
+            self.get_num_cores(invalidate_cache=True)
+            self.get_ram_size(invalidate_cache=True)
     def get_ram_size(self):
         """Bytes of total memory in the node.
-        return self.remote_query(vm_tasks.get_ram_size)
+        return self.remote_query(vm_tasks.get_ram_size, default=0)
     ram_size = property(get_ram_size)
@@ -113,25 +122,77 @@ class Node(TimeStampedModel):
     def get_remote_queue_name(self, queue_id):
-        """ Return the remote queue name
+        """Return the name of the remote celery queue for this node.
         throws Exception if there is no worker on the queue.
-        Until the cache provide reult there can be dead quques.
+        Until the cache provide reult there can be dead queues.
         if vm_tasks.check_queue(self.host.hostname, queue_id):
+            self.node_online()
             return self.host.hostname + "." + queue_id
+            if self.enabled is True:
+                self.node_offline()
             raise WorkerNotFound()
+    def node_online(self):
+        """Create activity and log entry when node reappears.
+        """
+        try:
+            act = self.activity_log.order_by('-pk')[0]
+        except IndexError:
+            pass  # no monitoring activity at all
+        else:
+            logger.debug("The last activity was %s" % act)
+            if act.activity_code.endswith("offline"):
+                act = NodeActivity.create(code_suffix='monitor_succes_online',
+                                          node=self, user=None)
+                act.started = timezone.now()
+                act.finished = timezone.now()
+                act.succeeded = True
+                act.save()
+                logger.info("Node %s is ONLINE." % self.name)
+                self.get_num_cores(invalidate_cache=True)
+                self.get_ram_size(invalidate_cache=True)
+    def node_offline(self):
+        """Called when a node disappears.
+        If the node is not already offline, record an activity and a log entry.
+        """
+        try:
+            act = self.activity_log.order_by('-pk')[0]
+        except IndexError:
+            pass  # no activity at all
+        else:
+            logger.debug("The last activity was %s" % act)
+            if act.activity_code.endswith("offline"):
+                return
+        act = NodeActivity.create(code_suffix='monitor_failed_offline',
+                                  node=self, user=None)
+        act.started = timezone.now()
+        act.finished = timezone.now()
+        act.succeeded = False
+        act.save()
+        logger.critical("Node %s is OFFLINE%s.", self.name,
+                        ", but enabled" if self.enabled else "")
+        # TODO: check if we should reschedule any VMs?
     def remote_query(self, task, timeout=30, raise_=False, default=None):
         """Query the given task, and get the result.
-        If the result is not ready in timeout secs, return default value or
-        raise a TimeoutError."""
-        r = task.apply_async(
-            queue=self.get_remote_queue_name('vm'), expires=timeout + 60)
+        If the result is not ready or worker not reachable
+        in timeout secs, return default value or raise a
+        TimeoutError or WorkerNotFound exception.
+        """
+            r = task.apply_async(
+                queue=self.get_remote_queue_name('vm'), expires=timeout + 60)
             return r.get(timeout=timeout)
-        except TimeoutError:
+        except (TimeoutError, WorkerNotFound):
             if raise_:
@@ -175,6 +236,11 @@ class Node(TimeStampedModel):
         return float(self.get_monitor_info()["memory.usage"]) / 100
     def update_vm_states(self):
+        """Update state of Instances running on this Node.
+        Query state of all libvirt domains, and notify Instances by their
+        vm_state_changed hook.
+        """
         domains = {}
         domain_list = self.remote_query(vm_tasks.list_domains_info, timeout=5)
         if domain_list is None: