diff --git a/circle/dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-common.js b/circle/dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-common.js
index 40cf29c..55599f3 100644
--- a/circle/dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-common.js
+++ b/circle/dashboard/static/dashboard/vm-common.js
@@ -18,6 +18,15 @@ $(function() {
         $('#create-modal').on('hidden.bs.modal', function() {
+        $('#vm-migrate-node-list li').click(function(e) {
+          var li = $(this).closest('li');
+          if (li.find('input').attr('disabled'))
+            return true;
+          $('#vm-migrate-node-list li').removeClass('panel-primary');
+          li.addClass('panel-primary').find('input').attr('checked', true);
+          return false;
+        });
+        $('#vm-migrate-node-list li input:checked').closest('li').addClass('panel-primary');
     return false;
diff --git a/circle/dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-migrate.html b/circle/dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-migrate.html
index b1a93cc..e1ec92b 100644
--- a/circle/dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-migrate.html
+++ b/circle/dashboard/templates/dashboard/_vm-migrate.html
@@ -1,18 +1,26 @@
 {% load i18n %}
 {% load sizefieldtags %}
-<form method="POST" action="{% url "dashboard.views.vm-migrate" pk=vm %}">
+<form method="POST" action="{% url "dashboard.views.vm-migrate" pk=vm.pk %}">
   {% csrf_token %}
   <ul id="vm-migrate-node-list">
-  {% for n in nodes %}
-    <li>
-      <strong>{{ n }}</strong>
-      <input type="radio" name="node" value="{{ n.pk }}" style="float: right;"/> 
-      <span class="vm-migrate-node-property">{% trans "CPU load" %}: {{ n.cpu_usage }}</span>
-      <span class="vm-migrate-node-property">{% trans "RAM usage" %}: {{ n.byte_ram_usage|filesize }}/{{ n.ram_size|filesize }}</span>
-      <div style="clear: both;"></div>  
-    </li>
-  {% endfor %}
+  {% with current=vm.node.pk selected=vm.select_node.pk %}
+    {% for n in nodes %}
+      <li class="panel panel-default"><div class="panel-body">
+        <label for="migrate-to-{{n.pk}}">
+          <strong>{{ n }}</strong>
+          {% if current == n.pk %}<div class="label label-info">{% trans "current" %}</div>{% endif %}
+          {% if selected == n.pk %}<div class="label label-success">{% trans "recommended" %}</div>{% endif %}
+        </label>
+        <input id="migrate-to-{{n.pk}}" type="radio" name="node" value="{{ n.pk }}" style="float: right;"
+        {% if current == n.pk %}disabled="disabled"{% endif %}
+        {% if selected == n.pk %}checked="checked"{% endif %} />
+        <span class="vm-migrate-node-property">{% trans "CPU load" %}: {{ n.cpu_usage }}</span>
+        <span class="vm-migrate-node-property">{% trans "RAM usage" %}: {{ n.byte_ram_usage|filesize }}/{{ n.ram_size|filesize }}</span>
+        <div style="clear: both;"></div>
+      </div></li>
+    {% endfor %}
+  {% endwith %}
   <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary btn-sm"><i class="icon-truck"></i> Migrate</button>
diff --git a/circle/dashboard/views.py b/circle/dashboard/views.py
index 0b6ead1..e21ffc1 100644
--- a/circle/dashboard/views.py
+++ b/circle/dashboard/views.py
@@ -1731,7 +1731,7 @@ class VmMigrateView(SuperuserRequiredMixin, TemplateView):
             'template': 'dashboard/_vm-migrate.html',
             'box_title': _('Migrate %(name)s' % {'name': vm.name}),
             'ajax_title': True,
-            'vm': kwargs['pk'],
+            'vm': vm,
             'nodes': [n for n in Node.objects.filter(enabled=True)
                       if n.state == "ONLINE"]
diff --git a/circle/vm/models/instance.py b/circle/vm/models/instance.py
index 97b6602..7adebfe 100644
--- a/circle/vm/models/instance.py
+++ b/circle/vm/models/instance.py
@@ -583,10 +583,13 @@ class Instance(AclBase, VirtualMachineDescModel, TimeStampedModel):
-    def __schedule_vm(self, act):
-        """Schedule the virtual machine.
+    def select_node(self):
+        """Returns the node the VM should be deployed or migrated to.
+        """
+        return scheduler.select_node(self, Node.objects.all())
-        :param self: The virtual machine.
+    def __schedule_vm(self, act):
+        """Schedule the virtual machine as part of a higher level activity.
         :param act: Parent activity.
@@ -596,7 +599,7 @@ class Instance(AclBase, VirtualMachineDescModel, TimeStampedModel):
         # Schedule
         if self.node is None:
-            self.node = scheduler.select_node(self, Node.objects.all())
+            self.node = self.select_node()