#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Place holder for all windows specific frequently used classes.
Currently here:
  RegistryHandler - Registry based operations
  DecideArchitecture - Accurate way to decide operating system architecture

import os
import argparse
import errno
from _winreg import *  # noqa
    from collections import *  # noqa
except ImporError:
    from OrderedDict import *  # noqa

def parse_arguments():
    Argument parser, based on argparse module

    Keyword arguments:
    @return args -- arguments given by console
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
        "-g", "--global",
        help="Whether we want to edit registry globally or just locally",
        "-d", "--different",
        help="Only handle the architecture specific registry area",
        "-r", "--registry",
        help="Which HKEY_* const registry type the program should use",
        type=str, choices=['HKLM', 'HKCR', 'HKCU', 'HKU', 'HKPD', 'HKCC'],
    args = parser.parse_args()
    return args

def main():
    return RegistryHandler(parse_arguments())

class Struct:
    Parameter bypassing struct

class ClientRegistry:
    def directory():
        custom_param = Struct()
        custom_param.registry = "HKCU"
        handler = RegistryHandler(custom_param)
        directory = None
            directory = handler.get_key_value(
                "Software\CIRCLE Cloud Client", "running_directory")
        except LookupError:
            directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
        return directory

class RegistryHandler:
    Registry handling class, makes registry based queries and
    manipulations easier.
    This class can handle WOW64 based application differently and
    similarly (default)

    def __init__(self, args=None):
        """Initialise RegistryHandler

        Keyword arguments:
        @param args  -- The arguments that decide how the we should
                        handle the registry
        args.registry    -- What base registry should we use
                            (default: HKLM)
        Raises AttributeError if not supported base registry type is
        args.different -- Whether we handle registry redirection or not
        if args is None:
            self.args = Struct()
            self.args.different = None
            self.args.registry = None
            if not hasattr(args, 'different'):
                args.different = None
            if not hasattr(args, 'registry'):
                args.registry = None
            self.args = args
        if self.args.different is None:
            self.args.different = False
        if self.args.registry is None or self.args.registry == "HKLM":
            self.args.registry = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
        elif self.args.registry == "HKCR":
            self.args.registry = HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
        elif self.args.registry == "HKCU":
            self.args.registry = HKEY_CURRENT_USER
        elif self.args.registry == "HKU":
            self.args.registry = HKEY_USERS
        elif self.args.registry == "HKPD":
            self.args.registry = HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA
        elif self.args.registry == "HKCC":
            self.args.registry = HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG
            # print "Non supported registry type"
            raise AttributeError

    def connect_registry(self):
        Getting a registry open

        Keyword arguments:
        @return connected_registy    -- Reference to the newly opened
        return ConnectRegistry(None, self.args.registry)

    def create_registry_from_dict_chain(
            self, dict_chain, both=False, architect=KEY_WOW64_64KEY,
        Create registry key and value multilevel tree by chained
        Can raise AttributeError if the provided dict chain isn't

        Keyword arguments:
        @param key_value_chain -- The dict chain containing all the
        @param both            -- Whether create the registry in WOW64
                                  node too
        @param architect       -- The current registry view (
                                  only change it if we want to fill the
                                  WOW6432 registry only [both = False],
                                  on x64 windows)
        @param needed_rights   -- SAM rights to access the key
        if both and architect is KEY_WOW64_64KEY:
                dict_chain, False, KEY_WOW64_32KEY, needed_rights)
        if not DecideArchitecture.Is64Windows():
            architect = 0
        connected_registy = self.connect_registry()
        if (isinstance(dict_chain, dict)
                or isinstance(dict_chain, OrderedDict)):
            for key, value in dict_chain.iteritems():
                if isinstance(value, dict) or isinstance(value, OrderedDict):
                    temp_dict = OrderedDict()
                    for my_key, my_value in value.iteritems():
                        temp_dict[key + "\\" + my_key] = my_value
                        temp_dict, False, architect, needed_rights)
                    if isinstance(value, list):
                        if len(value) % 2 != 0:
                            # print "Not enough member in the list"
                            raise AttributeError
                            new_key = CreateKeyEx(
                                connected_registy, key, 0,
                                needed_rights | architect)
                            temp_dict = OrderedDict(
                                value[i:i + 2] for i in range(
                                    0, len(value), 2))
                            for my_key, my_value in temp_dict.iteritems():
                                if my_key == "default":
                                    my_key = None
                                    new_key, my_key, 0, REG_SZ, my_value)
                        new_key = CreateKeyEx(
                            connected_registy, key, 0,
                            needed_rights | architect)
                        SetValueEx(new_key, None, 0, REG_SZ, value)
            print "The provided attribute wasn't a dictionary chain"
            raise AttributeError

    def get_key(self, key_name, needed_rights=KEY_ALL_ACCESS):
        Getting a registry value by it's key's name
        Can raise KeyError if key is not found in the registry

        Keyword arguments:
        @param key_name      -- The specific key name of which value we
                                are interested in
        @param needed_rights -- SAM rights to access the key
        @return              -- [key, architect]
                                key          -- Reference to the opened
                                                key handler
                                architect    -- 0 for x86
                                                KEY_WOW64_32KEY or
                                                depending where we
                                                found the key on x64
        connected_registy = self.connect_registry()
        architect = 0
        if DecideArchitecture.Is64Windows():
            architect = KEY_WOW64_64KEY
            key = OpenKey(connected_registy, key_name, 0,
                          needed_rights | architect)
        except WindowsError:
            if DecideArchitecture.Is64Windows() and not self.args.different:
                    architect = KEY_WOW64_32KEY
                    key = OpenKey(connected_registy, key_name,
                                  0, needed_rights | architect)
                except WindowsError:
                    raise KeyError
                raise KeyError
        return [key, architect]

    def get_key_values(
            self, key_name, subkey_list, subroutine=False,
        Getting registry subkeys value by it's key's name and subkeys
        Can raise LookupError exception if there are missing data
        Can raise AttributeError exception if depth attribute is wrong

        Keyword arguments:
        @param key_name      -- The specific key name of which subkey's
                                we are interested in
        @param subkey_list   -- List containing all the subkeys names
                                which values we are interested in
        @param subroutine    -- Whether suppress exception about not
                                having enough results or not
                                (default: False)
        @param depth         -- How depth the search should go for
                                [options: key, subkeys, all]
                                (default: subkeys)
        @return results{}    -- Dictionary with the subkey_name - value
                                combinations as keys and values
        if depth == "key":
            int_depth = 0
        elif depth == "subkeys":
            int_depth = 1
        elif depth == "all":
            int_depth = 2
            raise AttributeError
            key_and_architect = self.get_key(key_name)
            key = key_and_architect[0]
            architect = key_and_architect[1]
        except KeyError:
            # print "%s doesn't exist in the registry" % key_name
            raise LookupError
        # print "%s found in the registry" % key_name
        results = {}
        if int_depth >= 1:
            for i in xrange(0, QueryInfoKey(key)[0] - 1):
                skey_name = EnumKey(key, i)
                skey = OpenKey(key, skey_name, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS | architect)
                if int_depth == 2 and QueryInfoKey(skey)[0] > 0:
                    for key, value in self.get_key_values(
                            skey_name, subkey_list, True, depth).iteritems():
                        results[key] = value
                for subkey_name in subkey_list:
                        results[subkey_name] = QueryValueEx(
                            skey, subkey_name)[0]
                    except OSError as e:
                        if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
                            # print ("%s doesn't exist in this" % subkey_name
                            #        " subkey")
        if not results or len(results) != len(subkey_list):
            for subkey_name in subkey_list:
                    results[subkey_name] = QueryValueEx(key, subkey_name)[0]
                except OSError as e:
        if len(results) != len(subkey_list):
            # print "We are missing important variables"
            raise LookupError
        return results

    def get_key_value(
            self, key_name, subkey_name, subroutine=None, depth=None):
        This is a wrapper for the get_key_values to be easier to use
        for single subkeys.
        Getting registry subkey value by it's key's name and subkey

        Keyword arguments:
        @param key_name      -- The specific key name of which subkey's
                                we are interested in
        @param subkey_name   -- The specific subkey name which value we
                                are interested in
        @param subroutine    -- can be found at: get_key_values
        @param depth         -- can be found at: get_key_values
        @return value        -- Value of the specific subkey
            if subroutine is None:
                return self.get_key_values(
                    key_name, [subkey_name])[subkey_name]
            elif depth is None:
                return self.get_key_values(
                    key_name, [subkey_name], subroutine)[subkey_name]
                return self.get_key_values(
                    key_name, [subkey_name], subroutine, depth)[subkey_name]

class DecideArchitecture:
    Helper class to get the true ProgramFiles directory.
    This class doesn't depend on Phyton or Windows architecture.

    def Is64Windows():
        return 'PROGRAMFILES(X86)' in os.environ

    def GetProgramFiles32():
        if DecideArchitecture.Is64Windows():
            return os.environ['PROGRAMFILES(X86)']
            return os.environ['PROGRAMFILES']

    def GetProgramFiles64():
        if DecideArchitecture.Is64Windows():
            return os.environ['PROGRAMW6432']
            return None