#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Place holder for all windows specific frequently used classes. Currently here: RegistryHandler - Registry based operations DecideArchitecture - Accurate way to decide operating system architecture """ import os import argparse import errno from _winreg import * try: from collections import * except ImporError: from OrderedDict import * def parse_arguments(): """ Argument parser, based on argparse module Keyword arguments: @return args -- arguments given by console """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "-g", "--global", help="Whether we want to edit registry globally or just locally", action="store_true") parser.add_argument( "-d", "--different", help="Only handle the architecture specific registry area", action="store_true") parser.add_argument( "-r", "--registry", help="Which HKEY_* const registry type the program should use", type=str, choices=['HKLM', 'HKCR', 'HKCU', 'HKU', 'HKPD', 'HKCC'], default="HKLM") args = parser.parse_args() return args def main(): return RegistryHandler(parse_arguments()) class Struct: """ Parameter bypassing struct """ pass class RegistryHandler: """ Registry handling class, makes registry based queries and manipulations easier. This class can handle WOW64 based application differently and none differently (default) """ def __init__(self, args = None): """Initialise RegistryHandler Keyword arguments: @param args -- The arguments that decide how the we should handle the registry args.registry -- What base registry should we use (default: HKLM) Raises AttributeError if not supported base registry type is given args.different -- Whether we handle registry redirection or not """ if args is None: self.args = Struct() self.args.different = None self.args.registry = None else: if not hasattr(args, 'different'): args.different = None if not hasattr(args, 'registry'): args.registry = None self.args = args if self.args.different is None: self.args.different = False if self.args.registry is None or self.args.registry == "HKLM": self.args.registry = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE elif self.args.registry == "HKCR": self.args.registry = HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT elif self.args.registry == "HKCU": self.args.registry = HKEY_CURRENT_USER elif self.args.registry == "HKU": self.args.registry = HKEY_USERS elif self.args.registry == "HKPD": self.args.registry = HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA elif self.args.registry == "HKCC": self.args.registry = HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG else: #print "Non supported registry type" raise AttributeError def connect_registry(self): """ Getting a registry open Keyword arguments: @return connected_registy -- Reference to the newly opened registry """ return ConnectRegistry(None,self.args.registry) def create_registry_from_dict_chain( self, dict_chain, both = False, architect = KEY_WOW64_64KEY, needed_rights = KEY_ALL_ACCESS): """" Create registry key and value multilevel tree by chained dictionaries. Can raise AttributeError if the provided dict chain isn't correct Keyword arguments: @param key_value_chain -- The dict chain containing all the information @param both -- Whether create the registry in WOW64 node too @param architect -- The current registry view ( only change it if we want to fill the WOW6432 registry only [both = False], on x64 windows) @param needed_rights -- SAM rights to access the key """ if both and architect is KEY_WOW64_64KEY: self.create_registry_from_dict_chain( dict_chain, False, KEY_WOW64_32KEY, needed_rights) if not DecideArchitecture.Is64Windows(): architect = 0 connected_registy = self.connect_registry() if (isinstance(dict_chain, dict) or isinstance(dict_chain, OrderedDict)): for key, value in dict_chain.iteritems(): if isinstance(value, dict) or isinstance(value, OrderedDict): temp_dict = OrderedDict() for my_key, my_value in value.iteritems(): temp_dict[key+"\\"+my_key] = my_value self.create_registry_from_dict_chain( temp_dict, False, architect, needed_rights) else: if isinstance(value, list): if len(value)%2 != 0: #print "Not enough member in the list" raise AttributeError else: new_key = CreateKeyEx( connected_registy, key, 0, needed_rights | architect) temp_dict = OrderedDict( value[i:i+2] for i in range( 0, len(value), 2)) for my_key, my_value in temp_dict.iteritems(): if my_key == "default": my_key = None SetValueEx( new_key, my_key, 0, REG_SZ, my_value) else: new_key = CreateKeyEx( connected_registy, key, 0, needed_rights | architect) SetValueEx(new_key, None, 0, REG_SZ, value) else: print "The provided attribute wasn't a dictionary chain" raise AttributeError def get_key(self, key_name, needed_rights = KEY_ALL_ACCESS): """ Getting a registry value by it's key's name Can raise KeyError if key is not found in the registry Keyword arguments: @param key_name -- The specific key name of which value we are interested in @param needed_rights -- SAM rights to access the key @return -- [key, architect] key -- Reference to the opened key handler architect -- 0 for x86 KEY_WOW64_32KEY or KEY_WOW64_64KEY depending where we found the key on x64 """ connected_registy = self.connect_registry() architect = 0 if DecideArchitecture.Is64Windows(): architect = KEY_WOW64_64KEY try: key = OpenKey(connected_registy, key_name, 0, needed_rights | architect) except WindowsError: if DecideArchitecture.Is64Windows() and not self.args.different: try: architect = KEY_WOW64_32KEY key = OpenKey(connected_registy, key_name, 0, needed_rights | architect) except WindowsError: raise KeyError else: raise KeyError return [key, architect] def get_key_values( self, key_name, subkey_list, subroutine = False, depth = "subkeys"): """ Getting registry subkeys value by it's key's name and subkeys name Can raise LookupError exception if there are missing data Can raise AttributeError exception if depth attribute is wrong Keyword arguments: @param key_name -- The specific key name of which subkey's we are interested in @param subkey_list -- List containing all the subkeys names which values we are interested in @param subroutine -- Whether suppress exception about not having enough results or not (default: False) @param depth -- How depth the search should go for [options: key, subkeys, all] (default: subkeys) @return results{} -- Dictionary with the subkey_name - value combinations as keys and values """ if depth == "key": int_depth = 0; elif depth == "subkeys": int_depth = 1; elif depth == "all": int_depth = 2; else: raise AttributeError try: key_and_architect = self.get_key(key_name) key = key_and_architect[0] architect = key_and_architect[1] except KeyError: #print "%s doesn't exist in the registry" % key_name raise LookupError #print "%s found in the registry" % key_name results = {} if int_depth >= 1: for i in xrange(0, QueryInfoKey(key)[0]-1): skey_name = EnumKey(key, i) skey = OpenKey(key, skey_name, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS | architect) if int_depth == 2 and QueryInfoKey(skey)[0] > 0: for key, value in self.get_key_values( skey_name, subkey_list, True, depth).iteritems(): results[key] = value for subkey_name in subkey_list: try: results[subkey_name] = QueryValueEx( skey, subkey_name)[0] except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: #print ("%s doesn't exist in this" % subkey_name # " subkey") pass skey.Close() if not results or len(results) != len(subkey_list): for subkey_name in subkey_list: try: results[subkey_name] = QueryValueEx(key, subkey_name)[0] except OSError as e: pass key.Close() if len(results) != len(subkey_list): #print "We are missing important variables" raise LookupError return results def get_key_value( self, key_name, subkey_name, subroutine = None, depth = None): """ This is a wrapper for the get_key_values to be easier to use for single subkeys. Getting registry subkey value by it's key's name and subkey name Keyword arguments: @param key_name -- The specific key name of which subkey's we are interested in @param subkey_name -- The specific subkey name which value we are interested in @param subroutine -- can be found at: get_key_values @param depth -- can be found at: get_key_values @return value -- Value of the specific subkey """ try: if subroutine is None: return self.get_key_values(key_name, [subkey_name])[subkey_name] elif depth is None: return self.get_key_values(key_name, [subkey_name], subroutine)[subkey_name] else: return self.get_key_values(key_name, [subkey_name], subroutine, depth)[subkey_name] except: raise class DecideArchitecture: """ Helper class to get the true ProgramFiles directory. This class doesn't depend on Phyton or Windows architecture. """ @staticmethod def Is64Windows(): return 'PROGRAMFILES(X86)' in os.environ @staticmethod def GetProgramFiles32(): if DecideArchitecture.Is64Windows(): return os.environ['PROGRAMFILES(X86)'] else: return os.environ['PROGRAMFILES'] @staticmethod def GetProgramFiles64(): if DecideArchitecture.Is64Windows(): return os.environ['PROGRAMW6432'] else: return None